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liar vein of satire found its natural field of employment. The papers "The Fat Contributor," "Jereme Diary," and "The Snob Papers" at once attracted attention and fixed his place as a writer. The high estimate formed of his abilities from these effort was confirmed by the publication of "Vanity Fair," The completion of the work, which was published in monthly parts, left him second only, in popularity, to Dickens. The reputation thus acquired was brilliantly sustained by "Pendennis," (1850) "The History of Henry Esmond," (1852) "The Newcomes," (1853) and "The Virginians," (1857) His later novels. "Lowel, the Widower," published in the Cornhill Magazine, a periodical of which he assumed the editorial charge, and "The Adventures of Philip," take lower rank. In the intervals between the appearance of the above he published several minor and Christmas stories, such as "Our Street," "Dr. Birch and his Young Friend," "The Kickel burys on the Ruine," &c. In the summer of 1851 M
he gave token of a quick and active mind, and under the fond care of devoted parents of the highest social and moral worth, he grew up to manly statue marked by every trait that gives promise of future distinction. His father died ten or twelve years ago, full of honors; his mother yet lives to witness with joy the service he is rendering to his country, and the proud fame he has won to be transmitted to posterity. James E B Stuart entered the Military Academy of West Point in the year 1850. Among his contemporaries at that institution were Gens Ambrose Philip, Henry Hath, George H Stuart, T H Holmes, Beverly H Robertson, and N George Evans, and Colonels Seth M Barron Alfred Cumming, and Thos S Rhett, of the Confederate army, and Burnside, Vicle, Wilcor, Cogswell, and others of greater or less repute, or disrepute, in the Yankee army. Among his immediate classmates were Colonels John Pegram, George W Custis Lee, and John B. Vilieplgue, now well known in the Confederate service
e South. The Rev. Mr. Hall, in a lecture lately delivered in this city on the "Historical Significance of the present Revolution," related the following incident in the life of Daniel Webster, which has never before appeared in print: In 1850, Mr. Webster, in the course of a conversation with some gentlemen of Maryland, remarked "A terrible crisis is at hand. The mass of the Northern people have been educated in anti-slavery doctrines, and are thoroughly abolitionist in sentiment. Thhe currents and the power of the tempest which had hurried his own bark, a majestic wreck, upon the shore. When such a man, who, by his long championship of the constitutional rights of the South, had immolated his political fortunes, declared in 1850 that the public sentiment of the North demanded the abolition of slavery, and that nothing but the South acceding to that demand would prevent the ruin of the country, it must be clear as daylight, even to those who do not wish to be convinced, th
turing twice on the late illustrious painter, Delacroix. The price of tickets was four dollars, three dollars and one dollar, and the house could have been filled several times over at these prices. The lectures were a great success, and the lecture received a regular ovation. The curious collection of autographs of the late Alexander Vattemare, of International Exchange memory, is now being published in a paper called the Autograph, and devoted to fac simile reproductions of the most distinguished and curious autographs to be found. The Vattemare collection contains many autographs of American statesmen, obtained between the years 1838 and 1850. The mortal remains of the late American Minister at Paris, which will arrive at New York this week on the Lafayette, were conducted to Havre by Mr. Pennington, Mr. Brooks, Vice-Consul at Paris, (who goes home in charge of the dead body,) and Messrs. John Monroe, Phalen, Beckwith, Mason, (of Boston), Aspinwall and Vanderpool.
Statistics of slavery. According the United States Census for 1850, the number of slaves then in the United States was 3, 204,013, distributed as follows: Alabama, 342,844; Arkansas, 47,100; District of Columbia, 3,687; Delaware, 2,290; Florida, 39,310; Georgia, 381, 682; Kentucky, 210,981; Louisiana, 244,809; Maryland, 90,368; Mississippi, 309,878; Missouri, 87,482; New Jersey, 236; North Carolina, 288,548; South Carolina, 384,984; Tennessee, 239,459; Texas, 58,161; Virginia, 472,528; Ter Rhode Island, after 1784, no person could be born a slave. The ordinance of 1787 forbid slavery in the territory northwest of the Ohio.--The constitutions of Vermont and New Hampshire abolished slavery. In New York it was provisionally abolished in 1799, twenty-eight years ownership being allowed a slave born after that date; and in 1817 it was enacted that slavery was not to exist after ten years, or 1827. There were 1,602,535 male, and 1,601,778 female slaves in this country in 1850.
Anderson, of Botetourt, took the chair, when addresses were made by Colonel John B. Baldwin, of Augusta; Colonel Funsten, and Hon. John Goode, all members of the Confederate House of Representatives. Colonel Baldwin's speech. Colonel Baldwin, in the beginning of his remarks, referred to his course in the Convention of 1850, and the speech which he made in that body against the dissolution of the Union. Separation, he said, was a bitter pill to him; but to be compelled to go back into it again would be the bittered which could be conceived of. He adverted to the oft-repeated expressions used by some people, that it was impossible for us to be subjugated. He thought it mischievous to say that it was impossible for us to fail, and thought it created false security to so represent our affairs. For himself, he felt called upon to say that there was danger of our being subjugated and conquered; but, at the same time, we should determine to meet the issue, instead of singing h
The question of Ocean Telegraphy, which has been for some time in abeyance, is undergoing at this time another attempt at solution by British enterprise. Of the principles and manner on which this new effort is being made, we have little information in this blockaded region. It may not be uninteresting, in this connection, to give a brief sketch of ocean telegraphy. In 1850, an unsuccessful attempt was made to connect England and France by a submarine telegraph. A vessel bearing a copper wire inclosed in gutta-percha, intended for this purpose, started from Dover and succeeded in paying out the wire and conveying the other end to the French coast. The printing instrument was attached, and several communications exchanged between England and France; but the next morning communications ceased, and it was evident that the insulation was destroyed. It was found that the wire had been snapped asunder, constructed, as it was, without any power of resistance to the action of
In 1790, the population of the United States, including whites and free negroes, was 3,231,930. The whole population in 1850, of whites and free colored persons, was 19,987,573. From an interesting treatise, published by a foreigner in Washington, the remarkable fact appears to be demonstrated, that, excluding immigration, the population of the United States, in 1850, would have been 7,555,423, instead of 19,987,573--a difference in population of 12,432,150. Extraordinary as this may appearnnot readily be answered, and which show to our minds that the United States is no longer, and was not even as long ago as 1850, an American country. Another writer, of opposite political views, testifies to the wonderful increase of the foreign element in the Northern States since 1850. For a single year, 1853, the aggregate immigration of the United States, by land and sea, was not short of half a million of souls. At that rate, there arrived in this country every year a sufficient numb
that laid the golden egg" was doing before the experiment of "cutting it open" was undertaken by the North. The Census of 1850 and the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for 1857 show that each inhabitant of the South, of all classes, produced uction at the South was $58 to each person, when, at the North, it was only $44.70. The total agricultural productions for 1850 amounted to one thousand, one hundred and sixty four millions. Of this sum, the North produced, in round numbers, six hundred and four millions, and the South five hundred and sixty millions. Population of the United States for 1850, 23,191,876; gives for average production by each person, $50.20. Population of the North, 13,527,220; each person, $44.70. Population ofsumed $45.08. The North consumed $609,880,612; the South consumed $435,827,053. The North had, therefore, a deficiency, in 1850, of agricultural productions to the value of $6,105,594; the South a surplus of $124,855,712; or each person at the North
of all that immigration has accomplished for the West, and, indeed, for the United States in general. Without that fertilizing addition to our population, the West would be now a wilderness, and the United States a fourth-rate power. This assertion is not made at random. It has been shown in an able statistical treatise that the difference in the population of the United States produced by immigration is 12,432,150. If immigration had been cut off in 1790 our population would have been in 1850 what it was in 1820. It has, in fact, placed the United States thirty years forward in that essential element of prosperity. Hitherto, owing to the ignorance in Europe of the extraordinary resources of the South and the system of slave labor, this vast stream of immigration has only scattered a few drops within our borders. Census returns show that six out of seven emigrants from Europe have settled in the free States. Labor is now the vital demand of Virginia, and we hope that the Le