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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 1 (search)
that purpose. After a great deal of unnecessary delay, caused by differences of opinion between the commissioners on the respective sides, which circumstance was all the more annoying to Mr. Meade, for he deemed the duties which solicited his attention in the North quite as important as those to which he was contributing in the determination of the boundary-line between the United States and Texas, the work was at last satisfactorily completed, and he returned to Washington. There, in August, 1840, he was appointed by the secretary of war civil assistant on the survey of the northeastern boundary-line between the United States and the British Provinces, which survey was then being organized by Major James D. Graham, of the Corps of Topographical Engineers, the commissioner on the part of the United States. During these years Mrs. Meade continued to reside in Washington, and in the intervals of this constant change of duty her son had made her house his home. Intelligent, well-
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 7: the World's Convention.—1840. (search)
-Slavery Standard to the onset. (Applause). His voice has ever been a most awakening and cheering one, and it gladdens my heart that he is to be placed where it will reverberate round the land. (Applause). On the day following this reception Mr. Garrison with his wife and infant repaired to Brooklyn, Conn., to celebrate his return with his brother James and the Bensons. And here was penned the following letter: W. L. Garrison to H. C. Wright, at Hartford, Conn. Brooklyn, August, 1840. Ms., endorsed August 23, 1840. How much I desire to see you! I will not attempt to give you even a synopsis of the events which transpired during my brief sojourn in England, Scotland, and Ireland—not, at least, until we shall be permitted to see each other face to face. Let me just assure you, that I regard my mission as one of the most important movements of my life; that everything looks well for our side of the question across the great waters; that the rejection of the America
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, III: the boy student (search)
e part in later years, under strenuous opposition, in expanding it into a national organization; I was President of this chapter for 3 years and of the national organization at the same time and helped build the latter up when it was so sought after that we had one application from a Southwestern college which said that they had heard of f. B. K. and as they already had nine Greek letter societies it would be nice to have ten! In the college journal, the event is thus recorded: August, 1840. f. B. K. day—the greatest of my life so far. Rushed round till 9 on committee business—having carried the ribbons to Wheeler's room and put on my medal. . . . I went in [to dinner] later than was necessary—Judge Story and the grandees sat at the raised West end. First course I had was roast beef carved by White Simmons. 2nd, plum pudding and apple pie, then wine, fruit and segars—Passed a charming afternoon, lots of wit— the Judge always ready and always witty, as President. In t
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 12: editor of the New Yorker. (search)
e thine bright Intellect's unfading treasures, And Poesy's more deeply-hallowed spell, And Faith the zest which heightens all thy pleasures, With trusting love—Maid of my soul! farewell! One more poem claims place here, if from its autobiographical character alone. Those who believe there is such a thing as regeneration, who know that a man can act and live in a disinterested spirit, will not read this poem with entire incredulity. It appeared in the Southern Literary Messenger for August, 1840. The faded stars. I mind the time when Heaven's high dome Woke in my soul a wondrous thrill— When every leaf in Nature's tome Bespoke creations marvels still; When mountain cliff and sweeping glade, As morn unclosed her rosy bars, Woke joys intense—but naught o'er bade My heart leap up, like you, bright stars! Calm ministrants to God's high glory! Pure gems around His burning throne! Mute watchers o'er man's strange, sad story Of Crime and Woe through ages gone! 'Twas yours the mild <
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 4 (search)
bring that highest tribunal to a work of art, namely, the calm presence of greatness, which only greatness in the object can satisfy. Yet the opinion was often well worth hearing on its own account, though it might be wide of the mark as criticism. Sometimes, too, she certainly brought to beautiful objects a fresh and appreciating love; and her written notes, especially on sculpture, I found always original and interesting. Here are some notes on the Athenaeum Gallery of Sculpture, in August, 1840, which she sent me in manuscript:— Here are many objects worth study. There is Thorwaldsen's Byron. This is the truly beautiful, the ideal Byron. This head is quite free from the got-up, caricatured air of disdain, which disfigures most likenesses of him, as it did himself in real life; yet sultry, stern, all-craving, all-commanding. Even the heavy style of the hair, too closely curled for grace, is favorable to the expression of concentrated life. While looking at this head, yo
9 Old Houses Eastern Stage House, built about the year 1763 Ann street, removed, May, 1840 Feather store, head of Ann street, built, 1680 Removed, July, 1860 Franklin's shop, Union street, built, 1696 Part of the building removed, July, 1844 Remainder of building, with blue ball, removed Nov. 1858 Hughes, Washington street, built about 1660 Near Milk, removed, Aug., 1862 Head, on Boylston, cor. Tremont, built about 1763 Removed, standing, to Pond street, Aug., 1840 Hill, on Milk street, built about the year 1772 Being removed, May, 1846 Hancock, on Beacon street, stone, built, 1737 Removed, June, 1863 Phillips, Cotton Hill, Phillips place, built, 1635 Removed, June, 1828 Dea. Phillips', on Cross street, built of stone, 1650 Removed, to build a Church at East Boston, Apr., 1864 Old Houses Province, Province court, built, 1689 Purchased by the town, 1716 Sold by the town, 1779 Kept as a tavern, 1834 Opened as