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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Storm in Southwestern Virginia. Lynchburg, Oct. 31.
We have been visited with very heavy rains during the past two or three days. In the mountains west of this place the rain has fallen in torrents, resulting in serious damage to the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad.
On Pea Creek Mountain, 12 miles west of Central Depot, two bridges have been washed away.-- Other washes of minor importance have also taken place.
This morning a train arrived here from the west, being the first since day before yesterday, and this made no connection west of Newbern.
[It will be seen by a telegraphic dispatch from our correspondent, in our telegraph column, that the damage is much greater than estimated in the above letter.]
The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource], Billiard Tournament. (search)
Yesterday morning, Oct. 31st. at 9 o'clock, in this city, James W. only child of Jos. W. and Eliza A. Barlow.
aged 3 years and 18 days.
His funeral will take place from St. Peter's Cathedral, at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The friends and acquaintances of the family, and those of Mrs. A. B. Wells, are invited to attend without further notice.
Lynchburg, Va.,Oct. 31.
-- The storm of the two days has greatly damaged the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad. Twelve bridges were swept away, and numerous land slides occurred.
The road bed is washed up and destroyed for miles.
The full extent of the damage is not known, but the lose cannot be less than $150,000. Some weeks must elapse before it can be repaired sufficiently for the passage of trains, and passengers are now returning to take other routes.
Preparations are making to run a stage line along the railroad route.
The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource], Another royal marriage. (search)
Arrival of the Fulton. New York, Oct. 31.
--The steamer Fulton (news telegraphed from Cape Race,) has arrived here.
An insane man had attempted to shoot the Queen of Spain.
Garibaldi's Neapolitan Ministry had resigned.
The departure of French troops for Rome had been suspended.
[Second Dispatch]
Sheridan Knowles, the author, was lost in the steamer Arctic on the voyage from Hull to C ladt.
The fortifications of Cherbourg and Algiero will be strengthened.
A number of steel-cased frigates are to be built for France.
The garrison at Marseilles is to be reinforced.
The French fleet has been recalled from Naples.
Advices from Syria state that the French had established a provisional municipality at Decralkaishner, and had reinstated the Christians in houses built by the French soldiers.
The Paris flour market was high, under rainy weather.
Political. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 31.
--A dispatch from J. J. Seibels, E. A. Banks, A. Elmore, L. D. Hollengulet and W. Garrett, of Montgomery, Also, says, "The Breckinridge Minute Men held a disunion meeting last night, and openly avowed their preference for Lincoln's election, in order to break up the Union.
Mr. Mitchell, a seceding delegate from Charleston, came out and declared boldly for disunion.
Resolutions were passed, declaring in favor of immediate dissolution in the event of Lincoln's election."
Reception of Senator Douglas in the South. Augusta, Oct. 30.
--Senator Douglas was hailed enthusiastically on his route through Upper Georgia. Thousands greeted him at Atlanta.
Macon, Ga., Oct. 31.--Senator Douglas arrived here last night.
He was welcomed with firing of guns, and great enthusiasm was exhibited by the people.
From Havana and Mexico. New Orleans, Oct. 31.
--The steamer De Soto, from Havana on the 27th, reports the Havana sugar market unchanged.
The growing cane crop is in excellent condition.
An arrival from Vera Cruz says the $400,000 seized in the specie conducta by Delgado had been returned to its owners.
The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource], Fast life in New York. (search)
Financial Disasters. Baltimore, Oct. 31.
--Josiah Lee & Co., Brokers, have closed their Banking House sad made an assignment.
Appleton & Co. have also closed.
There are rumors that others have suspended.
Northern Markets. New York, Oct. 31.
--Cotton unchanged.
Flour heavy — Southern $5.60@5.95.
Wheat 1 higher--Southern white 5c, higher, Corn steady — mixed 68 @6 . Pork — mess $19 : prime $14.75@14.75.
Whiskey dull at 22 Sugar steady.
Turpentine dull at Rosin dull.
Rice steady at 4 3/8@4 3/4.
Skies in New York, Oct. 30th. of $4,000 Va. 6's st $26.000 Tenn.
6's at 88, and $15.000 do. at $ ..
Baltimore, Oct. 31. --Flour dull — Howard and Ohio $5.50; City Mil's $5.37. Whea68 @6 . Pork — mess $19 : prime $14.75@14.75.
Whiskey dull at 22 Sugar steady.
Turpentine dull at Rosin dull.
Rice steady at 4 3/8@4 3/4.
Skies in New York, Oct. 30th. of $4,000 Va. 6's st $26.000 Tenn.
6's at 88, and $15.000 do. at $ ..
Baltimore, Oct. 31. --Flour dull — Howard and Ohio $5.50; City Mil's $5.37. Wheat dull — while $1. @1.55; red $1.25@5.15.
Corn steady-- yellow ; white 65@ 71.
Provisions steady-- mess pork $19.75. Coffee steady at 14 ¼@15 ¼. Whi
The Daily Dispatch: November 2, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Subtlety of Poisons. (search)
City Point, Oct. 31, 1860.
Steamer George Peabody, Pritchard, Richmond.
Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, Richmond.
Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond.
Steamer George Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore.
Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York.
Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Philadelphia.
Bark Petri, Sturges, Liverpool.