Browsing named entities in Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order. You can also browse the collection for March 4th, 1853 AD or search for March 4th, 1853 AD in all documents.

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rated, Apr. 5, 1841 Visited Boston, June 17, 1843 Died, aged seventy-two years, Jan. 17, 1862 James K. Polk, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1845 Visited Boston, July 4, 1847 Died, aged fifty-four years, June 17, 1849 Zachary Taylor, inaugurated, Mar. 5, 1849 Died, aged sixty-six years, July 10, 1850 Millard Fillmore, inaugurated, July 10, 1850 Visited Boston, at Railroad Jubilee, Oct. 25, 1848 Died, aged seventy-four years, Mar. 8, 1874 Franklin Pierce, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1853 Died, aged sixty-five years, Oct. 8, 1869 James Buchanan, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1857 Visited Boston, with Polk, July 4, 1847 Died, aged seventy-seven years, June 1, 1868 Abraham Lincoln, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1861 Assassinated, aged fifty-six years, Apr. 14, 1865 Andrew Johnson, inaugurated, Apr. 15, 1865 Visited Boston, June 24, 1867 Died, aged sixty-seven years, July 30, 1875 Ulysses S. Grant, inaugurated, Mar. 4, 1869 Visited Boston, June 16, 1869 Visi