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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
he United States, resigns about......May 1, 1864 [Campbell alone of the three Southern justices joined the Confederacy. He became assistant Secretary of War of the Confederate States; died 1889.] President Lincoln calls for 42,034 volunteers for three years, and adds 22,714 men to the regular army and 18,000 to the navy......May 3, 1861 United States ordnance stores seized at Kansas City......May 4, 1861 Ordinance of secession of Arkansas adopted in convention by 69 to 1......May 6, 1861 President proclaims martial law and suspends the habeas corpus in Key West, the Tortugas, and Santa Rosa......May 10, 1861 Baltimore, Md., occupied by United States troops......May 13, 1861 Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, U. S. A., assumes command of the Department of the Ohio, embracing a portion of West Virginia......May 13, 1861 Engagement at Sewell's Point, Va.......May 18-19, 1861 Ordinance of secession of North Carolina adopted in convention, vote unanimous......May 21, 1861
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arkansas (search)
Population, 52,240......June 15, 1836 United States arsenal at Little Rock seized by the State authorities......Feb. 8, 1861 Arkansas convention meets about......March 1, 1861 Was visited by William S. Oldham, of the Confederate Congress, and a commissioner from Jefferson Davis; but voted against secession (vote, 39 to 35)......March 16, 1861 Arsenals seized at Napoleon and Fort Smith......April 23-24, 1861 Act of secession adopted by the legislature—yeas, 69; nay, 1......May 6, 1861 [The negative vote was cast by Dr. Isaac Murphy, afterwards (1864-68) governor.] Battle of Pea Ridge between Union and Confederate forces. March 6-7, 1862 Union troops under General Washburne occupy Helena......July 11, 1862 Battle of Prairie Grove. United States Gens. Francis J. Herron and James G. Blunt; Confederate Gen. Thomas C. Hindman. Confederates retire during the night with a loss of 1,317. Federal loss, 1,148......Dec. 7, 1862 Arkansas Post captured with 5,000
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
ends commissioners to Alexander H. Stephens, Vice-President of the Confederacy, to treat for the annexation of Virginia......April 24, 1861 Governor's proclamation that Virginia is a member of the Confederacy (subject to popular vote in May)......April 25, 1861 Richmond becomes the capital of the Confederacy and general rendezvous of Southern troops......May, 1861 Virginia incorporated with the Confederacy, and Gen. Robert E. Lee in command of the Virginia Confederate forces......May 6, 1861 Gen. Benjamin F. Butler takes command at Fortress Monroe......May 22, 1861 People confirm the secession ordinance......May 23, 1861 First advance of the Federals into Virginia......May 24, 1861 Col. E. E. Ellsworth enters Alexandria in command of the New York Fire Zouaves, and is shot by Jackson, a hotelkeeper at Alexandria, while taking down a Confederate flag......May 24, 1861 Slaves around Fortress Monroe entering the Federal lines are declared contrabrand by Gen. B. F.