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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1 1 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Rhode Island, (search)
. William Coddington April 28, 1639-47 Presidents under the patent Providence, Warwick, Portsmouth, and Newport John CoggeshallMay, 1647 William Coddington May, 1648 John SmithMay, 1649 Nicholas Easton May 1650 Providence and Warwick. Samuel Gorton Oct., 1651 John Smith May, 1652 Gregory Dexter May, 1653 Portsmouth and Newport John Sanford, SrMay. 1653 Four towns United Nicholas Easton May, 1654 Roger WilliamsSept., 1654 Benedict Arnold May, 1657 William BrentonMay, 1660 Benedict Arnold May. 1662 Governors under Royal charter. Benedict Arnold Nov., 1663 William Brenton May, 1666 Benedict Arnold May 1669 Nicholas EastonMay 1672 William CoddingtonMay 1674 Walter Clarke May 1676 Benedict ArnoldMay 1677 William Coddington Aug. 28, 1678 John Cranston Nov. 1678 Peleg Sandford March 16, 1680 William Coddington, Jr. May, 1683 Henry BullMay 1685 Walter Clarke May 1686 Henry Bull Feb. 27, 1690 John Easton May, 1690 Caleb CarrMay, 1695 Walter Cla
wen 8. and 9. in ye morning: all in good health thro: ye good hand of God! upon us: oh! yt men would praise the Lord for his goodness,—as ps. 107. 21 &c. 29d. 5 m.—Lds day; wee had opportunity of waiting upon God in his publick ordinances, wch wer solemnly performed by Mr. Mitchel. 9d. 6 m.—At night Majr Gookins shewed us a printed paper yt was brought in ye Scotch ship, wherein ye Lords do order 66 members of ye High court of Justice to be secured, wth yr estates,—its dated 18d. May, 1660. But I will meditate on Hebr. 13. 5, 6. 15d. 6 m.—Sup't at Mr. Chancey's; the good old servant of ye Lord, still expressing much affection, & telling us, he was perswaded ye Ld had brought us to this country for good both to them and or selves. 23d. 6 m.—In ye evening wee vissited Elder Frost, who reed us with great kindness & love esteeming it a favour yt we would come into vr mean habitation; assured us of his fervent prayers to ye Lord for us:—A glorious saint makes a mean