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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24.. You can also browse the collection for 1821 AD or search for 1821 AD in all documents.
Your search returned 9 results in 4 document sections:
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Local history in a barber's shop. (search)
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Then and now. (search)
Then and now.
In 1821 there were in Medford 152 1/2 houses and about 1,500 people.
There were 121 barns that sheltered 105 horses, 78 oxen and 237 cows.
In 1 1820 or 21 was there a stove or fire there.
A glimpse of the town meeting of 1821 is worth while.
The committee on treasurer's accounts reported
the same all is intact today, and Medford's finances of that day show up well.
Medford, in 1821, polled just two hundred votes, giving her favorite son, Governor Brooks, one hu hoice.
Two had one each, Dudley Hall eighteen, and Turell Tufts twenty-six.
In 1821 the qualifications of a voter in town affairs were
To have been resident a y income of ten dollars, or any estate of the value of two hundred dollars
In 1821 the town clerk was paid $30, and the overseers of the poor $30 for the same peri ng no brief for union of church and state, we call attention to the fact that in 1821, public worship had the first place in the annual civic financial budget.