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's Ferry, where he successfully held out against Lieutenant-General Early. In July, 1864, he was relieved from his command, and he resigned from the army in May, 1865. After the war, he edited a German paper in Baltimore, and later was register and United States pension-agent in New York city. He was well known as a lecturer and editor of the New York Monthly, a German periodical. He died in New York city, August 21, 1902. Major-General Carl Schurz was born in Cologne, Prussia, March 2, 1829, studying there in the gymnasium and later at the University of Bonn. He was engaged in the revolutionary movement in 1848, and was compelled to seek refuge in Switzerland. In 1852, he came to the United States and settled in Philadelphia, later going to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he began the practice of law. Lincoln appointed him United States minister to Spain, but he resigned to take part in the Civil War. As brigadier-general of volunteers, he commanded a division of the First Co
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Allison, William Boyd, 1829- (search)
Allison, William Boyd, 1829- Politician; born in Perry, O., March 2, 1829; was educated at Alleghany and Western Reserve Colleges; admitted to the bar and practised in Ohio until 1857, when he removed to Dubuque, Ia. In 1860 he was a delegate to the Chicago Convention. During the Civil War he was active in raising troops for the Union army. In 1862 he was elected to Congress as a Republican, and was re-elected three times. In 1873 he was elected to the United States Senate, and has since held the seat by reelections. He has been a conspicuous candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination several times, and his name is associated with that of the late Richard P. Bland (q. v.) in the history of the Silver Act of 1877-78. See Bland silver bill.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Schurz, Carl (search)
Schurz, Carl Military officer; born near Cologne, Germany, March 2, 1829; studied at the Gymnasium at Cologne and at the University of Bonn; with other students engaged in the revolutionary movements in 1848; joined Gottfried Kinkel in publishing a liberal newspaper; and, after the failure of an attempt at insurrection at Bonn (1849) both were compelled to fly. Schurz made his way to Switzerland. On the night of Nov. 6, 1850, he rescued Kinkel from the fortress of Spandau, escaped to the sea, and took passage in a schooner for Leith. Thence Schurz went to Paris; thence to London, in 1851, where he was a teacher until the summer of 1852, when he came to the United States, landing at Philadelphia. There he remained three years, and then settled at Madison, Wis. In the Presidential campaign of 1856 he became a noted German orator, and in 1858 began to make public speeches in English. He soon afterwards became a lawyer at Milwaukee, and, in the winter of 1859-60 was recognized as
considerable more, and parties failed to subscribe the balance, that the tackle and apparatus was out of order, and that it would cost $100 to put them in proper repair, and they recommend that the draw be fastened up, and no more raised until a sufficient sum be raised by individuals, and paid over to the agent or agents of the town. The town accepted the report, and it is presumed that sufficient funds were forthcoming, as it is evident that the draw was soon afterwards in use. On March 2, 1829, A committee was appointed to see if the draw in the Great bridge could be dispensed with, and closed, and on what terms, also what repairs are needed, or whether a new draw must be made. This committee reported, May 4, 1829, that having consulted eminent counsel, they are advised that the town is under no legal obligation to make, or maintain a drawbridge, but may build without a draw as heretofore, they also say that they are not aware of any interests that the town has in a draw of s
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
ed equally in both districts. The dividing line between the districts did not please the people, and May 9, 1825, they voted that that part of this town which lays east of the Mill creek including Stoneham old road, but not the Andover and Medford turnpike be considered as forming one school district. The west end was beginning to tire of having its school for primary classes and girls kept in a private house, and its first school-house was erected in accordance with a vote passed March 2, 1829, to build a school house of wood in the west part of the town. This building was pushed forward with great rapidity, for it was finished and the builder paid May 20. The cost was $385 for building and $20 for the lot, on the Woburn road, which was bought of Jonathan Brooks. After this our districts became known as the East, Centre, and West, which designation they still retain. The location of the West School did not please the people, for very soon after we find its removal urged,