Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 29, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May 25th, 1861 AD or search for May 25th, 1861 AD in all documents.

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[for the Dispatch.] Henry Co., Va., May 25, 1861. To the Irishmen of South Carolina: Fellow-Countrymen:--Your plans and motives for organizing an Irish Regiment for the Southern Confederacy, fully concur with every sentiment of every true-hearted Irishman in this old Commonwealth. Who would not take up arms and fight in so just a cause, protecting our rights and homes from the aggressive hands of those diabolical and hypocritical blood-hounds of the North? Irishmen, go at once and enroll your names in the Irish Regiment that is being organized in Charleston, and fight side by side with those people who have always extended the hand of friendship to the Irish, and whose fair daughters have been to us more like mothers and sisters than strangers. Therefore let us act our part in this struggle, and show them that we are not less brave than our ancestry who have fought and bled upon a thousand battlefields. Shame on Thomas F. Meagher, that man whom I have heard a hundre
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Appomattox Invincibles. Appomattox. May 25, 1861. Whatever may be said of the merit and claims of other military bodies of this county, none, I am sure, who witnessed the parade at this place on yesterday, will hesitate for a moment to award the palm of superiority to the Appomattox Invincibles. Under their noble and gallant leader, Capt. Jas. E. Robertson, they became at once the centre of attraction, winning the universal applause and commendendation of the sterner sex, and the "doux yeux." if not the hearts, of the fair and beautiful, who had assembled here to encourage their patriotism quicken their ardor, and arouse their prowess to carry terror and devastation to the very hearthstones of the wretches who would dare invade our soil. But what else could we expect but the most signal success from men who are commanded by one who spares no pains, counts no cost, that can in any way avail to make him useful and serviceable to his me