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Virginia State Convention.Thirteenth day. Thursday, Feb. 28, 1861. The Convention was called to order at 12 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Burrows, of the First Baptist Church. The President stated that the unfinished business of yesterday, (the resolutions of the gentleman from Rockbridge,) was now in order — the gentleman from Orange (Mr. Morton) being entitled to the floor. Mr. Morton said he would give way a moment for the gentleman from Hanover, who desired to offer a resolution. Mr. Richardson, of Hanover, submitted the following: Resolved, That in furtherance of the resolution adopted by this Convention on the 20th inst., seeking information of the Governor regarding the militia, the Adjutant General of the State be, and he is hereby requested, to communicate to this body, as speedily as is compatible with a thorough report on this subject, how many and what kind of arms are in the possession of the state, undistributed, and the number and k
General Assembly of Virginia.[extra session.]Senate. Thursday,Feb. 28, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Peterkin. Bills Reported.--By Mr. Logan, to amend the acts concerning District Free Schools, in the county of Jefferson; also, Senate bill extending the corporate limits of the town of Fredericksburg. Mr. Wickham presented the petition of officers of cavalry for an appropriation to meet the expenses of a camp of instruction for cavalry officers. Resolutions.--On motion of Mr. Neeson, it was resolved to inquire into the expediency of legalizing certain irregularities in the sales of land delinquent for taxes, made in the year 1855, in the county of Tyler. Adjournment Proposed.--Mr. Smith offered the following joint resolution, which lies over under the rules: Resolved, That the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring therein, will, when it adjourns on Tuesday, the 12th day of March next, adjourn to
House of Delegates. Thursday, Feb. 28, 1861. Speaker Critchfield called the House to order at 11 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. J. A. Duncan, of the Methodist Church. Senate bill for the relief of Daniel S. Dickinson was referred to the Committee on Finance, after two readings; Senate bill establishing a Bank in Jeffersonville, Tazewell co., was read twice, and referred to the Committee on Banks. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry into expediency were offered: By Mr. Keen, of refunding to Daniel Dugger, of the town of Danville, $140 taxes, improperly assessed and paid; by Mr. Allen, of reporting a bill for the relief of Benj. Wray and Joseph Boon, of Franklin co., for a certain amount of taxes improperly paid; by Mr. Mong, of releasing the Commonwealth's title to certain lands in Berkeley county to C. D. Stewart's heirs; by Mr. Pritchard, of amending the law exempting certain specific property from levy, so as to allow $300 worth in value to be se
laves; also, the Farming Implements, and Crops on hand, four good Mules, one excellent light Carriage and Harness, in good order, and a pair of gentle, well-matched Horses, all the Cattle, including four work Oxen, seven Sheep, about 20 Hogs, and many other articles not necessary to mention. Terms.For the Land, one-fourth cash; balance at 1, 2 and 3 years, for bonds bearing interest, secured by a trust deed; for the Slaves Cash, and for the Perishable Estate, all sums under $20 cash, over that amount 6 months credit, for bonds bearing interest, with good security, on which there will be an endorsement to the effect that if the principal is punctually paid, the interest will be remitted. The taxes on the land, for this year, to be paid by the purchaser. Wm. W. Fulcher, Executor of Mary Fulcher, dec'd. Hanover, Feb. 28, 1861. P. S.--At the same time and place will be sold for cash eight Valuable Slaves, belonging to the estate of the late William Fulcher. dec'd. fe 28--3t*
Sales of stocks in Richmond. Reported by John A. Lancaster & Son, for week Ending February 28TH, 1861. Virginia 6 per cent. Registered Bonds, sales $82. Richmond City Bonds, last sales $90. Petersburg City Bonds, no recent sales. Lynchburg City Bonds, no recent sales. Norfolk City Bonds, no recent sales. Exchange Bank Stock, sales $100. Farmers' Bank Stock, sales $97. Bank of Virginia Stock, sales $58. Bank of the Commonwealth Stock, held at $94. Richmond and Danville R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., last sales Virginia Central R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales. City of Petersburg Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales. James River and Kanawha Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales. Old Dominion Insurance Co. Stock, sales $28. Richmond Fire Association Stock, last sales $38. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Stock, last sales $38. Insurance Company State of Va., last sales $11