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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Foreign governments and the United States. (search)
orators, publicists, and journalists were lavish of causeless abuse, not only of the government, but of the people of the free-labor States who were loyal to the government. This abuse was often expressed in phrases so unmanly and ungenerous, and even coarse and vulgar at times, that highminded Englishmen blushed for shame. The Emperor of the French was more cautious and astute; but he followed Queen Victoria apparently in according belligerent rights to the Confederates by a decree (June 11, 1861), and, at the same time, entered into political combinations for the propagation of imperialism in North America, with a belief that the days of the great republic were numbered and its power to enforce the Monroe doctrine (q. v.) had vanished. The Queen of Spain also hastened to proclaim the neutrality of her government, and to combine with France in replanting the seeds of monarchical institutions in the western hemisphere, now that the republic was apparently expiring. The King of P
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), West Virginia, state of (search)
29 against; seven are absent, one excused......April 17, 1861 Garrison at Harper's Ferry burn the arsenal and flee into Maryland......April 21, 1861 West Virginia declares for the Union......April 21, 1861 First Wheeling convention on the future of western Virginia meets in Washington Hall, Wheeling......May 13, 1861 First Virginia Federal Infantry mustered in on Wheeling Island by Major Oaks......May 15, 1861 Second Wheeling convention meets at Washington Hall, Wheeling, June 11, 1861; adopts a declaration of rights, June 13; an ordinance to reorganize the State government, June 19; and elects Francis H. Pierpont governor......June 20, 1861 General Rosecrans defeats Confederates under Gen. R. S. Garnett, in the battle of Rich Mountain......July 11, 1861 Battle of Carnifex Ferry; Confederates under Gen. H. A. Wise attacked by Federals under Rosecrans......Sept. 10, 1861 General Reynolds repulses Confederates under Lee in battle at Cheat Mountain......Sept. 12-