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Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 1 (search)
trapies by the Persians at the time when it was taken over by the Macedonians; the Macedonians willingly allowed one part of the country, but unwillingly the other, to change to kingdoms instead of satrapies; and one of these kingdoms they named "Cappadocia Proper" and "Cappadocia near Taurus", and even "Greater Cappadocia," and the other they named "Pontus," though others named it Cappadocia Pontica. As for Greater Cappadocia, we at present do not yet know its administrative divisions,A.D. 17. for after the death of king Archeläus CaesarTiberius Caesar. and the senate decreed that it was a Roman province. But when, in the reign of Archeläus and of the kings who preceded him, the country was divided into ten prefectures, those near the Taurus were reckoned as five in number, I mean Melitene, Cataonia, Cilicia, Tyanitis, and Garsauritis; and Laviansene, Sargarausene, Saravene, Chamanene, and Morimene as the remaining five. The Romans later assigned to the predecessors of Archeläu
Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 3 (search)
eacherously slain,In A.D. 19 by his uncle, Rhescuporis, king of the Bosporus. and she lived in widowhood, because she had children by him; and the eldest of these is now in power.The king of Thrace. As for the sons of Pythodoris, one of themPolemon II. as a private citizen is assisting his mother in the administration of her empire, whereas the otherZenon. has recently been established as king of Greater Armenia. She herself married Archeläus and remained with him to the end;He died in A.D. 17. but she is living in widowhood now, and is in possession not only of the places above mentioned, but also of others still more charming, which I shall describe next. Sidene and Themiscyra are contiguous to Pharnacia. And above these lies Phanaroea, which has the best portion of Pontus, for it is planted with olive trees, abounds in wine, and has all the other goodly attributes a country can have. On its eastern side it is protected by the Paryadres Mountain, in its length lying parallel to
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER IV. (search)
Liguria were annexed at first by a partial occupation, but subsequently divus Cæsar and then Augustus subdued them completely in open war, so that nowAbout A. D. 17 or 18. the Romans direct their expeditions against the Germans from these countries as the most convenient rendezvous, and have already adorned their own country wther for a pattern in his government and ordinances. And in their turn his sons, Germanicus and Drusus,Germanicus was appointed to take charge of the East in A. D. 17, in 18 he took possession of his government, and died in 19. Drusus was in command of the armies of Germany in A. D. 17. Thus we may safely conclude this 6th booA. D. 17, in 18 he took possession of his government, and died in 19. Drusus was in command of the armies of Germany in A. D. 17. Thus we may safely conclude this 6th book of Strabo's Geography to have been written in A. D. 18. who are exercising the functions of government under their father, take him for their model.
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XII., CHAPTER I. (search)
ude even Melitene in Cataonia, although Melitene lies between Cataonia and the Euphrates, approaches close to Commagene, and constitutes a tenth portion of Cappadocia, according to the division of the country into ten provinces. For the kings in our times who preceded ArchelausArcheaus received from Augustus (B. C. 20) some parts of Cilicia on the coast and the Lesser Armenia. In A. D. 15 Tiberius treacherously invited him to Rome, and kept him there. He died, probably about A. D. 17, and his kingdom was made a Roman province. usually divided the kingdom of Cappadocia in this manner. Cataonia is a tenth portion of Cappadocia. In our time each province had its own governor, and since no difference appears in the language of the Cataonians compared with that of the other Cappadocians, nor any difference in their customs, it is surprising how entirely the characteristic marks of a foreign nation have disappeared, yet they were distinct nations; Ariarathes, the first wh
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK II. AN ACCOUNT OF THE WORLD AND THE ELEMENTS., CHAP. 86. (81.)—WONDERFUL CIRCUMSTANCES ATTENDING EARTHQUAKES. (search)
CHAP. 86. (81.)—WONDERFUL CIRCUMSTANCES ATTENDING EARTHQUAKES. Inundations of the sea take place at the same time with earthquakesSee Aristotle, Meteor. ii. 8.; the water being impregnated with the same spirit"Eodem videlicet spiritu infusi (maris) ac terræ residentis sinu recept i.", and received into the bosom of the earth which subsides. The greatest earthquake which has occurred in our memory was in the reign of TiberiusU.C. 770; A.D. 17. We have an account of this event in Strabo, xii. 57; in Tacitus, Ann. ii. 47; and in the Universal History, xiv. 129, 130. We are informed by Hardouin, that coins are still in existence which were struck to commemorate the liberality of the emperor on the occasion, inscribed "civitatibus Asiæ restitutis." Lemaire, i. 410., by which twelve cities of Asia were laid prostrate in one night. They occurred the most frequently during the Punic war, when we had accounts brought to Rome of fifty-seven earthquakes in the space of a single year. It was dur
ote. of the same name, and then another called Capraria, which is infested by multitudes of huge lizards. According to the same author, in sight of these islands is Ninguaria,Or "Snow Island," the same as that previously called Invallis, the modern Teneriffe, with its snow-capped peak. which has received that name from its perpetual snows; this island abounds also in fogs. The one next to it is Canaria;So called from its canine inhabitants. it contains vast multitudes of dogs of very large size, two of which were brought home to Juba: there are some traces of buildings to be seen here. While all these islands abound in fruit and birds of every kind, this one produces in great numbers the date palm which bears the caryota, also pine nuts. Honey too abounds here, and in the rivers papyrus, and the fish called silurus,As to the silurus, see B. ix. c. 17. are found. These islands, however, are greatly annoyed by the putrefying bodies of monsters, which are constantly thrown up by the sea.
nius Rhodius, B. iii. who wrote on Agriculture, DionysiusCassius Dionysius of Utica. He translated into Greek the twenty- eight Books on Husbandry written by Mago the Carthaginian, in the Punic language. Of Mago nothing further is known. who translated Mago, DiophanesDiophanes of Bithynia made an epitome of the same work in Greek, and dedicated it to King Deiotarus. Columella styles Mago the Father of Agriculture. who made an epitome of the work of Dionysius, King Archelaus,Made king of Cappadocia by Antony, B. C. 34. He died at Rome, at an advanced age, A.D. 17. Plutarch attributes to King Archelaus—if, indeed, this was the same—a treatise on Minerals. Nicander.A native of Claros, near Colophon, in Ionia. It is not a matter of certainty, but it is most probable, that he lived in the reign of Ptolemy V., who died B.C. 181. He was a poet, grammarian, and physician. His "Theriaca," a poem on the wounds inflicted by venomous animals, still exists, as also another called "Alexipharmia.
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CERES LIBER LIBERAQUE, AEDES (search)
Rome, which was paid for out of the confiscated property of Sp. Cassius (Liv. ii. 41. 10; Plin. NH xxxiv. 15); and a painting of Bacchus (and Ariadne ?) that was brought from Corinth by Mummius (Plin. NH xxxv. 24, 99; Strabo viii. 381; cf. Merlin 162). Twice it was struck by lightning (Liv. xxviii. 11. 4; App. BC i. 78), and twice it is mentioned in connection with prodigies (Liv. xl. 2. 2; xli. 28. 2). It was burned down in 31 B.C., restored by Augustus, and dedicated by Tiberius in 17 A.D. (Cass. Dio 1. 10; Tac. Ann. ii. 49; Merlin, 366- 367; CIL vi. 9969), and was standing in the fourth century (Not. Reg. XI). The site of the temple was near the west end of the circus on the Aventine side, but how far up the slope is not certain-perhaps near the junction of the modern Vicolo di S. Sabina and Via S. Maria in Cosmedin (Dionys. vi. 94; Liv. xl. 2. 1; DAP 2. vi. 238-239; Merlin 93-95, and literature cited there; BC 1914, 115), but no traces of it have been found. The worsh
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FLORA, AEDES (search)
FLORA, AEDES a temple of Flora, built by the aediles Lucius and Marcus Publicius, in 240 So Veil. i. 14. 8 (acc. to CIL and HJ 118; WR makes it 24) ; Plin. NH xviii. 286 is the authority for the later date. The date of foundation is given as 28th April by Fast. Praen. (while Fast. Allif. (13th Aug.) refers to a restoration; see CIL i². p. 325) and the Floralia lasted from that date till 3rd May. or 238 B.C. (cf. BM. Rep. i. 469, n. 3); restored by Augustus, in part at least, and dedicated by Tiberius in 17 A.D. (Tac. Ann. ii. 49 ); and probably again restored in the fourth century by the younger Symniachus (Anth. Lat. iv. 112-114). It stood on the slope of the Aventine at the west end of the circus Maximus (Fast. Allif. ad Id. Aug.; cf. CIL xv. 7172), probably on the CLIVUS PUBLICIUS (q.v.), which was built by the same aediles (HJ 118; RE vi. 2748; Merlin 95, 30; cf. AD TO(N)SORES).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORS FORTUNA, FANUM (search)
they were five miles apart (vid. sup.), and there must, there- fore, have been three in existence in the time of Livy, to any one of which his notice of a prodigium in 2 B.C. may refer (xxvii. 11. 3: in cella [aedis] Fortis Fortunae). Finally in 17 A.D. Tiberius dedicated another temple to this goddess (Tac. Ann. ii. 41: fine anni.. aedes Fortis Fortunae Tiberim iuxta in hortis quos Caesar dictator populo Romano legaverat ... dicantur). As the Fasti Esquilini at any rate antedate 17 A.D., and 17 A.D., and as the day of dedication was near the end of the year, not 24th June, Tiberius' temple cannot be identified with either of the two temples of the calendars. If our sources are so far correct, this made the fourth temple of this goddess in Trastevere. There are four later references to a temple of Fors Fortuna on the right bank of the Tiber: (I) Plutarch, Brut. 20 : kai\ tw=| dh/mw| tw=n [e/ran tou= potamou= kh/pwn a)poleleimme/nwn ou(= nu=n e)sti *tu/xhs i(ero\n ; (2) id. de Fort. Rom. 5:th\n d