Browsing named entities in Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for November, 1852 AD or search for November, 1852 AD in all documents.

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went on alone. He has told this part of his life better than another could. Happy in the peaceful pursuits of a planter, wrote Mr. Davis, in his later years, busily engaged in cares for servants, in the improvement of my land, in building, in rearing live stock, and the like occupations, the time passed pleasantly away until my retirement was interrupted by an invitation to take a place in the Cabinet of Mr. Pierce, who had been elected to the Presidency of the United States in November, 1852. Although warmly attached to Mr. Pierce personally, and entertaining the highest estimate of his character and political principles, private and personal reasons led me to decline the offer. This was followed by an invitation to attend the ceremony of inauguration, which took place March 4, 1853. While in Washington, on this visit, I was induced by public considerations to reconsider my determination, and accept the office of Secretary of War. The public record of that period w