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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
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n-colored chalices, and the green leaves are nearly a foot across. We planted a little switch, or scion of live-oak, with an attenuated little root, in 1852, and now it shades ninety feet in all directions, and is over six feet in circumference. Possession crowns endeavor there, and that quickly. In the midst of these pursuits, while daily congratulating ourselves on being at home, there to remain quietly, with our hearts filled by the joy of possessing our first child, a son, born June 30, 1853, and called after Mr. Davis's father, Samuel Emory Davis, Mr. Pierce wrote, urging my husband to enter his Cabinet. My entreaties, added to Mr. Davis's unwillingness to embark again in a political life, induced him to decline; but upon Mr. Pierce urging him to go, if only for the inauguration, he felt he could not refuse, but went on alone. He has told this part of his life better than another could. Happy in the peaceful pursuits of a planter, wrote Mr. Davis, in his later years,