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Your search returned 1,778 results in 970 document sections:
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History, Chapter 7 . (search)
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History, Chapter 9 . (search)
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 20 : visit of Calhoun , 1845 . (search)
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 31 : thirty-first Congress, 1849 -50 . (search)
Chapter 31: thirty-first Congress, 1849-50.
The first session of the Thirty-first Congress opened on Monday, December 3, 1849.
In no preceding Senate had been seen more brilliant groups of stat passed he thus wrote of this Congress:
The first session of the Thirty — first Congress (1849-50) was a memorable one.
The recent acquisition from Mexico of New Mexico and California, required l this counsellor emanated the bills which, taken together, are known as the Compromise Measures of 1850.
With some others, I advocated the division of the newly acquired territory by the extension he calm consideration we can usually give to the irremediable past, the Compromise Legislation of 1850 bears the impress of that sectional spirit so widely at variance with the general purposes of th ords an interesting incident of his own life at this time:
While the Compromise Measures of 1850 were pending, and the excitement concerning them was at its highest, I, one day, overtook Mr. Cla
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 32 : Missouri Compromise. (search)
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 43 : thirty-sixth Congress — Squatter sovereignty, 1859 -61 . (search)
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 44 : Charleston Convention , 1860 . (search)
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 48 (search)
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2 : preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 3 : assembling of Congress.--the President 's Message. (search)