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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Habeas corpus, (search)
began with the Civil War and continued throughout, both as to the legality of suspension and the jurisdiction. The writ of habeas corpus was first suspended by President Lincoln between Washington and Philadelphia, April 27, 1861, in instructions to General Scott (it had been suspended by State authority in Rhode Island for a brief time during Dorr's rebellion). See Dorr, Thomas Wilson. President suspends the writ in Key West, Tortugas, and Santa Rosa May 10, 1861 Further extensionJuly 2, 1861 Chief-Justice Taney issues a writ of Habeas corpus May 27, to Gen. Geo. Cadwallader on appeal by John Merryman, of Baltimore, then confined in Fort McHenry [On the general's refusal to obey the writ Taney attempts to arrest him, but fails.]May 25, 1861 Theophilus Parsons supports President's power to suspendJune 5, 1861 Attorney-General Bates asserts the President's power to declare martial law and suspend the writ of habeas corpusJuly 5, 1861 One hundred and seventy-four persons
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
on, W. Va......May 30, 1861 Affair at Philippi, Confederates retreat to Beverly......June 3, 1861 Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard proclaims to the people of Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William counties that the Federals are warring for beauty and booty ......June 5, 1861 Virginia troops transferred to the Confederate government by the governor......June 8, 1861 Affair at Big Bethel, near Fortress Monroe......June 10, 1861 General Patterson crosses the Potomac at Williamsport......July 2, 1861 Affair at Rich Mountain, W. Va.; the Confederates under Col. George H. Pegram defeated by the Federals under General Rosecrans......July 11, 1861 Battle at Carricksford, W. Va.; Confederates defeated, with the loss of their general, Robert S. Garnett......July 14, 1861 Battle of Bull Run......July 21, 1861 General Patterson relieves Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks in command of the Department of the Shenandoah......July 25, 1861 Maj.-Gen. George B. McClellan appointed to the Army