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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), California (search)
t San Francisco......Oct. 10, 1858 Forty-two prisoners escape from State prison in open day, and 100 others following are fired upon and driven back......June 27, 1859 David C. Broderick wounded by David S. Terry in a duel Sept. 12; dies......Sept. 16, 1859 First pony express leaves Sacramento for St. Joseph, Mo.......April 4, 1860 A Japanese embassy of seventy-two men are the guests of San Francisco......March 29, 1860 California regiment, Col. E. D. Baker, organized......April 21, 1861 Citizens' meeting in San Francisco declares for Union......May 11, 1861 Daily overland mail established from the Missouri River to San Francisco over the central route to replace that through northern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California, established in 1858......July 1, 1861 Telegraph line from Denver, Col., to Sacramento, Cal., completed......September, 1861 Ex-Senator Gwin and Attorney-General Benham arrested by General Sumner, charged with complicity in Reb
ln and Douglas throughout the State on slavery Summer and autumn, 1858 Governor Bissell dies; Lieut.-Gov. John Wood succeeds......March 18, 1860 Abraham Lincoln nominated for President by the Republican National Convention at Chicago......May 16, 1860 Abraham Lincoln inaugurated President......March 4, 1861 General Swift, with six companies and four cannon, leaves Chicago to occupy Cairo, under telegraphic order from the Secretary of War to Governor Yates, of April 19......April 21, 1861 Twenty-one thousand stands of arms seized at the St. Louis arsenal by forces under Captain Stokes, and removed to Alton by boat, thence to Springfield by rail......April 26, 1861 U. S. Grant tenders his services to Governor Yates, and is assigned to command of camps Yates, Grant, and Douglas......April, 1861 Stephen A. Douglas dies at Chicago, aged forty-eight......June 3, 1861 A convention chosen to form a new constitution meets Jan. 7, 1862; assumes legislative powers, rati
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
of Governor Letcher......April 17, 1861 Gen. W. B. Talieferro assigned to the command of the Virginia troops at Norfolk......April 18, 1861 Harper's Ferry, threatened by Virginia militia, is evacuated by Lieutenant Jones and forty-five regulars, after destroying public property......April 18, 1861 Norfolk navy-yard evacuated and property destroyed......April 20, 1861 Robert E. Lee nominated by the governor and confirmed by the convention as commander of the State forces......April 21, 1861 Virginia convention sends commissioners to Alexander H. Stephens, Vice-President of the Confederacy, to treat for the annexation of Virginia......April 24, 1861 Governor's proclamation that Virginia is a member of the Confederacy (subject to popular vote in May)......April 25, 1861 Richmond becomes the capital of the Confederacy and general rendezvous of Southern troops......May, 1861 Virginia incorporated with the Confederacy, and Gen. Robert E. Lee in command of the Virgini
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), West Virginia, state of (search)
, 1860 Forty-six delegates from what is now West Virginia, vote on the ordinance of secession; 9 for, 29 against; seven are absent, one excused......April 17, 1861 Garrison at Harper's Ferry burn the arsenal and flee into Maryland......April 21, 1861 West Virginia declares for the Union......April 21, 1861 First Wheeling convention on the future of western Virginia meets in Washington Hall, Wheeling......May 13, 1861 First Virginia Federal Infantry mustered in on Wheeling Island April 21, 1861 First Wheeling convention on the future of western Virginia meets in Washington Hall, Wheeling......May 13, 1861 First Virginia Federal Infantry mustered in on Wheeling Island by Major Oaks......May 15, 1861 Second Wheeling convention meets at Washington Hall, Wheeling, June 11, 1861; adopts a declaration of rights, June 13; an ordinance to reorganize the State government, June 19; and elects Francis H. Pierpont governor......June 20, 1861 General Rosecrans defeats Confederates under Gen. R. S. Garnett, in the battle of Rich Mountain......July 11, 1861 Battle of Carnifex Ferry; Confederates under Gen. H. A. Wise attacked by Federals under Rosecrans......Sept.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wars of the United States. (search)
l 11, 1783 Northwestern Indian (General St. Clair).Sept. 19 1790Aug. 3, 1795 With France Naval warfare.July 9, 1798Sept. 30, 1800 With Tripoli Naval warfare.June 10, 1801June 4, 1805 Tecumseh Indian (General Harrison)Sept. 11, 1811Nov. 11, 1811 Creek IndianAug. 13, 1813Aug. 9, 1814 1812, with Great BritainJune 19, 1812Feb. 17, 1815 Algerine Naval warfare.May, 1815June 28, 1815 Seminole IndianNov. 20, 1817Oct. 21, 1818 Black Hawk IndianApril 21, 1831Sept. 31, 1832 Cherokee Disturbance or Removal18361837 Creek Indian DisturbanceMay 5, 1836Sept. 30, 1837 Florida IndianDec. 23, 1835Aug. 14, 1843 Aroostook Disturbance18381839 With MexicoApril 24, 1846July 4, 1848 Apache, Navajo, and Utah.18491855 Comanche Indian18541854 Seminole Indian18561858 The Civil, or RebellionApril 21, 1861May 11, 1865 Sioux Indian18621862 Modoc Indian1872June, 1873 Sioux IndianJune 25, 18761876 Nez Perce Indian1877October, 1877 Ute Indian18791879 With SpainApril 21, 1898Aug. 12, 18