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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 49 49 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 48 48 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 17 17 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 13 13 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 8 8 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 4 4 Browse Search
Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 3 3 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 3 3 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906 3 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 2 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Poetics, section 1447a (search)
LetThe text here printed is based on Vahlen's third edition(Leipzig, 1885), and the chief deviations from it are noted at the foot of each page. The prime source of all existing texts of the Poetics is the eleventh century Paris manuscript, No. 1741, designated as Ac. To the manuscripts of the Renaissance few, except Dr. Margoliouth, now assign any independent value, but they contain useful suggestions for the correction of obvious errors and defects in Ac. These are here designated “copies.”V. stands for Vahlen's third edition, and By. for the late Professor Ingram Bywater, who has earned the gratitude and admiration of all students of the Poetics by his services both to the text and to its interpretation. Then there is the Arabic transcript. Translated in the eleventh century from a Syriac translation made in the eighth century, it appears to make little sense, but sometimes gives dim visions of the readings of a manus
The Newport Artillery (Company F of the Rhode Island Regiment) is one of the oldest military organizations in the country. It is an independent company, and was chartered by the British Crown in 1741. With but three exceptions since that time (during the Revolutionary war, when Newport was in possession of English and Hessian troops) the company has held annual meetings under the charter and elected officers, who consist of a Colonel and others connected with a regiment. The names of Generals Greene and Vaughan, of Revolutionary fame, Commodore Perry, and other distinguished personages, are among the enrolled members of the company, which number between two and three thousand since its organization. In their armory at Newport they have an autograph letter from Gen. Geo. Washington, written in 1792, thanking them for an invitation to be with them at their annual celebration on the 22d of February of that year, which is handsomely framed. Of the fifty-two active members, forty-s
or1820. James M. Usher, Senator,1851. Sanford B. Perry, Senator,1852. E. C. Baker, Senator,1855. Representatives of Medford in the General Court. Peter Tuftschosen1689. Peter Tufts1690. Nathaniel Wade1692. Peter Tufts1694. Thomas Willis1703. Ebenezer Brooks1704. Thomas Willis1705. Stephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1714. Peter Tufts1715. Thomas Tufts1718. John Bradshaw1722. Samuel Brooks1723. John Allfordchosen1726. Benjamin Willis1730. William Willis1735. John Hall1741. William Willis1742. Andrew Hall1744. Stephen Hall1751. Samuel Brooks1762. Stephen Hall1763. Benjamin Hall1770. Simon Tufts1772. Benjamin Hall1775. Thomas Brooks1776. T. Brooks, (under the Constitution)1780. Thomas Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. James Wyman1787. Thomas Brooks1788. Ebenezer Hall1789. Nathaniel Hall1800. Timothy Bigelow1808. Dudley Hall1813. Abner Bartlett1815. Turell Tufts1824. Thatcher Magoun1825. John B. Fitch1826. John Sparrell1831. Th
ion to the young much as a dose of medicine foreshadowed health. March 5, 1739: Captain Ebenezer Brooks, Mr. John Willis, and Mr. Jonathan Watson, chosen a Committee to report what is necessary to be done to Mr. Turell's fences. When the Rev. George Whitefield, of England, came to this country, as a missionary of the cross, to wake up the dead churches, and pour the breath of life into the clergy, he spoke as one who had authority to blow the trumpet of doom. He returned to England, in 1741, for a visit, but left behind him followers who had neither his wisdom, nor his eloquence, nor his piety. Against these preachers many good men arrayed themselves, and Mr. Turell among the rest. He published, 1742, a pamphlet called A Direction to my People in Relation to the Present Times. In this book, he calls on his people to distinguish between the fervors of their excited imaginations and the still small voice of God's effectual grace; he also cautions them against believing in multi
his forty-seventh year. He was a gentleman well descended and liberally educated. He was the youngest son of Captain Peter Tufts, of this town, by his second wife, who was daughter of the Rev. Seaborn Cotton, of Hampton. He took his degrees at Harvard College in the years 1724 and 1727. He early applied himself to the study of physic, and soon became eminent in that profession. He was honored with three commissions,--one for the peace, in the year 1733; another for a special justice, in 1741; and a third for justice of the quorum, 1743; and was very faithful and useful in these offices. He was a man of substantial religion, and exhibited the virtues of the Christian in all relations, stations, and conditions. The removal of such an excellent person (in these degenerate times) calls for lamentation and supplication. Psalm XII. 1: Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. He has left a sorrowful widow, and seven children,--four
Jan. 28, 1749. Children:--  56-124Abigail, b. Aug. 10, 1733; m. Samuel Giles, Jan. 31, 1784.  125Joshua.  126Luke, b. 1741.  127Mary, b. Apr. 26, 1746; d. Jan. 28, 1749. 24-66John Hall m., Oct. 22, 1746, Mary Keisar, and had--  66-128John, b., 1751.  b.Judith, b. 1735; m. Joseph Albree, Dec. 23, 1756.  c.Hannah, b. 1738; d., unm., Feb. 26, 1791.  d.Thomas, b. 1741; d., Feb. 12, 1755. 6-13Jacob Reeves m. Abigail Ferguson; lived some time at Roxbury, and moved thence to Wayland. He ha, and had--  8-13William.  14Samuel Winthrop. 5-11COL. Isaac Royall, of Medford, m.----, and had--  11-15Elizabeth, b. 1741; d. July 9, 1747.  16Miriam, (?) m. Thomas Savel.  17Elizabeth, m. Sir William Pepperrell.  17 1/2Mary. 5-12PENELOPE Royall m. Henry Vassall, 1741, and had--  12-18Elizabeth, m. Dr. Charles Russell, who d. in Antigua, s. p., May 27, 1780. 11-16MIRIAM Royall m. Thomas Savel, Dec. 23, 1773, and had--  16-18 1/2Thomas.  19Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1784.  2
1644. Page 518.John Hall (No. 2-10) married Jemima, daughter of Captain Joseph Sill. Page 519.Percival Hall was not representative to Provincial Congress, as he died twenty-two years previously. Page 538.Mr. Savage declines the responsibility of more than the early part of the record of the Royalls. Page 538.The wife of Isaac Royall (No. 2-5) was buried from the house of Dr. Oliver, at Dorchester; which strengthens the probability of her first marriage. He had a daughter Elizabeth, born 1741; died July 9, 1747. Page 538.Colonel Royall (No. 5-11) had a daughter, who married George Erving, of Boston. He (Colonel R.) died 1781; and his wife died 1770. Page 542.Rev. Zechariah Symmes had twelve children: names as given in their place. Page 550.There is no probability, considering the dates, that James (No. 246) was son of Peter (No. 1). Page 555.Lydia, wife of Daniel Turell (No. 1), died June 23, 1659. Page 555.Daniel was captain 1683, not 1646. Page 556.Hezekiah Usher (No. 1)
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alaska, (search)
the region of the extreme northwestern portion of North America; lying north of the parallel of lat. 50° 40″ N., and west of the meridian of long. 140° W.: also including many islands lying off the coast: area, as far as determined in 1900, 531,000 square miles; population, according to revised census report of 1890, 32,052; estimated population in 1899, about 40,000: seat of administration, Sitka. The Russians acquired possession of this Territory by right of discovery by Vitus Bering, in 1741. He discovered the crowning peak of the Alaska mountains, Mount St. Elias, on July 18. That mountain rises to a height of 18,024 feet above the sea. Other notable altitudes, as ascertained by the United States Meteorological Survey and announced in 1900, are: Blackburn Mountain, 12,500 feet; Black Mountain, 12,500 feet; Cook Mountain, 13,750 feet; Crillon Mountain, 15,900 feet; Drum Mountain, 13,300 feet; Fairweather Mountain, 15,292 feet; Hayes Mountain, 14,500 feet; Iliamna Peak, 12,066
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Allen, William, 1710-1780 (search)
Allen, William, 1710-1780 jurist; born in Philadelphia about 1710; married a daughter of Andrew Hamilton, a distinguished lawyer of Pennsylvania. whom he succeeded as recorder of Philadelphia in 1741. He assisted Benjamin West, the painter, in his early struggles, and co-operated with Benjamin Franklin in establishing the College of Pennsylvania. Judge Allen was chief-justice of that State from 1750 to 1774. A strong loyalist, he withdrew to England in 1774. In London he published a pamphlet entitled The American crisis, containing a plan for restoring American dependence upon Great Britain. He died in England in September, 1780. educator and author; born in Pittsville, Mass., Jan. 2, 1784: graduated at Harvard College in 1802. After entering the ministry and preaching for some time in western New York, he was elected a regent and assistant librarian of Harvard College. He was president of Dartmouth College in 1817-20, and of Bowdoin College in 1820-39. He was the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arctic exploration. (search)
ver that bears his name. While on an expedition to discover a northwest passage, he found Hudson Bay, and perished (1610) on its bosom. In 1616 Baffin explored the bay called by his name, and entered the mouth of Lancaster Sound. After that, for fifty years, no navigator went so far north in that direction. In 1720 the Hudson Bay Company sent Captains Knight and Barlow to search for a northwest passage to India. They sailed with a ship and sloop, and were never heard of afterwards. In 1741 Vitus Bering discovered the strait that bears his name, having set sail from a port in Kamtchatka. In that region Bering perished. Russian navigators tried in vain to solve the problem. Between 1769 and 1772 Samuel Hearne made three overland journeys in America to the Arctic Ocean. The British government having, in 1743, offered $100,000 to the crew who should accomplish a northwest passage, stimulated efforts in that direction. Captain Phipps (Lord Mulgrave) attempted to reach the north