Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies. You can also browse the collection for November, 1852 AD or search for November, 1852 AD in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
rrespondence with him until his death, and who writes of him as follows after hearing that sad news:— De ce cote de l'ocean, tous ceux qui ont connu Robert Shaw regrettent vivement sa perte, et sympathisent du fond de leur coeur avec les douleurs qu'elle a causees dans sa famille et dans son pays, ou il avait deja su, si jeune, se faire remarquer par ses riches qualityes. A few extracts from his own letters from Neuchatel will show something of his life there. Neuchatel, November, 1852. Dear mother,—I was just going to put a letter to father in the post, when I got yours. At the end of this lake there is a great deal of low country, which is generally overflowed every autumn; but this year it has been under water three times, and the inhabitants of the villages in the neighborhood are nearly starving, because all their crops have been spoiled. Why do you like the character of Marcus Brutus? He murdered his adopted father, and I don't see much to admire in that.