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Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 70 70 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 42 42 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 10 10 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 9 9 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 8 8 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 5 5 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 5 5 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 3 3 Browse Search
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians 3 3 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. 3 3 Browse Search
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reat degree borrowed, with little variation, from known and existing sources. Editions The first edition of the Chronographia was in the Paris edition of the Byzantine historians. It was prepared for publication by Combéfis, and a Latin version was made by him; but the work was not actually published till 1685, some years after the editor's death. It forms part of the volume entitled *Oi( meta\ *Qeofa/nhn, Scriptores post Theophanem, and is in folio. It was again published in the Venetian reprint of that series, fol. A. D. 1729, and again under the editorial care of Bekker, 8vo. Bonn, 1838, with the Latin version of Combéfis. The life of Basil, by Constantine Porphyrogenitus, was printed separately as early as 1653, in the *Summikta\ of Allatius, 8vo. Cologn. [CONSTANTINUS VII.] Further Information Theophan. Continuat. Prooem; Labbe, ll. cc.; Vossius, De Historicis Graecis, lib. 4. c.21; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vii. p. 681, vol. viii. p. 318; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. ii. p. 9
sh law might be on the subject of Slavery, still remained a matter of doubt. Lord Holt had expressed the opinion, as quoted in a previous chapter, that Slavery was a condition unknown to English law, and that every person setting foot in England thereby became free. American planters, on their visits to England, seem to have been annoyed by claims of freedom set up on this ground, and that, also, of baptism. To relieve their embarrassments, the merchants concerned in the American trade (in 1729) had obtained a written opinion from Yorke and Talbot, the attorney and solicitor general of that day. According to this opinion, which passed for more than forty years as good law, not only was baptism no bar to Slavery, but negro slaves might be held in England just as well as in the Conies. The two lawyers by whom this opinion was given rose afterward, one of them to be chief justice of England, and both to be chancellors. Yorke, sitting in the latter capacity, with the title of Lord Har
. Waterman, J. Sanborn, T. T. Fowler, J. Clapp, B. H. Samson, Expenses. The first book kept by the Treasurer is lost. From the second, which begins in 1729, and others of later date, the following items of expenses are taken. The modern modes of book-keeping were not known to our fathers. There were sometimes two orin the following accounts,--the bewildering depreciation in the value of money. For fluctuations in the currency, see the tables. Samuel Brooks, Treasurer from 1729 to 1732.Old Tenor.  Amount paid for town-expenses, 3 years£1,44691 Ebenezer Brooks, Treasurer from 1735 to 1743.     Amount paid for town-expenses, 8 years2,265 Stephen Willis1696. John Bradstreet1700. Samuel Wade1709. John Whitmore1714. William Willis1725. John Richardson1727. Edward Brooks1728. Samuel Brooks1729. Stephen Hall1733. Edward Brooks1735. Benjamin Parker1743. Edward Brooks1750. Thomas Brooks1756. Aaron Hall1761. Thomas Brooks1763. James Wyman1767. Jonat<
I hold him in my joyful arms, And feast my eyes upon his youthful charms; But then the king of terrors does advance To pierce its bosom with his iron lance. Its soul released, upward it takes its flight, Oh, never more below to bless my sight! Farewell, sweet babe! I hope to meet above, And there with you sing our Redeemer's love! Sensibility, benevolence, and devotion were salient traits in Mrs. Turell's character. Her husband says of her, Some unhappy affairs in Medford, in the years 1729-30, produced many prayers and tears from her. He says elsewhere, It was her practice to read the Bible out in course once in a year; the book of Psalms much oftener; besides many chapters and a multitude of verses, which she kept turned down in a Bible which she had been the owner and reader of more than twenty years. Again he says, When she apprehended she received injuries, silence and tears were her highest resentments. The Rev. John Adams writes, after her death, a long letter in ver
Oaks, Dr. Simon Tufts, Mr. John Albree, Mr. Joseph Tufts, Mr. William Patten, Mr. John Bradshaw, jun., and Mr. John Hall. We know not the exact position of any pew occupied by either of the twenty-five gentlemen, save one; and that is the pew, number one, which was the first on the east side of the broad aisle, nearest the front door, taken by Captain Samuel Brooks. His son Thomas chose the same place in the third new house. The price of these pews varied from twelve to eight pounds. 1729: Voted to petition the General Court for some relief under present differences and difficulties. The town appoints Captain Ebenezer Brooks, Mr. Peter Seccombe, Mr. William Patten, and Jonathan Tomson, as a committee to lay the case before the committee of the House of Representatives. A committee of four (Hodijah Savage, Thomas Berry, Joseph Wilder, and William Ward) met at Medford, when all things were explained concerning the discontent and disputes about certain pews in the new meeting-h
759; MacCarthy, 1747; MacClinton, 1750; Mead, 1757; Melendy, 1732; Morrill, 1732. Newell, 1767; Newhall, 1751; Nutting, 1729. Oakes, 1721-75. Page, 1747; Pain, 1767; Parker, 1754; Penhallow, 1767; Polly, 1748; Poole, 1732; Powers, 1797; Pratocker, 1763; Storer, 1748. Tebodo, 1757; Teel, 1760; Tidd, 1746; Tilton, 1764; Tompson, 1718; Trowbridge, 1787; Turner, 1729; Tuttle, 1729; Tyzick, 1785. Wait, 1725; Waite, 1785; Wakefield, 1751; Walker, 1779; Ward, 1718; Waters, 1721; Watson, 1729; Tyzick, 1785. Wait, 1725; Waite, 1785; Wakefield, 1751; Walker, 1779; Ward, 1718; Waters, 1721; Watson, 1729; White, 1749; Whitney, 1768; William, 1762; Williston, 1769; Winship, 1772; Witherston, 1798; Wright, 1795. As to the strangers who are mentioned on our records, I find that Adrian Lubert Andriesse, of Batavia, was born in Boston, Feb. 9, 1791729; White, 1749; Whitney, 1768; William, 1762; Williston, 1769; Winship, 1772; Witherston, 1798; Wright, 1795. As to the strangers who are mentioned on our records, I find that Adrian Lubert Andriesse, of Batavia, was born in Boston, Feb. 9, 1799, and baptized at Medford, July 7, 1805. Charles Dabney's child, which Mr. Albree had to nurse, was baptized July 4, 1742, and named Charles. Of those not of American birth or parentage, I find, besides the slaves and their children, that Jacob
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bartlett, Josiah, 1729- (search)
Bartlett, Josiah, 1729- A signer of the Declaration of Independence; born in Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 21, 1729; educated in a common school and taught the science of medicine by a practitioner in his native town, he began practice in Kingston, N. H., in 1750, and soon became eminent. He was a member of the New Hampshire legislature from 1705 until the breaking out of the War of the Revolution. In 1770 he was appointed by the royal governor lieutenant-colonel of the militia, but on account of his patriotic tendencies he was deprived of the office in 1775. He was a member of the committee of safety, upon whom for a time devolved the whole executive power of the of government of the State. A delegate to Congress in 1775-76, he was the first to give his vote for the Declaration of Independence, and its first signer after the President of Congress. He was with Stark in the Bennington campaign (see Bennington, battle of), in 1777. as agent of the State to provide medicine and other n
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Belcher, Jonathan, 1681-1757 (search)
Belcher, Jonathan, 1681-1757 Colonial governor; born in Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 8, 1681; was graduated at Harvard College in 1699. He visited Europe. Where he became acquainted with the Princess Sophia and her son afterwardss George I. of England), which led to his future honors. After a six years sojourn he returned to America, engaged in mercantile business in Boston, became a member of the Provincial Assembly, and in 1729 was sent as agent of the provinces to England. In 1730 he was appointed governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, which office he held eleven years. He was authorized to accept from the legislature of Massachusetts a standing salary of $5,000 a year, to be paid first out of the annual grants. When he first met the legislature (September, 1730), he tried to bring about a settlement for a standing salary. but could not, and the Assembly was dissolved. To secure a majority in the next House, the governor tried to gain the influence of certain leaders by
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Berkeley, George, 1684-1753 (search)
shing a college in the Bermudas for the instruction of pastors for the colonial churches and missionaries for the Indians. He resigned his offices to become rector of the projected college at a salary of $500 a year. The House of Commons authorized the appropriation of a portion of the money to be obtained from the sale of lands in St. Kitt's (St. Christopher's), which had been ceded to England for the establishment of the institution. With these assurances Berkeley went to Newport, R. I. (1729), bought a farm and built a house, intending to invest the college funds, when received, in American lands, and then to make arrangements for a supply of pupils. He had just married, and brought his bride with him. The scheme for the college failed for lack of government co-operation after the death of the King, who favored it. In 1734 Berkeley was made Bishop of Cloyne, which place he held for almost twenty years. He gave to Yale College his estate in Rhode Island, known as White Hall, and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, 1729- (search)
Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, 1729- Navigator; born in Paris, France, Nov. 11, 1729; he served as aide-de-camp to the Marquis de Montcalm during the French and Indian War, and on his return to Europe was made a colonel and a knight of St. Louis. In 1778 he commanded a division of the ships of the line, and was in several engagements between the French and English fleets. When De Grasse was defeated by Rodney, Bougainville was in command of the Auguste, and by clever manoeuvring escaped with eight of his ships to St. Eustace. He died Aug. 31, 1811.
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