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ing been made to the Government by R. B. Forbes, to have letters of marque issued to the propeller Pembroke, about to sail for China, Secretary Welles, in a letter of this date, writes that Congress has not authorized the issue of such papers against the Confederate States, and that if it had done so it would have been an admission of what the Confederates assume — namely, that they are an independent nationality. But the Secretary also thinks that, under the second clause of the Act of August 5, 1861, letters permissive, under proper restrictions and guards against abuse, might be granted. --(Doc. 63.) The Rev. Mr. Robinson, a Missionary teacher in the Cherokee nation, arrived at St. Louis, Mo., and reported that the Chief of that Nation finally succumbed to the secession pressure, and on August 21st called the Council together at Telequah and sent in a message recommending the severance of their connection with the United States and an alliance with the Southern Confederacy. T
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 1: effect of the battle of Bull's Run.--reorganization of the Army of the Potomac.--Congress, and the council of the conspirators.--East Tennessee. (search)
t was allowed to deposit its funds with solvent banks, instead of confining these deposits to the National Sub-treasury. This measure, together with the issue of the bills receivable for specie, relieved the financial pressure at a time when it threatened serious embarrassments. To provide for the payment of the interest on this debt, and to meet other demands, an act See No. 40 of the Acts and Resolutions passed during the First Session of the Thirty-seventh Congress. was passed August 5, 1861. for the increase of revenues from imports, by which new duties were imposed upon foreign articles of luxury and necessity. By a provision of the same act, a direct tax of twenty millions of dollars was to be laid upon the real estate of the country, in which the amount to be raised in each State was specified, not excepting those in which rebellion existed. Provision was also made for levying a tax on the excess of all incomes above eight hundred dollars; but Mr. Chase's suggestion co
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 2: civil and military operations in Missouri. (search)
the annexation of Missouri to the Confederacy, had just returned, and from New Madrid he also issued a proclamation. Aug. 5, 1861. It was in the form of a provisional declaration of the independence of the State, in which he gave reasons which, he twenty thousand troops at his command, alarmed by rumors of an immense National force on his front, sent a dispatch August 5, 1861. to Hardee, then supposed to be at Greenville, urging the necessity for a junction of their forces, before an attemptdition. We ought to unite at Benton. Autograph letter of General Pillow, dated, Headquarters Army of liberation, August 5th, 1861. He informed Hardee that General Thompson, Governor Jackson, and Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds were with him, and tto operate between New Madrid and Cairo. Autograph letter of Leonidas Polk to Gideon J. Pillow, dated at Memphis, August 5th, 1861. Fremont returned to St. Louis on the 4th of August, having accomplished the immediate objects of his undertakin
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
ing for prize list.) Schooner Blossom 270 88 86 81 184 07 do Aug. 15, 1862 Reliance, Anacostia, Thomas Freeborn. Boat, 1 life 1,106 95 273 79 833 16 do Oct. 19, 1863 Jacob Bell. Boat, 1 yawl. 682 70 168 36 514 34 do Oct. 19, 1863 Freeborn, Eureka. Boat, a flat-bottomed 387 79 119 11 268 68 do Oct. 5, 1865 Dan. Smith. Steamer Britannia 173,670 55 3,974 83 169,695 72 Boston Oct. 26, 1863 Santiago de Cuba. Schooner Beauregard Distributed under acts of March 3, 1819, and August 5, 1861. 2,146 67 291 75 1,854 92 Key West   W. G. Anderson. Schooner By-George. 512 76 209 45 303 31 do Oct. 24, 1863 Sagamore. Schooner Brave. 893 18 196 85 696 33 do Oct. 24, 1863 Octorara. Schooner Bettie Kratzer 4,642 00 1,081 28 3,560 72 Philadelphia Feb. 18, 1864 Flambeau. Sloop Bright 5,672 85 614 95 5,057 90 Key West Feb. 29, 1864 De Soto. Schooner Brothers 7,641 38 1,575 78 6,065 60 do June 4, 1864 Tioga. Boat, sloop, name unknown 533 78 144 04 389 74 do Dec. 19, 1864
ntly designated as the Eighty-second Volunteers. It was stationed near the Capital until July 3d, when it crossed into Virginia, having been assigned to Schenck's Brigade of Tyler's Division, in which command it fought at First Bull Run. On August 5, 1861, the regiment was ordered to join Gorman's Brigade, Stone's Division, Second Corps, in which command (1st Brigade, 2d Division, 2d A. C.) it remained without further change during its subsequent three years of service. At Antietam this divisf 1863-64, and went home on furlough. A large number of recruits were received, so that it entered the Atlanta campaign, May, 1864, with about 750 men; it was then in Este's (3d) Brigade, Baird's (3d) Division, Fourteenth Corps. At Utoy Creek, Aug. 5th, three companies, numbering 120 men, made a successful charge on the enemy's skirmish line, but with a loss of 9 killed, and 42 wounded. Este's Brigade distinguished itself at Jonesboro by a gallant and successful assault which cost it one-third
1 165 166 354 Thayer's Seventh. Aug., ‘63 83d U. S. Colored Second Kansas Colored. 2 32 34   211 211 245 Thayer's Seventh. notes.--Maine Regiments.--The First Cavalry sustained the greatest loss in battle of any cavalry regiment in the army; and the First Heavy Artillery the greatest loss of any regimental organization in any arm of the service. The First Infantry was a three-months regiment, which was mustered in May 3, 1861. It left the State June 1, and was mustered out August 5, 1861. No deaths occurred in its ranks, and it is omitted in the preceding table. The First Veteran Infantry was organized in the field, at Charlestown, W. Va., on the 21st of August, 1864, and was composed of the reenlisted veterans and recruits with unexpired terms, which were left at the front by the 5th, 6th, and 7th Infantry when those regiments went home, at the expiration of their term of enlistment The 2d and 10th Infantry were enlisted for two years, and were mustered out in May,
Doc 163. Claiborne Jackson's Declaration of the Independence of the State of Missouri. August 5, 1861. In the exercise of the right reserved to the people of Missouri by the treaty under which the United States acquired the temporary dominion of the country west of the Mississippi River, in trust for the several sovereign States afterward to be formed out of it, that people did, on the twelfth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, mutually agree to form and establish a free and independent republic by the name of the State of Missouri. On the tenth day of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, the State was duly admitted into the Union of the United States of America, under the compact called the Constitution of the United States, and on equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever. The freedom, independence, and sovereignty of Missouri, and her equality with the other States of the Union, were thus guaranteed not only by that Constitution
Doc. 166.-battle at Athens, Mo. Fought August 5, 1861. A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune in a letter from Warsaw, Ill., gives the following details of this skirmish: Warsaw, Ill., Aug. 9, 1861. The telegraph has informed you of the battle at Athens, Mo., on the 5th inst., and I now propose to detail the events which preceded and accompanied it. For the past three or four weeks the northeast corner of Missouri has been in a state of anarchy. There has been no security for life and property, and no effort made to enforce the laws and to restore order. This state of things originated from the attempts of secessionists to drive Union men out of the country. To effect this, they did not use actual force; but they collected in squads, visited the houses of Unionists — mostly in the absence of the men — insulted and abused the women, and threatened that unless the family left the men would be shot or hung. Union men and their families were thus kept in a state of co
hers. God prosper the righteous cause. In pity, have inquiries made, for the love a sister bears a brother, and may God show you mercy in time of trouble. Should your noble spirit grant my request, and if by inquiry you can receive any information, please have a letter addressed to Mrs. Sarah Z. Evans, No. 553 Capitol Hill, Washington city, care of Adams Express Company. Very respectfully, your well-wisher, Sarah Z. Evans. Headquarters first corps, army of the Potomac, Manassas, Aug. 5, 1861. Madam:--Your letter of the 26th ultimo has been received, making some inquiries relative to the body of your late brother, Colonel Cameron, United States Army, killed at Manassas on the 21st ultimo. In answer, 1 will state, that upon inquiry, I find he was interred with several other bodies in a grave about 200 yards from the house of a Mrs. Dogan, on the battle-field, who attended herself to this sad duty — forgetting in her goodness of heart that these very foes had brought destruc
e objections to, and no authority for granting letters of marque in the present contest. I am not aware that Congress, which has the exclusive power of granting letters of marque and reprisal, has authorized such letters to be issued against the insurgents; and were there such authorization, I am not prepared to advise its exercise, because it would, in my view, be a recognition of the assumption of the insurgents that they are a distinct and independent nationality. Under the act of August 5, 1861, supplementary to an act entitled An act to protect the commerce of the United States and to punish the crime of piracy, the President is authorized to instruct the commanders of armed vessels sailing under the authority of any letters of marque and reprisal granted by the Congress of the United States, or the commanders of any other suitable vessels, to subdue, seize, take, and, if on the high seas, to send into any port of the United States any vessel or boat built, purchased, fitted