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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
2d Asst. Engr. Jan. 14, 1863.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr. Brown, Charles A.,Mass.Mass.Mass.Jan. 25, 1864.Actg. Master's Mate.Fredonia; Farralones.Pacific.Mar. 5, 1867.Deceased.Mate. Brown, Charles H., Credit, Chesterfield.So. America.Mass.Mass.Dec. 4, 1861.Actg. Master.Wyandotte; Coeur de Leon; Virginia.No. Atlantic; Potomac Flotilla; Gulf.Dec. 3, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. May 13, 1863.Actg. Vol. Lieut. Brown, Charles H.,-Mass.Mass.July 23, 1862.Actg. Asst. Paymr.Underwriter.Potomt. 20, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Williams, George, Credit, West Roxbury.Mass.Mass.Mass.Aug. 12, 1861.Actg. Master.Young Rover.North Atlantic.Dec. 17, 1864.Resigned.Actg. Master. Williams James S., Credit, Agawam.Mass.Mass.Mass.Dec. 4, 1861.Actg. Master's Mate.Columbia; Dale; Spirea.North Atlantic; South Atlantic; East Gulf.Dec. 7, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Nov. 27, 1862.Actg. Ensign. Dec. 26, 1863.Actg. Master. Williams, John A.,Sweden.Mass.Mass.June 24, 1864.Actg. E
1863. Mustered out, Sept. 1, 1863. Bacon, Andrew J. First Lieutenant, 29th Unattached Company, Mass. Heavy Artillery, Nov. 14, 1864. Mustered out, June 16, 1865. Bacon, Henry. Second Lieutenant, 34th Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1862. First Lieutenant, June 25, 1863. Discharged (disability), Nov. 28, 1864. Second Lieutenant, 23d U. S. Infantry, Mar. 7, 1867. See U. S. Army. Bacon, James M. First Lieutenant, 10th Mass. Infantry, June 21, 1861. Mustered out (disability), Dec. 4, 1861. Bacon, Joseph A. First Sergeant, 6th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Aug. 31, 1862. Second Lieutenant, Feb. 13, 1863. Mustered out, June 3, 1863. First Lieutenant, 6th Infantry, M. V. M., in the service of the U. S., July 17, 1864. Mustered out, Oct. 17, 1864. Bacon, William B. See Mass. Field Officers. Badger, Algernon S. Second Lieutenant, 26th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 19, 1861. First Lieutenant, Apr. 11, 1862. Captain, 1st Texas Cavalry, Nov. 11, 1862.
eer Infantry, to date Dec. 30, 1864 (Letter, War Dept., Nov. 12, 1890). Mustered out, June 18, 1866. Jones, William Hatch. Private, 31st Mass. Infantry, Feb. 20, 1862. Second Lieutenant, Dec. 1, 1862. First Lieutenant, Apr. 15, 1864. Mustered out, Dec. 9, 1864. Second Lieutenant, 1st Battalion Frontier Cavalry, Mass. Volunteers, or 26th N. Y. Cavalry, Dec. 27, 1864. First Lieutenant, Apr. 10, 1865. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. Joy, George Mills. Corporal, 23d Mass. Infantry, Dec. 4, 1861. Discharged for promotion in 1st N. C. Infantry, Dec. 17, 1862. First Lieutenant, 1st N. C. Infantry. Discharged, Mar. 19, 1863. Judd, George Edwin. Born at South Hadley, Mass., Mar. 23, 1838. First Sergeant, 3d Mich. Infantry, June 10, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1861. First Lieutenant, Oct. 28, 1861. Captain, June 23, 1862. Captain, Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 29, 1864; accepted, Feb. 8, 1864. Second Lieutenant, 45th U. S. Infantry, Aug. 19, 1868; accepted, Aug. 25, 1868.
esigned, Aug. 23, 1865. Barker, Eben Francis. Born at Charlestown, Mass., Mar. 8, 1833. Private and Corporal, 44th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Oct. 8, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. First Lieutenant, Corps d'afrique, Oct. 31, 1863. First Lieutenant, 3d Infantry, Corps d'afrique, Feb. 15, 1864. Regiment changed to 75th U. S. Colored Infantry, Apr. 4, 1864. Captain, Feb. 23, 1865. Mustered out Nov. 25, 1865. Barnes, Asa. Sergeant, 31st Mass. Infantry, Dec. 4, 1861. Discharged for promotion, Oct. 10, 1862. Chaplain, 73d U. S. Colored Infantry. Resigned. Feb. 8, 1864. Beecher, James Chaplin. See General Office s. Belser, James H. Corporal, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Mustered out for promotion, Mar. 7, 1863. Second Lieutenant, 81st U. S. Colored Infantry. Resigned, Feb. 18, 1864. Blanchard, Brainard P. Private, 13th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 18, 1862. Re-enlisted as Private, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred, July 16, 1864, to 39t
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company L. (search)
. 28, 1861. Wounded Sept. 19, 1864. M. O. Dec. 27, 1864. Parker Merrill, Com. Sergt. Salem, 27, s; clerk. Nov. 2, 1861. Trans. to V. R.C. March 11, 1864. Charles H. Blesdall, Sergt. Charlestown, 22; painter. Dec, 31, 1864. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Erastus F. Field, Sergt. en. New Orleans, La., 28. Sept. 23, 1862. Ditch. May 19, 1865. Charles Hausler, Sergt. en. New Orleans, 24. Dec. 3, 1862. Killed Oct. 19, 1864. Simon F. Marshall, Sergt. East Boston, 23, s; conductor. Dec. 4, 1861. Died of wounds, Aug. 18, 1862. Richard S. Piggott, Sergt. en. New Orleans, La. 32. Sept. 23, 1862. Disch. June 13, 1865. Frank Rice, Sergt. Springfield, 21; bookkeeper. Dec. 31, 1864. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. William B. Raymond, Sergt. Wareham, 19, s; nailer, Sept. 26, 1861. M. O. Dec, 27, 1864. Ralph A. Rowley, Sergt. Andover, 19, s; clerk. Oct. 31, 1861. Disch. for promotion Feb. 1, 1864. 1st Lieut. 4th Regt. U. S.C. Cav. Samuel Sweet, Sergt, Wareham, 38, m; teamster
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Read's Company. (search)
mpany C, exp. serv. Frederick, C. Leland, Winchendon, 19, s; mechanic, Nov. 2, 1861. Disch. and commissioned 2nd Lieut. 83d Regt. U. S. C. Int., Aug, 29, 1863. James A. Leonard, Jr., Middleboro, 38, s; manufacturer. Sept. 30, 1861. Disch. and commissioned R. Q. M., in 1st Louisiana Infantry, Aug. 16, 1862. M. O. Aug. 12, 1865. Josiah E. Loud, North Weymouth, 22, s; shoemaker. Dec. 6, 1861. Disch. disa. June 15, 1862. George M. Lovering, East Randolph, 30, m; carpenter. Dec. 4, 1861. Disch. disa. June 15, 1862, New Orleans. John J. Lynch, Roxbury, 20, s; clerk. Jan. 1, 1862. Disch. and commissioned 2nd Lieut. 98th Regt. U. S. C. Inf., Sept. 17, 1863. Disch. Feb, 12, 1864. John Manning, en. New Orleans, July 31, 1862. Deserted Sept. 28, 1862. Camp Williams, La. Patrick McHALE, Lawrence, 21, s; shoemaker. Dec. 21, 1861. Deserted Aug. 12, 1864. Edward McDERMOTT, en. New Orleans, 26; laborer. June 16, 1862. Disch. May 18, 1865, in Co. C, exp. serv.
Annual Conferences represented therein; and concurring in said action from the Baltimore and other non-concurring Conference, and that the Baltimore and other non-concurring Conferences constitute the M. E. Church proper, and may exercise all the rights, duties and powers appertaining properly to their position as such. "3d. Resolved, That nevertheless, if in accordance with the spirit of the foregoing preamble, three-fourths of the several Annual Conferences, to be held prior to December 4th, 1861, seeing the great wrong and injury done to the Baltimore and other border Conferences, shall unite in a demand that the most thorough and satisfactory redress shall be given, and shall instruct their delegates so to vote in General Conference: 1st, the abrogation of the New Chapter; 2d. by ignoring the whole subject of slavery in the Discipline, 3rd. that a fair proportion of the periodicals of the Church be placed under the charge and direction of said Conferences; then, and not unt
erence of the M. E. Church, held at Buffalo, in May, 1860, by its unconstitutional action, has sundered the ecclesiastical relation which has hitherto bound us together as one Church; that we will not longer submit to the jurisdiction of said General Conference, but hereby declare ourselves separate and independent of it. 2d. Resolved, That nevertheless, if, in accordance with the spirit of the foregoing preamble, three-fourths of the several Annual Conferences, to be held prior to December 4th, 1861, seeing the great wrong and injury done to the Baltimore and other Border Conferences, shall unite in a demand that the most thorough and satisfactory redress shall be given, and shall instruct their delegates so to vote in General Conference-- First, by abrogating the New Chapter; Second, by transferring the subject of slavery to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Annual Conferences, where it exists; Third, that a fair proportion of the periodicals of the Church be placed under t
Flag presentation — Acknowledgment from the Mayor of Portsmouth — no warlike demonstrations — the weather. Norfolk, Dec. 4, 1861. Another presentation will take place next week. A beautiful flag will be presented to the 6th regiment Virginia volunteers, in command of Col. Corprew. This regiment is stationed at the Entrenched Camp, about two miles from the city. The flag will be presented. I learn, by Brigadier-General Wm. Mahone. Geo. W. Grice, Esq., Ex-Mayor of Portsmouth, acknowledges the receipt, from the Ladies' Soldier's Aid Society of Portsmouth, of a quantity of clothing, blankets, &c.; and from the Amateurs of the 9th regiment volunteers, of the proceeds of a concert, a mounting to $200 50. These donations will be judiciously appropriated for the benefit of the Portsmouth volunteers and their families. There are no warlike demonstrations in the Roads this morning. The frigates and gunboats are riding quietly at anchor, and no sound of cannon is heard t<
Legislature of Virginia, Senate. Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1861. The Senate was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Burrows, of the First Baptist Church. Standing Committees. The President announced the Standing Committees of the Senate, as follows: On Privileges and Elections,--Messrs. Thomas of Fairfax, Newton, Dickerson of Grayson, Thomas of Henry, Early, Spitler, and Finney. On Courts of Justice--Messrs. Coghill, Robertson, Neeson, Day, Christian of Middlesex, Ball, Branch, Whittle, and Nash. On General Laws.--Messrs. Logan, Marshall, Alderson, Caraway, Garnett, Hart, Wiley, and Quesenbury. On Roads and Internal Navigation.--Messrs. Johnson, Dickinson of Prince Edward, Christian of Augusta, Newman, Marshall, Thompson, Claiborne, Lynch, Pate, McKenney, Taliaferro, Greaver, Whitten, and Bales. On Finance and Claims.--Messrs. Brannon, Dickinson of Prince Edward, Neeson, Thomas of Fairfax, Day, Bruce, Robertson, Lynch, Early, Christian of Middlesex,
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