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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 10 10 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 8 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 7 7 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 4 4 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 3, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 2 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 2 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 1 1 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
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, and manifested a willingness to let the authorities have a short breathing spell, which was at once given to better preparation for the future. All eyes seemed now to turn, by common agreement, to General George B. McClellan, to lead to victory, who was young, who had served with distinction in the Mexican War, had studied European warfare in the Crimea, and, above all, had just finished a successful campaign in West Virginia. He took command of the forces in and around Washington July 27, 1861, a command which then numbered about fifty thousand infantry, one thousand cavalry, and six hundred and fifty artillerymen, with nine field batteries, such as they were, of thirty guns. A part of these had belonged to McDowell's Bull Run army, and a part had since arrived from the North. The brigade organization of McDowell was still in force on the Virginia side of the Potomac. I say in force. That statement needs qualifying. I have already said that there was originally no cohesio
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 6: the campaign in West Virginia. (search)
equipment of the army, as well as in the selection of the battlefields. He was not dazzled by the blaze of victory which glistened from the tips of the Southern bayonets, or filled with undue elation. He was one among the very few in the South who always felt the contest would be obstinate and prolonged. No one knew better than he the great resources of one of the combatants, as well as the determination and courage of both. Six days after the battle he writes Mrs. Lee from Richmond, July 27, 1861: That, indeed, was a glorious victory, and has lightened the pressure upon us amazingly. Do not grieve for the brave dead, but sorrow for those they left behind-friends, relatives, and families. The former are at rest; the latter must suffer. The battle will be repeated there in greater force. I hope God will again smile on us and strengthen our hearts and arms. I wished to partake in the former struggle, and am mortified at my absence. But the President thought it more important t
extermination, in which both sides will suffer uselessly. The cry of extermination, black-flag, and no quarter, is shouted most vociferously by some who are evading any kind of war. People who fight are willing enough to accept a war of rules, as long as possible; and if they catch thieves and incendiaries, they can readily discriminate against them in favor of prisoners of war. Major Isaac Lynde, Seventh U. S. Infantry, for abandoning his post--Fort Fillmore, New Mexico--on the 27th of July, 1861, and subsequently surrendering his command to an inferior force of insurgents, was, by direction of the President of the United States, dropped from the rolls of the army from this date.--General Orders, No. 102. A party of the Ninth Iowa regiment. on a scout, near Pacific City, Mo., overtook a body of rebels who had stolen a herd of cattle, hogs, and sheep from the Union men in the neighborhood, and succeeded in dispersing them, with one killed of the rebels.--Dubuque Times, Dec
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
years, and under his roof Grant and Lee signed articles of capitulation early in April, 1865, for the surrender of the Confederate forces under the latter. This severe skirmish was called by the Confederates the battle of Bull's Run, and was claimed by them as a victory. The loss of the combatants was about equal, that of McDowell being seventy-three, and of Beauregard, seventy. Report of Colonel Richardson to General Tyler, July 19, 1861; Report of General Tyler to General McDowell, July 27, 1861; Report of General Beauregard to Adjutant-General Cooper, August, 1861; The C. S. A. and The Battle of Bull's Run: a Letter to an English Friend: by Major J. G. Barnard, who was with Tyler's division. The Nationals lost nineteen killed, thirty-eight wounded, and twenty-six missing; the Confederates lost, according to Beauregard's Report, fifteen killed, fifty-three wounded (several of them mortally), and two missing. The affair at Blackburn's Ford elated the Confederates and depress
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
even hundred troops under his control toward the village of Mesilla, he fell in with a few Texas insurgents, and, after a slight skirmish, fled back to the fort. He was ordered to evacuate it, and march his command to Albuquerque. Strange to say, the soldiers were allowed to fill their canteens with whisky and drink when they pleased. A large portion of them were drunken before they had marched ten miles, and then, as if by previous arrangement, a Texas force appeared on their flank. July 27, 1861. The soldiers who were not prostrated by intoxication wished to fight, but, by order of a council of officers, with Lynde at their head, they were directed to lay down their arms as prisoners of war. Lynde's commissary, Captain A. H. Plummer, who held seventeen thousand dollars in Government drafts, which he might have saved, handed them over to Baylor, the commander of the insurgents. For this cowardice or treachery, Lynde was simply dismissed from the army, and Plummer was reprimanded
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 45: the cruise of the Sumter and the havoc she committed. (search)
again, and with his crew standing at their quarters steamed out of the harbor, without opposition from his Excellency, who was only too happy to be rid of him. As Semmes' conscience would not permit him to destroy neutral property, he sent the Maxwell with a prize-crew to Cienfuegos to join his other prizes, still clinging to the hope that Spain would dare to be just, in the face of the truckling of England and of France. Semmes had been in the Caribbean Sea from the 3rd to the 27th of July, 1861, had captured ten prizes, and not a Federal gunboat had been heard of, although the United States Consul-General at Havana had been promptly informed of all his transactions at Cienfuegos. Five of the fast steamers purchased for the purpose of carrying stores to the several squadrons, well armed and manned, would have caught the Sumter ten days after her escape from Pass à l'outre, saving many thousand dollars worth of property and terminating Semmes' career. Although the Federal Nav
northward, after listening to a speech from Col. Baylor, of their captors, intended to win their good-will. Their sufferings, on that forlorn march to Albuquerque and Fort Wise, wee protracted and terrible; some becoming deranged from the agony of their thirst; some seeking to quench it by opening their veins, and drinking their own blood. Maj. Lynde, instead of being court-martialed and shot, was simply dropped from the rolls of the army, his dismissal to date from his surrender; July 27, 1861. and Capt. A. H. Plummer, his commissary, who held $17,000 in drafts, which he might at any moment have destroyed, but which were handed over to and used by the Rebels, was sentenced by court-martial to be reprimanded in general orders, and suspended from duty for six months! New Mexico, thus shamefully bereft, at a blow, of half her defenders, was now reckoned an easy prey to the gathering forces of the Rebellion. Her Mexican population, ignorant, timid, and superstitious, had been
ended. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, Irwin McDowell, Brigadier-General Commanding. First Division. General Tyler's report. Headquarters First Division, Department N. E. Va., Washington, July 27, 1861. General: In obedience to order No. 22, dated Centreville, July 20, Sherman's, Schenck's, and Keyes's brigades, of this division — Richardson's brigade having been left in front of Blackburn's Ford — moved at half-past 2 A. M., on the 21stliday, Owen McBride, John H. McIntire, Andrew Roberts, Charles Ridder. The wounded missing are italicized. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Fiske. Headquarters Second regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, camp Sullivan. Near Washington, July 27, 1861. sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the movements of the Second regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, during the march and battle on the 21st inst. I give the time of the different movements as nearly as possible. The re
plode easily when struck upon the right point; and these handled by the soldiers, and dropped carelessly, are liable to do great injury. Two in this way have been exploded, and one killed one man in Col. Preston's regiment, and badly wounded two others. L. W. S. --Charleston Mercury, July 20. Letter to the Richmond Dispatch. The following statement was prepared by an officer in the rebel army, who is said to have borne a conspicuous part on the field of battle: Richmond, July 27, 1861. It may not be unacceptable to your readers to learn something of the battle of Manassas from an eye-witness, who had better opportunities of observation, perhaps, than any one else. The first gun fired by the enemy was at five minutes past six o'clock in the morning, batteries opening against our centre as a feint to conceal the movement against our left. A short time afterwards General Johnston and General Beauregard, with their staff, rode off to the nearest point of elevation an
Doc. 104.-the fight at Blackburn's Ford, Va. July 18, 1861. Report of Gen. Tyler. Headquarters, 1ST Division, Department N. E. Virginia, Washington, July 27, 1861. Gen. McDowell, Commanding Department:-- sir: On the 18th inst. you ordered me to take my division, with two 20-pound rifled guns, and move against Centreville, to carry that position. My division moved from its encampment at 7 A. M. At 9 A. M. Richardson's brigade reached Centreville, and found that the enemy had retreated the night before--one division on the Warrentown turnpike, in the direction of Gainsville, and the other, and by far the largest division, toward Blackburn's Ford, or Bull Run. Finding that Richardson's brigade had turned the latter point and halted for the convenience of obtaining water, I took a squadron of cavalry and two light companies from Richardson's brigade, with Col. Richardson, to make a reconnoissance, and, in feeling our way carefully, we soon found ourselves overlooking the s