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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 44: Secession.—schemes of compromise.—Civil War.—Chairman of foreign relations Committee.—Dr. Lieber.—November, 1860April, 1861. (search)
ned by, an inborn conviction that in a world governed by moral law such a cause as theirs could not succeed, and such a cause as the nation's could not fail. Greeley's despairing state of mind at times is revealed in his letter to Lincoln, July 29, 1861. Nicolay and Hay's Life of Lincoln, vol. IV. p. 365. A great pressure was brought to bear upon Mr. Lincoln, before he left his home at Springfield, to make some declaration in favor of a compromise, especially with a view to hold the boy, 1861, he opposed raising the duties inposed in the Morrill Act by ten per cent, taking the ground that the increase, while not likely to add to the revenue, would naturally repel from us the sympathies of the laboring classes of Europe. July 29, 1861. Works, vol. v. pp. 502-508. Fessenden, however, thought that foreign opinion should not be taken into account. Sumner also proposed to relieve from the higher duty goods in the course of transportation at the time of the passage of the Ac