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mber 6th, 1861. Mr.--gone to the prayer-meeting at Millwood, accompanied by Mr.-- ; both will cast their votes for Mr. Davis to be President of these Confederate States for the next six years. We yesterday dined at Mountain view, with the Rev. Mr. Walker and family. He has been called to South Carolina to be professor in the Episcopal Theological Seminary of that State. He will go, as there is no hope of his getting back to Alexandria during the war. Nothing from the Fleet. November 9, 1861. Our hearts cheered by news from the fleet. A part of it stranded-one vessel on the coast of North Carolina, from which seventy prisoners have been taken; others on the coast of South Carolina. Unfortunately, a part is safe, and is attacking Tybee Island. The fortifications there are said to be strong and well manned. November 10th, 1861. Returning from church to-day, we were overtaken by W. B. C., on horseback. We were surprised and delighted. He soon explained his positi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opening of the lower Mississippi. (search)
have felt justified in going up to the city and calling on the authorities to surrender. I could easily have passed the forts under cover of the night without the aid of a pilot, as I had been up and down the river some thirty times in a large mail steamer. But the Powhatan drew three feet too much water, and there was no use thinking about such an adventure. This was the position of affairs on May 31st, 1861, only forty-nine days after Fort Sumter had been fired on. On the 9th of November, 1861, I arrived at New York with the Powhatan and was ordered to report to the Navy Department at Washington, which I did on the 12th. In those days it was not an easy matter for an officer, except one of high rank, to obtain access to the Secretary of the Navy, and I had been waiting nearly all the morning at the door of his office when Senators Grimes and Hale came along and entered into conversation with me concerning my service on the Gulf Coast. During this interview I told the sena
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Confederate invasion of New Mexico and Arizona. (search)
brigade consisted of Colonel John R. Baylor's regiment of Texas Mounted Rifles (then in New Mexico), Reily's 4th Regiment, Green's 5th, and Steele's 7th Regiment of Texas mounted troops, and he arrived at Fort Bliss on the 14th of December, and assumed command of all the forces of the Confederate States on the Rio Grande at and above Fort Quitman, and all in the territory of New Mexico and Arizona, and his command was designated as the Army of New Mexico. By General Orders, No. 97, November 9th, 1861, the United States Department of New Mexico was reestablished and placed under the command of Colonel E. R. S. Canby, 19th U. S. Infantry, who had previously relieved Colonel W. W. Loring, commanding the regiment of Mounted Rifles, who had tendered his resignation to the President, and had left his station before its acceptance. After Lynde's surrender, New Mexico, south of the Jornado del Muerto, was in possession of the rebels, and Canby set about enlisting and reorganizing the mili
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 1: effect of the battle of Bull's Run.--reorganization of the Army of the Potomac.--Congress, and the council of the conspirators.--East Tennessee. (search)
the Savannah occurred at New York, in October, 1861. It continued seven days, when, the jury disagreeing, the prisoners were remanded to the custody of the marshals. In the mean time, William Smith, another Confederate privateersman, had been tried in Philadelphia, and found guilty of piracy, the penalty for which was death by hanging. Now was afforded an opportunity for the exercise of that system of retaliation which the Confederate Congress had authorized. Accordingly, on the 9th of November, 1861, Judah P. Benjamin, the Confederate Secretary of War, instructed General Winder to select by lot from among the prisoners of war of the highest rank one who was to be confined in a cell appropriated to convicted felons, to be a hostage for Captain Smith, of the Savannah, and to be executed if he should suffer death. Also to select in the same way thirteen other prisoners of war, the highest in rank, to be confined in cells used for convicted felons, and to be treated as such so long
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
ing the negroes, who refused to accompany them, to occupy their plantations and houses. Everywhere, evidences of panic and hasty departure were seen; and it is now believed that, had the victory at Port Royal been immediately followed up, by attacks on Charleston and Savannah, both cities might have been an easy prey to the National forces. Beaufort, a delightful city on Port Royal Island, where the most aristocratic portion of South Carolina society had summer residences, was entered, Nov. 9, 1861. and its arms and munitions of war seized, without the least resistance, Among the trophies secured at Beaufort, and now (1867) preserved at the Washington Navy Yard, was a 6-pounder brass cannon, which had been captured from the British while msarauding on the coast of South Carolina during the war of 1812. It was deposited in the trophy room of the National Arsenal, at Charleston, and there it remained until the conspirators in that city seized it, with the other public property, an
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
ng the western portion, with his Headquarters at Columbus; General Buckner, with a strongly intrenched camp at Bowling Green, was holding the center; and Generals Zollicoffer and Marshall and others were keeping watch and ward on its mountain flanks. Back of these, and between them and the region where the rebellion had no serious opposition, was Tennessee, firmly held by the Confederates, excepting in its mountain region, where the most determined loyalty still prevailed. On the 9th of November, 1861, General Henry Wager Halleck, who had been called from California by the President to take an active part in the war, was appointed to the command of the new Department of Missouri. It included Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Arkansas, and that portion of Kentucky lying west of the Cumberland River. He had arrived in Washington on the 5th, Nov., 1861. and on the 19th took the command, with Brigadier-General George W. Cullum, an eminent engineer officer, as his chie
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Abolition and Secession. (search)
save us from the cruel shore of death which threatens us? Abolition and Secession! Light and Darkness, Truth and Falsehood, Right and Wrong, Fact and Fallacy, are as nearly alike. Heaven help us if, in these dark days, which are weighing down our very souls, we shun truth because it is not pleasant, and strive to exorcise this devil of Slavery, by the gibberish nine times worn out and ninety times weaker than water, which sham-conservatives so glibly utter. Better fling at once every musket into the Potomac and recall our gallant men, than to prate follies at home, which will make their doughtiest deeds of none effect! If we must have the disgrace of a substantial defeat, let us meet it at once, and before we have murdered — yes, that is the word — any more men! If we must yield at last to the slaveholders, and think their thoughts and do their dirty work, let us at least save our money, for that will be a consolation in the lower deep of our degradation! November 9, 1861
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 7: the Trent affair. (search)
st the seizure of their persons, and laid it before Captain Wilkes, not with the expectation that it would have any effect on their detainer, but it would add to the effect of what they considered their false imprisonment, and create an extra amount of sympathy for them throughout Europe. The following is a pretty fair statement of the Commissioners, and as it is a part of the history of the times at a very important point, it is herewith inserted: U. S. Ship San Jacinto, At Sea, Nov. 9, 1861. Sir:--We desire to communicate to you by this memorandum the facts attending our arrest yesterday on board the British mail steamer Trent, by your order. and our transfer to this ship. We, the undersigned, embarked at Havana on the 7th inst. as passengers on board the Trent, Captain Moir, bound to the Island of St. Thomas, in one of the regular passenger lines of the British Royal Mail Steamship Company, running from Vera Cruz, via Havana, to St. Thomas, and thence to Southampton,
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 45: the cruise of the Sumter and the havoc she committed. (search)
me fashion, finally consigning their vessels to the flames. There is this to be said in Semmes' favor, that he did not make his prisoners walk the plank. Semmes is silent as to the fate of this vessel, from which he received five months provisions; but she was probably sunk, as it was not desirable to burn her when so many vessels were about. Many vessels were now chased without any prizes being taken, most of them being the property of neutrals, and the Sumter at length, on the 9th of November, 1861, made Port de France, in the Island of Martinique, having been at sea nearly two months since leaving Maranham. Of late the Sumter had taken few prizes, but her career, as a whole, had been very destructive and caused premiums on insurance to assume formidable proportions. At one time Semmes came very near being captured by the Powhatan. He remarks in his journal: At Trinidad the Keystone State lost our trail, and, instead of pursuing us to Paramaribo and Maranham, turned back to
not fall far short of 1,200 killed, wounded, and missing, including 250 taken prisoners. The reports of Col. Cruft, Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, and Col. Lauman, show an aggregate loss of 1,306 in their three brigades, clearly indicating that Gen. Grant underestimated his casualties. The blow so well struck at Donelson was swiftly followed by important successes throughout Kentucky and in Tennessee. Gen. Don Carlos Buell had, at the then recent partition of departments, been assigned Nov. 9, 1861. to that of the Ohio, including, besides three Free States, Tennessee, and all of Kentucky east of the Cumberland, with his headquarters at Louisville; where he still remained when his advance consisting of some 16,000 men, led by Gen. O. M. Mitchel, moved, Feb. 11, 1862. simultaneously with Gen. Grant's demonstration on Donelson, upon Bowling Green, the Rebel stronghold in Kentucky, where Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston had succeeded to the command, while Gen. Beauregard had been sent him