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Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 55 55 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 15 15 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 12 12 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 6 6 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 5 5 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 3 3 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 3 3 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 3 3 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904 2 2 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for 1669 AD or search for 1669 AD in all documents.

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hither again; which made him take a more particular leave than otherwise he would have done. Sixth day, Nov. 10, 1699. Mr. Danforth is entombed about 1/4 of an hour before 4 P. M. Very fair and pleasant day; much company. Bearers: on the right side, Lt-Governor, Mr. Russell, Sewall; left side, Mr. W. Winthrop, Mr. Cook, Col. Phillips. I helped lift the corpse into the tomb, carrying the feet. In the long and perilous conflict on behalf of chartered rights, Gookin and Danforth were supported by their brethren the Deputies from Cambridge, all good men and true. Deacon Edward Collins was Deputy from 1654 to 1670, without intermission; Edward Oakes, 1659, 1660, 1669-1681; Richard Jackson, 1661, 1662; Edward Winship, 1663, 1664, 1681-1686; Edward Jackson, 1665-1668, 1675, 1676; Joseph Cooke, 1671, 1676-1680; Thomas Prentice, 1672-1674; Samuel Champney, 1686, and again, after the Revolution, from 1689 to 1695, when he died in office. Their names should be in perpetual remembrance.
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
s forty-three years and nine months old, and left behind him, of three wives, which he successively married, three sons who have since been the shepherds of three several churches in this country. His first wife was Margaret Touteville, who was mother of Thomas (H. C. 1653), minister at Charlestown; the second was Joanna, daughter of Rev. Thomas Hooker, and mother of Samuel (H. C. 1658), minister at Rowley; the third was Margaret Boradell, who survived him and was mother of Jeremiah (H. C. 1669), minister at Lynn and elsewhere. Besides these, John, a son of the second wife, survived the father, but died young. And Savage, who surely will not be considered a partial judge, says, So well employed had been his short life, that no loss of a public man in our country was more lamented, except that of Gov. Winthrop a few months before. Geneal. Dict. It is much to be regretted that no monument marks his grave. Almost a year elapsed between the death of Mr. Shepard and the ordinatio
itled The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England, printed at London, 1648, Mr. Shepard says, As soone as ever the fiercenesse of the winter was past, March 3, 1647, I went out to Noonanetum to the Indian Lecture, where Mr. Wilson, Mr. Allen of Dedham, Mr. Dunster, beside many other Christians were present. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., XXIV. 41. At a later day, Mr. Eliot was assisted by his son John (H. C. 1656), by Daniel Gookin, son of General Gookin (H. C. 1669), and by others. For several years, the mission was successful beyond all reasonable expectation. The Indians at Nonantum soon became so far civilized as well as Christianized, that they desired to live in a more orderly way. Accordingly a tract of land, called by the natives Natick, or a Place of Hills, was assigned by the General Court, for their exclusive use. In the year 1651, the town of Natick was settled. It consisted of three long streets, two on the north and one on the south side
Thomas Danforth, 1657, 1658. Edward Oakes, 1659, 1667, 1669– 1681. Edward Winship, 1663, 1664, 1681– 1686. Josep,* 1640. John Stedman, 1640, 1647-1649, 1651, 1653-1655, 1669-1676. Abraham Shaw, 1640. Edward Collins,* 1641. R, 1653. Richard Hildreth, 1645. Thomas Danforth, 1645-1669, 1671. John Cooper, 1646, 1648, 1650, 1652, 1654, 1656-1 1660, 1664. John Ward,* 1660. Richard Eccles,* 1660, 1669. Daniel Gookin, 1660-1672. Richard Dana,* 1661. Abraham Errington,* 1661. Walter Hastings, 1661, 1669, 1673– 1681, 1683, 1685-1705. Jonathan Hyde,* 1662, 1676. Edwa91, 1694, 1695. John Spring,* 1668, 1678. John Fuller,* 1669, 1675. Samuel Goffe,* 1670. Thomas Prentice, Jr.,* 16 Probably. Thomas Danforth, 1645-1668. John Cooper, 1669-1681. Samuel Andrew, 1682-1692. Jona. Remington, 1693, 1870. James H. Sparrow, 1869, 1870. Charles F. Walcott, 1669. D. Gilbert Dexter, 1870, 1871. Lewis B. Geyer, 1870, 187<
family of their grandfather, and were living in 1669. He was brother to Michael of Wat., and to Wilrd Street, which was purchased by the church in 1669, and was occupied as a parsonage for more than 7 Nov. 1664; Hester, b. and d. 1667; Thomas, b. 1669; Daniel, b. 1671; Deborah, b. 1673; Abigail, b.ed by fever 25 July 1681. His w. d. in England 1669, about two years before his return hither. Hisstory of the Prentice Family), Thomas, b. about 1669; John; Edward, b. about 1685; James; Rebecca; Hp. 1669; Jonathan, b. 17 Mar. 1668-9, d. 16 Ap. 1669; Martha, b. 28 Oct. 1674, m. Capt. Nicholas Bow m. Henry Thompson, merchant, of Boston, 27 Ap. 1669, and had Elizabeth, b. 29 Jan. 1669-70; Dorothycon of the First Church; member of Third Church 1669. He d. apparently without issue, before 1672, den. His w. Elizabeth m. Henry Thompson 27 Ap. 1669, and afterwards m. John Sharp. 2. William, o subsequently rem. to Hadley, where he d. 9 Ap. 1669. He left no son, and only one daughter Sarah, [12 more...]
11 Ap. 1654. They left two children, Margaret, aged four years, and George aged two years, who were taken into the family of their grandfather, and were living in 1669. He was brother to Michael of Wat., and to William of Scituate, and removed here from Scituate, in 1653, according to Deane, who adds a melancholy note: We noticeighton and Mt. Auburn streets; and purchased the other half about 1650. He owned also four acres, fronting on Harvard Street, which was purchased by the church in 1669, and was occupied as a parsonage for more than a century and a half; it now forms part of the College Square. It does not appear that Mr. Beale had any children. 4 Sept. 1671; Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1657; Sarah. b. 18 July 1661; Mary, b. 19 Dec. 1662; and in Marlboro, John, b. 27 Nov. 1664; Hester, b. and d. 1667; Thomas, b. 1669; Daniel, b. 1671; Deborah, b. 1673; Abigail, b. 1675; Joseph, b. 1677. John the f. resided in Menotomy, sold his estate 27 Oct. 1665, and four days afterwards bou
Stone, b. 1618, came to Camb. before May 1636. He resided on the easterly side of North Avenue, not far from Linnaean Street, and was a prominent citizen. He was a Selectman thirty-eight years, from 1646 to 1690, and Town Clerk thirteen years, 1669-1681. He was also Deacon of the Church, from 1668 until his death. He m. Anna, dau. of Nathaniel Sparhawk, and had Anna, b. 16 Nov. 1643, m. Edward Pinson 2 Aug. 1664, and . 8 May 1666; Mary, b. 11 Sept. 1645, m. John Meriam 21 Aug. 1663, and waut 88. See Bond's Watertown and Hudson's Lexington. 2. James, s. of James (1), m. at Sudbury Lydia. wid. of Samuel Wright, dau. of John Moore of Sudbury, 15 June 1665, and had in Camb. i James, b. 12 May 1666, d. 1 Feb. 1690-1; Ann, b. 20 Ap. 1669, m. Richard Bloss (or Bloise) of Watertown 26 Sept. 1688; Samuel and .Joseph, twins, b. 2 May 1672; John, b. 14 Ap. 1675; Thomas, b. 15 De. 1677: Elizabeth, b. 14 Mar. 1680-81. James the f. d. 31 July 1685, a. nearly 50; his w. Lydia survived.
1679-1692, except during the three years usurpation by Andros, and probably nothing but the prolonged life of the venerable Bradstreet prevented his election as Governor. With the same exception, he was President of the District of Maine 1681-1692. Under the second charter he was one of the Council from 1693 to 1699; and Judge of the Superior Court, to which office he was appointed 6 Dec. 1692, being pressed to accept his place as Judge Sewall says. He was Treasurer of Harvard College 1650-1669, Treasurer of Middlesex County several years, and Recorder 1648-1686. He was also Commissioner of the United colonies at every session from 1662 to 1678, and President of that Board in 1675. Through his whole life, his appointment and action on numerous and highly important committees, especially during the long struggle which preceded the vacation of the old Charter, abundantly indicate the confidence reposed in him, and his wisdom and integrity in the performance of the duties assigned to
Avenue to and beyond Francis Avenue, which estate remained in possession of his posterity until at very recent period the was reputed to be rich in Faith, and manifestly enjoyed the confidence of Shepard and his Church. Yet he had trial of earthy poverty; and while his associate, Elder Champney, added acre to acre and became one of the largest. landholders in town he possessed little besides his homestead, and his pressing wants were relieved by the Church. His w. Thoamasine d. and before 1669 he m. wid. Reana Daniel, who survived him. He d. 12 July 1672, leaving, to his children the example of a godly life. 2. John, s. of Edmund (1), a. Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Andrew, 26 June 1666, and had John, b. 19 Nov. 1667, was a mason, and reside in Salem 1696; Rebecca, b. 3 Dec. 1669, m. Deac. Joseph Coolidge, and d. 1 July 1750 (her dau. Rebecca was w. to the first, and other to the second, Prof. Wigglesworth); Thomas,b.——,was a weaver, and resided here in 1696., John the f. d. and ad
2. Daniel, s. of Daniel (1), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Edmund Quincy of Braintree, in 1681; she d. 2 Jan. 1690-91, and he m. Bethia Collicutt 21 July 1692. His children were Daniel, b. 7 July 1683; Mary, b. 16 Oct. 1685, m. Thomas Paine of Newcastle 23 Jan. 1706-7; Edmund, b. 31 Mar. 1688; Elizabeth, b. 20 May 1690, m. Isaac Hinkley of Barnstable 6 June 1712; Bethia, b. 7 Oct. 1693, d. 1 Mar. 169-5; Nathaniel, b. 5 June 1695, d. 9 Aug. 1695; Richard, b. 12 July 1696. Daniel the f. grad. H. C. 1669, was ordained at Sherburne 26 Mar. 1685, where he d. 8 Jan. 1717-18. he was eldest son of the honorable Daniel Gookin, Esq.; a good scholar and solid divine; was many years Fellow of Harvard College and a Tutor. From his ordination he continued our minister about 34 years, being diligent in his study, tender of his flock, and exemplary in his life. The vicinity of Natick gave him the opportunity of preaching lectures to the Indians there. And although by great pain and indisposition of bod