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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER IV. (search)
ar.B. C. 19. Likewise the whole of Gaul both within and beyond the Alps with Liguria were annexed at first by a partial occupation, but subsequently divus Cæsar and then Augustus subdued them completely in open war, so that nowAbout A. D. 17 or 18. the Romans direct their expeditions against the Germans from these countries as the most convenient rendezvous, and have already adorned their own country with several triumphs over them. Also in Africa all that did not belong to the Carthaginis his father for a pattern in his government and ordinances. And in their turn his sons, Germanicus and Drusus,Germanicus was appointed to take charge of the East in A. D. 17, in 18 he took possession of his government, and died in 19. Drusus was in command of the armies of Germany in A. D. 17. Thus we may safely conclude this 6th book of Strabo's Geography to have been written in A. D. 18. who are exercising the functions of government under their father, take him for their model.
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XVII., CHAPTER III. (search)
m the East, according to Pliny, Mela, and Sallust; hence Letronne conjectures that we should read here Pharusii. are Indians, who accompanied Hercules hither. A little before my time, the kings Bogus and Bocchus, allies of the Romans, possessed this country; after their death, Juba succeeded to the kingdom, having received it from Augustus Cæsar, in addition to his paternal dominions. He was the son of Juba who fought, in conjunction with Scipio, against divus Cæsar. Juba diedA. D. 18 or 19 at latest, but the exact date is uncertain. lately, and was succeeded by his son Ptolemy, whose mother was the daughter of Antony and Cleopatra. Artemidorus censures Eratosthenes for saying that there is a city called Lixus, and not Lynx, near the extremities of Mauretania; that there are a very great number of Phoenician cities destroyed,Groskurd corrects the text, and translates, there existed in the Bay Emporicus very many Phœnician cities. of which no traces are to be seen; a
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Artabanus III. (search)
Arsaces Xix. or Artabanus III. ARTABANUS III., obtained the Parthian kingdom on the expulsion of Vonones in A. D. 16. The possession of Armenia was the great cause of contention between him and the Romans; but during the life-time of Germanicus, Artabanus did not attempt to seize the country. Germanicus, on his arrival in Armenia in A. D. 18, recognized as king Zenon, the son of Polemon, whom the Armenians wished to have as their ruler, and who reigned under the name of Artaxias III.; and about the same time, Artabanus sent an embassy to Germanicus to renew the alliance with the Romans. (Tac. Ann. 2.56, 58.) After the death of Germanicus, Artabanus began to treat the Romans with contempt, placed Arsaces, one of his sons, over Armenia, and sent an embassy into Syria to demand the treasures which Vonones had carried with him out of Parthia. He also oppressed his subjects, till at length two of the chief men among the Parthians, Sinnaces, and the eunuch, Abdus, despatched an embassy t
tes IV., and the exiled king of Parthia. (A. D. 16.) Vonones maintained himself but one year on the throne, as he was compelled to fly into Syria through fear of Artabanus III., the king of Parthia. [ARSACES XVIII.] ARTAXIAS III. chosen king, A. D. 18, about two years after Vonones had fled into Syria. [ARTAXIAS III.] Arsaces I. The eldest son of Artabanus, king of the Parthians, was placed on the throne of Armenia by his father, after the death of Artaxias III. He perished by the treacherto, queen. A. D. 2. Ariobarzanes, a Parthian prince, established by the Romans.--A. D. 4. Artavasdes III. or Artabases, his Son.--A. D. 5. Erato re-established ; death uncertain.-- .... Interregnum.--A. D. 16. Vonones.--A. D. 17. Interregnum.--A. D. 18. Zeno of Pontus, surnamed Artaxias.--... Tigranes IV., son of Alexander Herodes.--A. D. 35. Arsaces II. --A. D. 35. Mithridates of Iberia.--A. D. 51. Rhadamistus of Iberia.--A. D. 52. Tiridates I.--A. D. 60. Tigranes V. of the race of Herodes.--
Artaxias Iii. The son of Polemon, king of Pontus, was proclaimed king of Armenia by Germanicus in A. D. 18, at the wish of the Armenians, whose favour he had gained by adopting their habits and mode of life. His original name was Zenon, but the Armenians called him Artaxias on his accession. Upon the death of Artaxias, about A. D. 35, Arsaces, the son of the Parthian king, Artabanus, was placed upon the Armenian throne by his father. (Tac. Ann. 2.56, 6.31.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
s were assigned, by a decree of the senate, to Germanicus, with the highest imperium; but Tiberius placed Cn. Piso in command of Syria, and was supposed to have given him secret instructions to check and thwart Germanicus, though such instructions were scarcely wanted, for Piso was naturally of a proud and rugged temper, unused to obedience. His wife Plancina, too, was of a haughty and domineering spirit, and was encouraged by Livia, the empress-mother, to vie with and annoy Agrippina. In A. D. 18, Germanicus entered upon his second consulship at Nicopolis, a city of Achaia, whither he had arrived by coasting the Illyrian shore, after a visit to Drusus in Dalmatia. He then surveyed the scene of the battle of Actium, which was peculiarly interesting to him, from his family connection with Augustus and Antony. He had an anxious desire to view the renowned sites of ancient story and classic lore. At Athens he was welcomed with the most recherché honour, and, in compliment to the city, w
ter a long protracted struggle, by which he earned the honorary appellation of Gaetulicus. (Dio Cass. liii 26, 4.28; comp. Strab. xvii. pp. 828, 831.) The exact period of his death is nowhere mentioned, but Strabo more than once speaks of him as lately dead (xvii. pp. 828, 829, 840) at the time that he himself was writing; and this statement, coupled with the evidence of one of his coins, which bears the date of the 48th year of his reign, renders it probable that we may assign his death to A. D. 18 or 19 at latest. (See Eckhel, vol. iv. p. 157; Clinton, F. H. vol. iii. p. 203.) The tranquil reign of Juba appears to have afforded but few materials for history; but it is evident that his kingdom rose to a pitch of power and prosperity under his rule far exceeding what it had before attained, and he endeavoured to introduce as far as possible the elements of Greek and Roman civilisation among his barbarian subjects. Among other things, he converted a town called Iol into a handsome cit
Ju'lia 8. The youngest child of Germanicus and Agrippina, was born in A. D. 18. (Tac. Ann. 2.54.) She married M. Vinicius in 33. (Id. 16, 6.15; D. C. 58.21.) Her brother Caligutla, who was believed to have had an incestuous intercourse with her, banished her in A. D. 37. (D. C. 59.3; Suet. Suet. Cal. 24, 29.) She was recalled by Claudius. (D. C. 9.4; Suet. Cal. 59.) He afterwards put her to death at Messalina's instigation, who envied the beauty, dreaded the influence, and resented the haughtiness of Julia. (D. C. 60.8; Suet. Cl. 29; Zonar. 11.8; Sen. de Mort. Claud.) The charge brought against her was adultery. and Seneca, the philosopher, was banished to Corsica as the partner of her guilt (Dio Cass. l.c.). She is sometimes called Lnvilla, and Livia (Suet. Cal. 7, Oudendorp's note ad loc.). Josephus (J. AJ 19.4.3) makes Julia to have married M. Minucianus.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ch he had been known and esteemed by his friends at Rome. Yet, under all this apparent fortitude, he was a prey to anxiety, which, combined with the effects of a rigorous climate, produced in a few years a declining state of health. He was not afflicted with any acute disorder; but indigestion, loss of appetite, and want of sleep, slowly, but surely, undermined a constitution originally not the most robust. (Ex Ponto,1.10, &c.) He died in the sixtieth year of his age and tenth of his exile, A. D. 18, a year also memorable by the death of the historian, Livy. Two or three pretended discoveries of his tomb have been made in modern times, but they are wholly undeserving of attention Works 1. Amorum Libri III. Among the earliest of Ovid's works must be placed the Amorum Libri III., which however extends over a considerable number of years. According to the epigram prefixed, the work, as we now possess it, is a second edition, revised and abridged, the former one having consisted of fi
CALPURNIUS CN. F. CN. N. PISO, son of No. 22, inherited all the pride and haughtiness of his father. He was consul B. C. 7, with Tiberius, the future emperor, and was sent by Augustus as legate into Spain, where he made himself hated by his cruelty and avarice. Tiberius after his accession was chiefly jealous of Germanicus, his brother's son, whom he had adopted, and who was idolized both by the soldiery and the people. Accordingly, when the eastern provinces were assigned to Germanicus in A. D. 18, Tiberius chose Piso as a fit instrument to thwart the plans and check the power of Germanicus, and therefore conferred upon him the command of Syria. It was believed that the emperor had given him secret instructions to that effect; and his wife Plancina, who was as proud and haughty as her husband, was urged on by Livia, the mother of the emperor, to vie with and annoy Agrippina. Piso and Plancina fulfilled their mission most completely; the former opposed all the wishes and measures of G