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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rhode Island, (search)
h fleet of eleven sail-of-line ships, under Count d'estaing, appearing off Brenton's Reef, six British war-vessels attempt to leave the harbor. They are pursued, and are run ashore and set on fire by their crews......Aug. 5, 1778 While the French fleet, dispersed by storms, refits at Boston, the British attack the Americans on Butts Hill; the Americans lose 211 men, the British somewhat more......Aug. 29, 1778 Americans under General Sullivan retreat from Rhode Island to Tiverton, Aug. 30, 1778, and the British fleet with the army of Sir Henry Clinton arrives at Newport......Aug. 31, 1778 Maj. Silas Talbot, with the sloop Hawk, captures the Pigot, a British galley which blockaded the eastern passage......Oct. 28, 1778 General Assembly grants £ 500 for distressed inhabitants of Newport......January, 1779 British embark for New York......Oct. 11-25, 1779 French army lands at Newport......July 10, 1780 Public reception given to General Washington in Newport......Ma
, b. 30 Oct. 1770, stillborn; a son, stillborn, 4 July, 1772; Nathan, b. 20, bap. 27 June, 1773; Moses, b. 13, bap. 26 Feb. 1775; Walter, b. 19 Aug., bap. 1 Sept. 1776; Martha, b. 11, bap. 17 Sept. 1780. m. Timothy Swan, Jr., 5 May, 1805. Nathan the father d. 6 Nov. 1799, a. 53. 13. George, s. of Samuel (4), m. Prudence Swan, 27 Nov. 1774. He belonged to the Pct. Baptist Society, 1787. Had dau., b. 16 Mar. 1775, prob. the Sarah, his dau., who d. 2 Sept. 1778, a. 2 yrs.; a son, b. 30 Aug. 1778; a dau., b. 23 July, 1780; a dau., b. 30 Aug. 1782; a child, d. 21 Nov. 1800, a. 3 yrs. Sally, prob. a dau., m. Nathaniel Nason, 20 Oct. 1803; also George (see par. 25). Mr. George d. 28 Mar. 1803, a. 53. Mrs. Prudence d. 29 July, 1803, a. 48 (see par. 7). He was a soldier in the Revolution. 14. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (8), d. 3 Feb. 1814, a. 54. A Baptist, 1787. 15. Peter, s. of Ebenezer (8), d.—Feb. 18-22, a. 58. 16. Gershom, s. of Ebenezer (8), d.—Oct. 1827, a. 61. A Bapti