m Ware commenced his ministry without installation services—resigned 1845.
Rev. William Ware died at Cambridge, 19 Feb. 1852, a. 54.
He waissed 19 Sept. 1836.
Invited to West Cambridge Dec. 1843, dismissed 1845.—Palmer.
1844, January 29.
By Wm. Ware. A record will be kept816, 1850; William L. Clark, 1843, 1860, 1852; Thaddeus Frost, 1844, 1845; Abner P. Wyman, 1844; Joseph Wyman, 1844; Daniel Clark, 1845, 1846;1845, 1846; Abel Peirce, 1845, 1846, 1849; Samuel C. Bucknam, 1845, 1849; James S. Russell, 1847; Henry Frost, 1847, 1853, 1855; Matthew Griswold, 1847; 1845, 1846, 1849; Samuel C. Bucknam, 1845, 1849; James S. Russell, 1847; Henry Frost, 1847, 1853, 1855; Matthew Griswold, 1847; Gershom Cutter, 1848; Warren Frost, 1848; Stephen Symmes, Jr., 1848; George Stearns, 1850; Jacob Hutchinson, 1850; Abner Gardner, 1850, 1854; 1845, 1849; James S. Russell, 1847; Henry Frost, 1847, 1853, 1855; Matthew Griswold, 1847; Gershom Cutter, 1848; Warren Frost, 1848; Stephen Symmes, Jr., 1848; George Stearns, 1850; Jacob Hutchinson, 1850; Abner Gardner, 1850, 1854; Thomas J. Russell, 1851; John Peabody, 1851, 1859; Samuel Butterfield, 1852; Walter Fletcher, 1853, 1865; James M. Chase, 1853; Henry Mott, 18with suitable gates, in 1843.
Trees were set out in Old Cemetery in 1845.
The New Cemetery was known by the name of Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Josiah H. Russell, 1844.
Joseph O. Wellington, 1845 (1846—none sent).
William Dickson, 1847 (1848—non43.
Abbot Allen, 1844.
Thomas P. Peirce, 1844, 1845, 1848.
Silas Frost, 1844, 1845.
William Dickson,1845.
William Dickson, 1845, 1846, 1850-60 (resigned).
Isaiah Jenkins, 1846.
Daniel Clark, 1847.
Edwin Locke, 1847.
Davi1845, 1846, 1850-60 (resigned).
Isaiah Jenkins, 1846.
Daniel Clark, 1847.
Edwin Locke, 1847.
Davis Locke, 1847.
Washington J. Lane, 1848, 1851, 1852, 1854, 1857-63.
Joseph O. Wellington, 1848, 1849, 1855in Poland, 1839-42.
William Whittemore, Jr. . 1843-45 (resigned).
William M. Chase, 1845.
Moses Proctor1845.
Moses Proctor, 1846-52.
John Locke, 1853-55.
Abel R. Proctor, 1856-67.
Town Treasurers.
John Adams, 1807-18.
George Holden, 1843.
Ebenezer P. Peirce, 1843-45, 1847.
Rev. William Ware, 1844, 1845.
Luke Wyman, J1845.
Luke Wyman, Jr., 1844.
Rev. Francis Horton, 1845-48, 1863.
Rev. George J. Carlton, 1846.
Rev. Willard Spalding, 1848. 1845-48, 1863.
Rev. George J. Carlton, 1846.
Rev. Willard Spalding, 1848.
John Field, 1848.
David W. Horton, 1849, 1850.
Rev. James F. Brown, 1849.
Abner Gardner, 1849, 1851, 185
, 1818-23; John Ormsby, 1824-27; Ebenezer Nelson, 1828-34; Appleton Morse and Charles Miller, 1834-38;
So given in the Arlington Baptist Church Book, but not recognized as such in the Massachusetts Registers of the time. Timothy C. Tingley, 1838-45; George J. Carleton, 1845-51; Joseph Banvard, 1851-53; Samuel B. Swaim, 1854-62; John Duncan, 1863-64; Amos Harris, 1865-75; Charles H. Spaulding, 1876-79.
Universalist Society.—A Society of this denomination appears to have existed in the town1845-51; Joseph Banvard, 1851-53; Samuel B. Swaim, 1854-62; John Duncan, 1863-64; Amos Harris, 1865-75; Charles H. Spaulding, 1876-79.
Universalist Society.—A Society of this denomination appears to have existed in the town as early as 1832, but without a regular established organization till Aug. 13, 1840, when it was voted to build a meeting-house, and a Society was organized under the name of the First Universalist Society in West Cambridge.
The subscribers to a fund for building a Universalist meeting-house in the town of West Cambridge, who petitioned for a warrant for a parish meeting on Aug. 3, 1840, were Henry Frost, Jefferson Cutter, Joseph Locke, William L. Clark, Francis Russell, William Whittemore,