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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 219 219 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 194 194 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 47 47 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 45 45 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 45 45 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 26 26 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 18 18 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 14 14 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 13 13 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 12 12 Browse Search
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John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 1, P. VERGILI MARONIS, line 427 (search)
In limine primo, alluding to the Roman custom of burying new-born infants in suggrundis, under the eaves of the house, as has been pointed out by a writer in the Saturday Review, Sept. 25, 1858, art. on Gladstone's Homeric Studies. Here of course it is the threshold of Orcus that is spoken of. Wakef., whom Ribbeck follows, ingeniously punctuated after flentes, connecting in limine primo with vitae, which he separated from exsortis—an arrangement supported by Lucan 2. 106, quoted by Cerda, nec primo in limine vitae Infantis miseri nascentia rumpere fata, but on the whole repudiated by the present passage, even independently of the reviewer's illustration. Plato deals very summarily with these infants in the vision of Er, Rep. 10, p. 615 c, tw=n de\ eu)qu\s genome/nwn [a)poqano/ntwn] kai\ o)li/gon xro/non biou/ntwn pe/ri a)/lla e)/legen ou)k a)/cia mnh/mhs
William Watson Goodwin, Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb, Chapter IV (search)
another. Bekker cites, to illustrate this, ai)/q' ou(/tws xo/lon tele/sei) *)agame/mnwn, Il. iv. 178, and ei)/q' w(/s toi gou/naq' e(/poito, Il. iv. 313; also ai)/ ke qeo\s i(/khtai, Il. v. 129, followed immediately by a)ta\r ei)/ ke *)afrodi/th e)/lqh|s' e)s po/lemon. Bekker in his last edition of Homer (1858) gives only ei), ei)/qe, and ei) ga/r, without regard to the Mss.; and he is followed by Delbrück. The name protasis is often restricted to clauses introduced by a particle meaning if. But it applies equally to all conditional relative and temporal clauses (520), and it
eath his reserve of manner. But his cordial grasp, as I shook hands with him and bade him good-by, and his hearty God bless you, Eaton revealed what I had for years yearned to know, that my warm feelings for him were reciprocated; and I think those feelings were never for a moment alienated; so that, when he fell at Shiloh, I felt as if I had lost a brother. That the friend so cherished had desired and valued this boyish devotion is proved by a letter of General Johnston's from Utah, in 1858. He writes to Captain Eaton: I have known you long; more than the lifetime of a generation. I remember when I first saw you on North River. The son of a noble patriot could not fail to attract my attention; and, although you were much my junior, I felt a desire for your friendship, which in the course of time I acquired. I need not say that it was reciprocal, and in all that time not one incident has occurred to mar a friendship purely disinterested. To many a veteran soldier, thi
as familiar. Though the Coshatties stood aloof and were sometimes implicated in acts of hostility, yet, because their rights were prescriptive, they were treated with indulgence and allowed to retain their foothold when the immigrant Indians were expelled. Of the Cherokees, Shawnees, Kickapoos, etc., recent intruders, it is said they were restless and discontented, and in 1836 they gave unmistakable signs of hostility to the colonists by acts of depredation and murder. Texas Almanac, 1858, p. 174. Yoakum says that the Indians were kept quiet by the assurances of the committees of San Augustine and Nacogdoches, September 18, 1835, that their just and legal rights would be respected, and that no white man should interrupt them on their lands. Yoakum, History of Texas, vol. i., p. 858. Yet a different inference might be drawn from one of his anecdotes. He says that (in October or November, 1835) the appearance of Breese's company at Nacogdocheb had a fine effect on the Chero
e other sentiments of respect and appreciation, delivered in terms of noble sincerity — an estimate that grew and strengthened to the close. Some years after, General Scott, in another conversation, with Mr. Preston, referring to his former conversation took occasion to say that no better appointment than General Johnston could have been made; that he was equal to any position, and he would not have it otherwise. Captain Eaton informs the writer that General Scott told him in the winter of 1858 that he regarded General Johnston's appointment as a Godsend to the army and to the country. His opinion of General Johnston's qualities had greatly improved on a better acquaintance. Thus while General Johnston was undergoing the combined hardships, drudgery, and mental torture, arising out of his duties and losses as paymaster, a kind Providence and zealous friends advanced him to the very position which he preferred to all others. It is true that he had never held a regular cavalry c
rty, and property, were all made unsafe by his machinations. It was, therefore, found necessary to supersede him; but this was done in no hostile spirit. The general conduct of our Government toward all dependencies had been fostering; and this could not be otherwise with the Administration of Mr. Buchanan, which, moulded by the character of its chief, was essentially bureaucratic, conservative, and pacific. The Secretary of War, Mr. Floyd, expresses this sentiment in his report for 1857-58: It has always been the policy and desire of the Federal Government to avoid collision with the Mormon community. It has borne with the insubordination they have exhibited under circumstances where respect for its own authority has frequently counseled harsh measures of discipline. The Secretary adds that this forbearance might have been prolonged but for their attitude-a lion in the path --across the line of commerce and emigration, defying the Federal authority, and exciting the Indians t
imself. The Deseret News also made similar statements. These were fit fabrications to emanate from the conclave which had instigated the Mountain Meadows massacre. As General Johnston's talks with the Indians had been in the presence of others, he had no difficulty in placing on record the false and slanderous character of these statements; and those who are curious in such matters will find them set forth in Executive documents, second session, Thirty-fifth Congress, vol. II., part II., 1858-59, pp. 71-87. During General Johnston's administration of that military department, the Indians behaved very well. A few outrages only were perpetrated by bands of vagabond Indians, who were promptly punished; and California and Oregon emigrants will remember that their wagon-trains received escorts of dragoons over the dangerous parts of the route. In the spring of 1859 an issue arose between General Johnston and Governor Cumming, in which the latter was evidently misled by his fee
l, and some other men of ability, were hampered by their positions in Congress. Under the circumstances, the situation seemed more in the hands of General Simon B. Buckner than of any other one man. Buckner was a native of Kentucky, and thirty-eight years of age. He was graduated at West Point, where he was subsequently an instructor in ethics and in tactics. In the Mexican War he was wounded at Churubusco, and brevetted for gallantry. After a varied service, he resigned in 1855, and in 1858 settled in Louisville. Though the care of a large estate occupied much of his time and attention, yet, being an enthusiast in his profession, he undertook, as a congenial pursuit, the organization of the militia of Kentucky. Of this, with the title of inspector-general and the rank of major-general, he became the virtual chief. Under his management, the old cornstalk militia was transformed into the State Guard; and the absurd levy en masse, whose reviews were a burlesque on military train
hed in the darkness like sheets of flame; but their fire, except in so far as it served to protect the flanks of their batteries, was a mere waste of ammunition. Keyes commanded the Federals at this point, and had prepared his line with great precision and care ; General Erastus D. Keyes, United States army, is from the State of Maine; entered the service as brevet Second Lieutenant Third Artillery, July first, 1832; and in 1861 was Major First Artillery, commission dating October twelfth;1858. He has risen rapidly during the war, and is about forty-five years of age. His division behaved well at Seven pines, and although General Whiting assailed it furiously, was so well placed and projected by batteries that all our efforts were of little avail. but had Whiting commenced earlier, there can be no doubt he would have driven them on a line with Longstreet's advance down the Williamsburgh road. As it was, the latter officer, with Hill as coadjutor, had made a fearful gap in the lef
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
ory. Orders and detail Captain French Forrest Commander John K. Mitchell. Ordnance and Hydrography Commander George Minor Commander John M. Brooke. Provisions and clothing Assis't Surgeon John de Bree. Medicine and Surgery Surgeon W. A. W. Spotswood. Governors of the States during the War. Union States California Governor John G. Downey (1860-1) Governor Leland Stanford (1861-3) Governor Frederick F. Low (1863-8) Connecticut Governor William A. Buckingham (1858-66) Delaware Governor William Burton (1859-63) Governor William Cannon (1863-7) Illinois Governor Richard Yates (1861-5) Indiana Governor Oliver P. Morton (1861-7) Iowa Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood (1860-4) Governor William M. Stone (1864-8) Kansas Governor Charles Robinson (1861-3) Governor Thomas Carney (1863-5) Maine Governor Israel Washburn, Jr. (1861-3) Governor Abner Coburn (1863-4) Governor Samuel Cony (1864-7) Massachusetts Go