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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Origin of the late war. (search)
opinion, it will be found Not enriches them, But leaves us poor indeed. Had the South permitted her property, her constitutional rights and her liberties to be surreptitiously taken from her without resistance and made no moan, would she not have lost her honor with them? If the alternative were between such a loss and armed resistance, is it surprising that she preferred the latter? Preamble and resolution Offered in a large mass meeting of the people of Botetourt county, December 10th, 1860, by the Hon. John J. Allen, President of the Supreme court of Virginia, and adopted with but two dissenting voices. The people of Botetourt county, in general meeting assembled, believe it to be the duty of all the citizens of the Commonwealth, in the present alarming condition of our country, to give some expression of their opinion upon the threatening aspect of public affairs. They deem it unnecessary and out of place to avow sentiments of loyalty to the constitution and devoti
Slave Power, was promptly demonstrated. Mr. George W. Curtis, one of our most attractive and popular public speakers, had been engaged by the People's Literary Institute of Philadelphia to lecture on the evening after the great meeting, and had announced as his subject, The policy of honesty. What reflections were suggested by that topic or title to the engineers of the meeting, can only be inferred from the following notification: Office of the Mayor of the city of Philadelphia, Dec. 10, 1860. dear Sir :--The appearance of George W. Curtis, Esq., as a lecturer before the People's Literary Institute, on Thursday evening next, will be extremely unwise. If I possessed the lawful power, I would not permit his presence on that occasion. Very respectfully, etc. Alexander Henry, Mayor. James W. White, Esq., Chairman. The following letter from the owner of the Hall betrays a common impulse, if not a common origin, with the foregoing: Concert Hall, December 11, 1860
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
s, who took the chief command. After careful preparation, and getting his soldiers well in hand, he led them towards New Orleans. He was met by Jackson with a force behind intrenchments about half-way between the city and Villereas, and a severe battle ensued, in which the Americans were victorious. Immediately afterwards the British withdrew to their ships and departed. See Jackson, Andrew; New Orleans. In the legislature of Louisiana, assembled at Baton Rouge in special session, Dec. 10, 1860, the Union sentiment was powerful, yet not sufficiently so to arrest mischief to the commonwealth. An effort was made to submit the question of Convention or no convention to the people, but it failed, and an election of delegates to a convention was ordered to be held on Jan. 8, the anniversary of Jackson's victory at New Orleans. On that occasion the popular vote was small, but it was of such a complexion that the Confederates were hopeful. The convention met at Baton Rouge, Jan. 23
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
3, 1860 President's message contends that the South has no legal right to secede, and the government no power to prevent secession......Dec. 4, 1860 A special committee of thirty-three, one from each State, appointed by the House upon the condition of the country......Dec. 4, 1860 [This committee submitted five propositions, Jan. 14, 1861; but one, that proposing a Constitutional amendment, ever reached the Senate.] Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Secretary of Treasury, resigns......Dec. 10, 1860 Lewis Cass, of Michigan, Secretary of State, resigns because the President refused to reinforce Major Anderson at Fort Moultrie, S. C.......Dec. 14, 1860 A loan of $10,000,000 authorized by Congress......Dec. 17, 1860 Senate appoints a committee of thirteen upon the condition of the country, and to report a plan on adjusting the difficulty......Dec. 18, 1860 [On Dec. 31 the chairman reported that the committee were unable to agree.] John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, speaks
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 44: Secession.—schemes of compromise.—Civil War.—Chairman of foreign relations Committee.—Dr. Lieber.—November, 1860April, 1861. (search)
er 26, an inflammatory speech at Newburyport, which affirmed the right of secession, and denied the right of the government to coerce the seceders. (Boston Post, November 27, 28, 29.) His letter, November 19. justifying the complaints of the seceders is printed in the Boston Advertiser, November 21. Henry Wilson replied to him at length in a trenchant letter, which reviewed his earlier and better record. New York Tribune, December 26. and Daniel E. Sickles, in his speech in the House, Dec. 10, 1860, set up the city of New York as a barrier against the march of national troops for the maintenance of the Union. Journals of great influence, notably the New York Herald and Albany Argus, stimulated the conspiracy with harangues which justified the seceders and denied to the government the right to reduce them to submission by force. Greeley's American Conflict, vol. I. pp. 395, 396. James Gordon Bennett's later change of front is described in Thurlow Weed's Memoir, vol. I. pp. 616
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.1 (search)
those of Judge Mangum. All of the old line Whigs opposed the war, while some of the Democrats, like Bedford Brown, denied the right to secede. V. Action of North Carolina Assembly, 1860-‘61. With such sentiments as these from her leading men it is hardly a matter of surprise that North Carolina moved slowly in the consideration of this great question. On the other hand, Judge S. J. Person, the leader of the secession forces in North Carolina, was also a University man, and on December 10th, 1860, as Chairman of the Committee on Federal Relations, made a report to the General Assembly, in which it was recommended that a convention be elected on February 7th, 1861, to meet on the 18th, to consider the grave situation. A minority report was signed by three members of the committee, Giles Mebane, Col. David Outlaw, and Nathan Newby, all University men, in which they opposed the calling of a convention, on the ground that it was premature and unnecessary. The conservatives carri
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The laying of the corner-stone of the monument to President Jefferson Davis, (search)
, as he felt certain that from his knowledge of the people of the North and South, that if there was a clash of arms, the contest would be the most sanguinary the world ever witnessed. As a member of the Senate committee to whom the compromise proposals were submitted at the outbreak of secession, he expressed his willingness to accept any plan of settlement that promised a reasonable hope of success. But the Republican members of that committee rejected every proposition made. On December 10, 1860, Mr. Davis spoke these words in the Senate: This Union is as dear to me as a Union of fraternal States. It would lose its value if I had to regard it as a Union held together by physical force. I would be happy to know that every State felt the fraternity which made this Union possible, and if that evidence could go out—if evidence satisfactory to the people of the South could be given that that feeling existed in the hearts of the northern people—you might burn your statute books an
The Daily Dispatch: March 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Juriles of all the Sisters of Charity of the United States. (search)
Juriles of all the Sisters of Charity of the United States. --By a rescript dated Rome, 10th December, 1860, obtained at the prayer of the Archbishop of Cincinnati, and Right Rev. Dr. Spalding, Bishop of Louisville, the Holy Father extends to all the Sisters of Charity of the United States the grace of the Jubilee granted the Daughters of St. Vincent of Paul, on occasion of the Solar's 200th Anniversary. We presume the different communitics can obtain this grace on the day of their choice. --Catholic Telegraph.
s void will be hard to fill. For fidelity in the discharge of every duty devolving on him in a public capacity, the people could not have selected one more eligible. As to his worth and appreciation at home, a more convincing proof could not have been manifested than the mournful lamentations and expressive countenances of his truly bereaved children, relatives, friends and domestics, when he was consigned to his last resting place. J. M. W. A correspondent in King William county writes: "The flag raised by me on the 10th of December, 1860, the first flung to the breeze in this dear old State, still floats proudly. I promised when it was raised that it should never be lowered until Virginia had dissolved her connection with that thrice accursed Union; that act will be consummated on Thursday next by the most overwhelming majority ever cast in Virginia. When I made that promise I was considered mad by many of my friends; but I spoke the words of truth and soberness."
From Washington. [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Washington, Dec. 10th, 1860. It is a horrid, cold, rainy, windy day. There is enough rheumatism in the air to create an army of cripples in ten minutes. Still, there are plenty of people in the House gallery.-- Hawkins, of Florida, is now speaking. The members are listening to him with great attention. He has not yet said so, but it is thought he will not act on the Committee of Thirty-three; nor will Boyce, Reuben Davis, in spite of much solicitation from his colleagues, will act — as he says, for the purpose of watching the movements of the enemy, not of offering or accepting any compromise. The preaching yesterday was most fervid in behalf of the Union. Rev. Mr. Stockton, Chaplain of the House, delivered a discourse landed on all sides for its eloquence. Strange to say, in view of this man's piety and oratorical ability, he and his family have been often on the point of starvation, so careless is the world
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