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, Aug. 8, 1821 Weights and Measures regulated in the Province, 1705 West street Gate at the Common, completed, June 7, 1862 Whipped A man for shooting a fowl Sunday, Nov. 30, 1630 Philip Ratcliff, for scandal, June 14, 1631 Josiah Plaisted, for stealing, Sep. 27, 1631 A man, for profane swearing, Sep. 4, 1632 Several men and women, for petty crimes, Oct., 1632 Mrs. Oliver, for reproaching the Magistrates, Dec. 9, 1640 Obadiah Holmes, for being a Baptist, Feb., 1651 Holden and Copeland, Quakers, whipped and gagged, Sep. 23, 1657 Horrid Gardner, with a child at her breast, Quakeress, Sep., 1657 Many persons for being Baptists, 1667 Margaret Brewster, a Quakeress, at the cart's tail, July 8, 1677 A man that married his sister, Apr. 20, 1695 Three women, for lewdness, March, 1718 A boy aged thirteen, for indecent assault, Feb. 26, 1725 Elizabeth Creighton, for lewdness, Nov. 26, 1754 Six negroes, for drumming for the Yankees, F
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 6., The Lawrence Light Guard.—Continued. (search)
1835 to 1850, the custom was almost universal. After the fire in 1850, most of the buildings destroyed were replaced by cheaper structures, many of which are still in existence. The Tufts lot, corner of South and Main streets, remained vacant for many years. Finally, the Central Engine House was built there. Ancestry of Aaron Blanchard, periwig-maker. I. Thomas Blanchard, the emigrant, came from Hampshire, England, in 1639. He lived in Braintree, Mass., from 1646 to 1651. In February, 1651, he bought of Rev. John Wilson, Jr., pastor of the church in Dorchester, a house and farm of two hundred acres in Charlestown, lying on the north side of Mystic river, and between Malden river on the east, and the Cradock farm, or Medford line, on the west. This land is now known as Wellington. The farm remained a part of the town of Charlestown until 1726,, when it was annexed to Malden, but later set off to Medford. Thomas Blanchard was married twice in England, and married a third
would take her. In a year they were married, he being twenty-eight years old and his wife eighteen. She was a direct descendant of Peter Tufts. . . . I will say in passing that in the Salem street burying ground, a rod or two from the monument in a southeasterly direction lies the body of George Blanchard, who died in 1700, aged eighty-one or eighty-four. He inherited from his father, Thomas, Thomas Blanchard, the emigrant, came from England in 1639, and lived in Braintree, Mass. In February, 1651, he bought of Rev. John Wilson, Jr., pastor of the church in Dorchester, house and a farm of two hundred acres, known now as Wellington, but then belonging to Charlestown. In 1726 it was annexed to Malden and afterwards to Medford. Mr. Blanchard died at Wellington in 1654. The above is not in the history of Medford, but is from the completed records of this branch of the Blanchard family. the English emigrant, two hundred acres of land now known as Wellington. The present family i