Browsing named entities in Charles A. Nelson , A. M., Waltham, past, present and its industries, with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1739.. You can also browse the collection for 1684 AD or search for 1684 AD in all documents.

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Standing on the hill to the west of South Street it commands an extensive view. Farther south on this street is the Harrington farm, bought by their ancestor in 1684, being then the S. W. half of the Oldham Farm. Below the Fitchburg Railroad there stood an old house, long since taken down, that belonged to Samuel Dexter, Esqet. Pond End was the name applied to the neighborhood on the Lincoln road near the Great Pond. Allen Flagg and his brothers John and Michael settled here about 1684, on Chester Brook, and the Sandersons about 1689. Joshua Bigelow had settled on or near Chester Brook in 1676. Several of the deacons in Mr. Angier's church livenuary 5, 1679-80, by which it was granted that the new corn-mill now fet up and to be finished at Stony Brook, be freed from rates for 20 years from that date. In 1684 they were owned by John Bright and others. These mills, says Bond, were probably owned some time by Lieutenant John Brewer, and afterwards, for a long time, known