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G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army 1 1 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. 1 1 Browse Search
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-work was sent to Olympia, where Captain McClellan arrived on the 16th of December. On the 23d he started with a small party to endeavor to complete the barometrical profile of the main Yakima Pass and examine the approaches on the western side; but he was obliged to return without having accomplished his purpose, mainly on account of the great depth of snow and the impossibility of procuring Indian guides. Some weeks were spent in office-work at Olympia. From that place, on the 8th of February, 1854, Captain McClellan addressed to Governor Stevens a brief report on the railroad-practicability of the passes examined by him; and his general report, sent to the Secretary of War, bears the date of February 25. Both of these reports appear in the first volume of the official publications on the Pacific Railroad route, made by order of Congress. His general conclusions were that between the parallels of 45° 30′ and 49° north latitude there are but two passes through the range practic
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Old ships and Ship-building days of Medford. (search)
1850 and 1857, and in a record of one hundred and twenty-eight passages made to San Francisco in 110 days or less between 1850 and 1860, from New York or Boston, seventeen were made by thirteen Medford ships as follows:— ShipDaysPort of DepartureDate of Arrival Shooting Star105BostonAug. 17, 1852 Courser108BostonApril 28, 1852 Phantom105BostonApril 21, 1853 Golden Eagle105BostonAug. 25, 1854 Don Quixote106BostonMarch 29, 1855 Ringleader107BostonFeb. 12, 1856 Ringleader110BostonFeb. 8, 1854 White Swallow110New YorkAug. 7, 1860 Herald of the Morning99New YorkMay 16, 1855 Herald of the Morning106BostonMay 7, 1854 Eagle Wing105BostonApril 5, 1854 Robin Hood107New YorkMarch 25, 1859 Ocean Telegraph109New YorkMarch 13, 1860 Electric Spark106BostonApril 9, 1856 Telegraph109BostonApril 9, 1855 He also divides this great race course into five sections, in which four other Medford ships made records, Ocean Express, John Wade, Syren and Living Age. The first section was