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inheritance their fathers bequeathed to them, and as ready to sacrifice their lives to preserve, as their sires were to establish, the independence of the people, and the Union of the States. New York Tribune narrative. Grafton, Va., July 15, 1861. In my last letter I left Gen. Garnett in full retreat across the country, and Gen. Morris in possession of his camp at Laurel Hill. There was little time left for delay. Our boys entered the camp at 10 A. M. on Friday the 12th, and atmplete. Our four columns — Cox's, up the Kanawha, McClellan's, over the mountains at Huttonsville, and Morris's and Hill's, along Cheat River — are all following up the advantage, and moving on. Another narrative. Grafton, Virginia, July 15, 1861. The day after the battle, and all was quiet, where but a few hours before armies had contended. The dead of the enemy were collected on the field and buried, with those who died at the hospital, at night. The brave young Georgian who st
Doc. 93.-Gen. Hurlburt's proclamation. July 15, 1861. To the Citizens of Northeast Missouri:-- False and designing men, seeking the overthrow of a Government which they have known by its benefits and comforts, have so misled the minds of many of you, that armed opposition to the Constitution and the laws has, in many parts of your country, become the fashion of the times. It becomes my duty, as commanding a portion of the Government troops now in service in your section, to warn you that the time for toleration of treason has passed, and the man, or body of men, who venture to stand in defiance of the supreme authority of the Union, peril their lives in the attempt. It is a question now of free government under the Constitution your fathers made, or of no government. You must make your choice to obey, maintain, and support the Union which has given you every element of prosperity you have, or to deliver yourselves by your own folly into the hands of an irresponsible mob
Doc. 96.-peace meeting at Nyack, N. Y. July 15, 1861. The Peace Meeting at Nyack, Rockland County, was one of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held in that county. Not less than 1,800 people were present, representing the wealth, respectability, and intelligence of that region of country. No doubt the meeting was increased in size very much by the effors of the Republicans to intimidate by threatening to shed the blood of those who should dare to assemble in a council of peace. But so far from any attempt at violence being made, the whole vast throng appeared to be animated with the one impulse of unbounded enthusiasm in the cause of freedom of speech, and of the right of self-government as it was established by our forefathers. The speeches, which were made by Mr. Burr and Mr. Van Loon, occupied nearly three hours, and were constantly interrupted by the wildest demonstrations of approval. Such was the enthusiasm created on the occasion, that, before the cr
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 121.-General McClellan's command. (search)
ss for the positions assigned them. Those officers found to be incompetent will be rejected, and the vacancies thus occasioned will be filled by the appointment of such persons as may have passed the examination before the Board. Third--Camp Pickett, San Juan Island, W. T., and Fort Chekalis, Gray's Harbor, W. T., are announced as double ration posts, the former from July 22d, 1859, and the latter from------11th, 1860, being the respective dates of their first occupation by troops. Fourth--Captain Robert Garland, and First Lieutenant Edward J. Brooks, Seventh Infantry, having given evidence of disloyalty, are dropped from the rolls of the army, to date from May 23d, 1861, and May 16th, 1861, respectively. First Lieutenant James Leshler, Tenth Infantry, having overstayed his leave of absence, and failed to report to the Commanding Officer of the Department of the West, is dropped from the rolls of the army, to date from July 15th, 1861. By order, L. Thomas, Adj't-General.