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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
press the earnest hope of Mississippi, that those States will co-operate with her in the adoption of efficient measures for their common defense and safety. A portion of the Legislature was for immediate separation and secession. The press of the State was divided in sentiment, and so were the people, while their representatives in Congress were active traitors to their government. One of these (Lucius Quintius Curtius Lamar, a native of Georgia, who remained in Congress until the 12th of January, 1861, and was afterward sent to the. Russian Court, as a diplomatic agent of the conspirators), submitted to the people of Mississippi, before the close of November, 1860, a plan for a Southern Confederacy. After reciting the ordinance by which Mississippi was created a State of the Union, and proposing her formal withdrawal Lucius Q. C. Lamar. therefrom, the plan proposed that the State of Mississippi should consent to form a Federal Union with all the Slave-labor States, the Territor
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 5: events in Charleston and Charleston harbor in December, 1860.--the conspirators encouraged by the Government policy. (search)
your policy — we will send no more troops to the harbor of Charleston. But General Cass was firm. These forts, he said, must be strengthened. I demand it. The President replied, I am sorry to differ with the Secretary of State, but the interests of the country do not demand a re-enforcement of tho forts at Charleston. I cannot do it. I take the responsibility. This was on the 18th of December--General Cass resigned the next day.--Report of Floyd's Speech, in the Richmond Enquirer, January 12, 1861. Anderson found it necessary for him to assume grave responsibilities, for he was evidently abandoned to his fate by his Government. He sent engineers and. workmen to repair Castle Pinckney, and, as vigorously as possible, he pushed on the labor of strengthening Fort Moultrie. When the Ordinance of Secession was passed, still more menacing became the actions of the South Carolinians. Anderson knew that commissioners had been appointed to repair to Washington, to demand the surr
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
st ahead, and from it two steam-tugs were seen to put out, with an armed schooner, to intercept the Star of the West. Hemmed in, and exposed to a cannonade without power to offer resistance (for his vessel was unarmed), Captain McGowan perceived that his ship and all on board of her were in imminent peril of capture or destruction; so he turned her bow ocean-ward, after seventeen shots had been fired at her, put to sea, and returned to New York on the 12th. Report of Captain McGowan, January 12, 1861. Major Stevens, a tall, black-eyed, black-bearded young man of thirty-five years, was exceedingly boastful of his feat of humbling the flag of his country. The friends of Colonel Branch claimed the infamy for him. The garrison in Sumter had been in a state of intense excitement during the brief time when the Star of the West was exposed to danger. Major Anderson was ignorant of her character and object, and of the salutary official changes at Washington, or he would have instantly
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 7: Secession Conventions in six States. (search)
rts in this State have long been unoccupied, and these being garrisoned at this time will unquestionably be looked upon as a hostile demonstration, and will, in my opinion, certainly be resisted. Letter of Governor Ellis to the President, January 12, 1861. The State troops were soon afterward withdrawn from the forts and the Arsenal. The politicians of Mississippi were the first to follow the example of those of South Carolina. We have already observed initial movements there, by the Legiing the convenient one of the postal system. They also assumed the right to dictate the terms upon which the Mississippi River should be navigated, in the portion that washed the borders of their commonwealth. By order of Governor Pettus, January 12, 1861. the Quitman Battery, as a company of frantic artillerists called themselves, hastened from Jackson to Vicksburg, and planted cannon on the bluff there, with orders to hail and examine every vessel that should attempt to pass. On Tuesday, t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
d the right of secession; affirmed the loyalty of his State; suggested the repeal of the obnoxious features of the Fugitive Slave Law, as the most effective method for procuring the repeal of Personal Liberty Acts; and called for a repeal of the laws of Southern States which interfered with the constitutional rights of the citizens of the Free-labor States. William Dennison, Jr. Determined to do no wrong, he said, we will not contentedly submit to wrong. Five days afterward, January 12, 1861. the Legislature passed a series of resolutions in which they denounced the secession movements, and promised, for the people of Ohio, their firm support of the National Government, in its efforts to maintain its just authority. Two days later, January 14. they reaffirmed this resolution, and pledged the entire power and resources of the State for a strict maintenance of the Constitution and laws by the General Government, by whomsoever administered. This position the people of Ohio
onfederate army—1861 inside the battery North of Fort McRee at Pensacola This spirited photograph by Edwards of New Orleans suggests more than volumes of history could tell of the enthusiasm, the hope, with which the young Confederate volunteers, with their queerly variegated equipment, sprang to the defense of their land in 1861. Around this locality in Florida some of the very earliest operations centered. Fort McRee and the adjacent batteries had passed into Confederate hands on January 12, 1861, when Lieutenant Adam J. Slemmer withdrew with his eighty-two men to Fort Pickens in Pensacola Harbor. The lack of conventional military uniformity shown above must not be thought exceptional. Confederate camps and men in general pretended to nothing like the smartness of the well-equipped boys in blue. Weapons, however, were cared for. All through the Southern camps, soldiers could be found busily polishing their muskets, swords, and bayonets with wood ashes well moistened. Bright
a company letter. There were various Guards, Grays, and Rifles— the last a ludicrous misnomer, the rifles being mostly represented by flint-lock muskets, dating from the War of 1812, resurrected from State arsenals and carrying the old buck and ball ammunition, caliber 1869. On this and the following illustration page are shown some members of Company G, Eighteenth Virginia Regiment, first called Nottaway Rifle Guards and afterward Nottaway Grays. The company was organized on the 12th of January, 1861. Its original roll was signed by fifty men. April 13, 1861, its services were tendered to Governor Letcher to repel every hostile demonstration, either upon Virginia or the Confederate States. This sentiment of home defense animated the Confederate armies to heroic deeds. The company from Nottaway, for example, was active in every important combat with the Army of Northern Virginia; yet it was composed of citizens who had, with possibly one exception, no military education, and wh
the Hon. I. W. Hayne, who will hand you this communication, is authorized to give you the pledge of the State that the valuation of such property will be accounted for, by this State, upon the adjustment of its relations with the United States, of which it was a part. F. W. Pickens. To the President of the United States. extracts from instructions of the State Department of South Carolina to Hon. I. W. Hayne State of South Carolina, Executive Office, State Department, Charleston, January 12, 1861. sir: The Governor has considered it proper, in view of the grave questions which now affect the State of South Carolina and the United States, to make a demand upon the President of the United States for the delivery to the State of South Carolina of Fort Sumter, now within the territorial limits of this State and occupied by troops of the United States. You are now instructed to proceed to Washington, and there, in the name of the government of the State of South Carolina, inqui
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Conway, William 1802-1865 (search)
Conway, William 1802-1865 Sailor; born in Camden, Me., in 1802; was on duty as quartermaster at the Pensacola navyyard when that place was seized by the Confederates, Jan. 12, 1861. When commanded to lower the United States flag, he exclaimed: I have served under that flag for forty years, and I won't do it. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1865.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York City (search)
this message in document form. The patriotic action of the New York legislature, and the official suggestion of Mayor Wood, alarmed the commercial classes of that emporium, and these and large capitalists hastened to propose conciliation by making any concession to the demands of the South. A war would sweep thousands of the debtors of New York merchants into absolute ruin, and millions of dollars' worth of bills receivable in the hands of their creditors would be made worthless. On Jan. 12, 1861, a memorial, numerously signed by merchants and capitalists, was sent to Congress, praying that body to legislate in the interests of peace, and to give assurances, with any required guarantees, to the slave-holders, that their right to regulate slavery within their respective States should be secured; that the fugitive slave law should be faithfully exeuted; that personal liberty acts in possible conflict with that law should be readjusted, and that they should have half the Territories
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