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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for August 24th, 1861 AD or search for August 24th, 1861 AD in all documents.
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From camp Page.[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Camp Page, near Williamsburg, Aug. 24, 1861
A few words only to the Dispatch this morning before the mail closes.
I see it stated in Northern quarters that the Federal vessels are sinking hulks at the months of our rivers, for the purpose of preventing ingress or egress.
I do not believe one word of it, as far as relates to the mouths of the York and the James.
It is intended, doubtless, as a blind to the operatives on the Peninsula.--But they might as well expect to climb to Heaven on a rope ladder as to attempt to fool General Magruder.
When the time comes, Wool will get a good wooling, and Old Point will point a moral, and adorn sundry tales (?) that will be turned for protection to that quarter.
I see that Henry Wilson is to command a battalion of flying artillery.
It is a good appointment by the Federal Government, for he will be au fait as a courier from the field of battle, as Manassas will testify.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.State of affairs on the Potomac — an alarm. Fairfax C. H. Aug. 24, 1861.
The extent to which the public mind is subject to credulity in time of war is most remarkable.
Anxiety becomes the blindfold of the judgment; truth and reason are overwhelmed, and nothing is too monstrous for belief.
Gen. Johnston, who was represented to be at the head of a large division of the army and actively engaged in throwing up fortifications at Falls Church is quietly remaining at his headquarters, situated within a half mile of Beauregard's, near Manassas Junction; and the assaults upon Arlington and other operations looking to the immediate occupation of Washington have only been executed as yet in the vivid imagination of those who plan battles and conduct campaigns on paper.
No offensive movement by the enemy is in expectation here, and, indeed, our Generals have information confirmatory of the view that, unless an advance shall be made by our f