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Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 3 3 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Muzzey, Artemas Bowers 1802-1892 (search)
Muzzey, Artemas Bowers 1802-1892 Clergyman; born in Lexington, Mass., Sept. 21, 1802; graduated at Harvard College in 1824, and at the Harvard Divinity School in 1828; was ordained in the Unitarian Church. His publications include Personal recollections of men in the battle of Lexington; Reminiscences of men of the Revolution and their families; and many others of a religious nature. He died in Cambridge, Mass., April 21, 1892.
oved its efficacy by letting himself from the windows of a lofty house in the city of Lyons. Blanchard, in a balloon ascension in August, 1785, let down a dog from a great hight by means of a parachute, without injury. He afterward applied it to descending from a balloon, in 1793, but, the machine failing to expand fully, he broke his leg in alighting. The first successful descent by a parachute from a balloon was by Mons. Garnerin, in Paris, October 21, 1797; he descended again September 21, 1802, when on a visit to England for the purpose of practicing aerostation among the islanders. This parachute consisted of thirty-two gores of white canvas, formed like an umbrella of 23 feet diameter; at the top was a round disk of wood, 10 inches in breadth, having a hole in its center to admit short pieces of tape to fasten it to the gores of the canvas. About 4 1/2 feet below the top was a hoop 8 feet in diameter, attached by a string to each seam, and below the hoop the wicker-work
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
re, on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Rev. Thomas B. Gannett, p. 19. He remained in Cambridge about ten years after the close of his ministry, during which period he represented his fellow-citizens two years in the General Court, and served them faithfully three years in the office of Town Clerk. He afterwards took charge of the Unitarian Church in South Natick, to which place he removed in 1843, and died there April 19, 1851. Rev. Artemas B. Muzzey, born in Lexington, Sept. 21, 1802, H. C. 1824, was ordained at Framingham, June 10, 1830, dismissed May 18, 1833, and installed here Jan. 1, 1834. He resigned May 4, 1846, and was succeeded by Rev. John F. W. Ware, H. C. 1838, who was installed Nov. 29, 1846, and resigned April 1, 1864. He is now pastor of the church in Arlington Street, Boston. Rev. Henry C. Badger was installed Jan. 15, 1865, resigned Oct. 1, 1865, and was succeeded by Rev. George W. Briggs, B. U. 1825, D. D. 1855, who was installed April 3, 1867.
llerica, and had in Lex. Amos, b. 19 Ap. 1766; Josiah, b. 4 Nov. 1767; Abigail, b. 27 May 1769; William, b. 20 May 1771. Amos the f. d. 10 Dec. 1822. 7. Amos, s. of Amos (6), m. Lydia Boutelle of Leominster, and had in Lex. Elmira, b. 21 Oct. 1794, m. Charles Reed 23 Oct. 1817, d. 15 Nov. 1819; Benjamin, b. 13 Dec. 1795, d. suddenly in Boston 21 Ap. 1848, leaving wid. and children; Lydia, b. 11 June 1799, m. Samuel Chandler (late Sheriff of Middlesex) 29 Oct. 1818; Artemas Bowers, b. 21 Sept. 1802, grad. H. C. 1824, ordained at Framingham 10 June 1830, resigned 18 May 1833, installed over Cambridgeport Parish 1 Jan. 1834, resigned 4 May 1846, commenced his ministry with the Lee Street Society 7 Sept. 1846, resigned 20 Feb. 1854, installed at Concord, N. H., 29 Mar. 1854, resigned May 1857, installed at Newburyport 3 Sept. 1857, resigned May 1865, returned to Camb. where he has since resided, preaching statedly at Chestnut Hill, Newton; he has two sons, Henry W., Ll. B. 1855, a l
llerica, and had in Lex. Amos, b. 19 Ap. 1766; Josiah, b. 4 Nov. 1767; Abigail, b. 27 May 1769; William, b. 20 May 1771. Amos the f. d. 10 Dec. 1822. 7. Amos, s. of Amos (6), m. Lydia Boutelle of Leominster, and had in Lex. Elmira, b. 21 Oct. 1794, m. Charles Reed 23 Oct. 1817, d. 15 Nov. 1819; Benjamin, b. 13 Dec. 1795, d. suddenly in Boston 21 Ap. 1848, leaving wid. and children; Lydia, b. 11 June 1799, m. Samuel Chandler (late Sheriff of Middlesex) 29 Oct. 1818; Artemas Bowers, b. 21 Sept. 1802, grad. H. C. 1824, ordained at Framingham 10 June 1830, resigned 18 May 1833, installed over Cambridgeport Parish 1 Jan. 1834, resigned 4 May 1846, commenced his ministry with the Lee Street Society 7 Sept. 1846, resigned 20 Feb. 1854, installed at Concord, N. H., 29 Mar. 1854, resigned May 1857, installed at Newburyport 3 Sept. 1857, resigned May 1865, returned to Camb. where he has since resided, preaching statedly at Chestnut Hill, Newton; he has two sons, Henry W., Ll. B. 1855, a l