Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 20th, 1862 AD or search for January 20th, 1862 AD in all documents.

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Legislature of Virginia.Senate. Monday, Jan. 20, 1862. The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock, when prayer was offered by Rev. Henry A. Wise. Bill reported. From the Committee on Finance and Claims: A bill to refund to Edmund W. Bailey, a sum of money strenuously paid by him into the Treasury was reported with an amendment. (House bill) A bill to compensate William H. Dulany, Attorney for the Commonwealth for the Circuit Court of Fairfax, for his services during the Spring term, 1861. (Senate bill.) A bill refunding to James H Burdette the amount of a license tax erroneously paid into the Treasury. (House bill.) A bill authorizing the Commissioner of the Revenue for the Southern District of Hall fax county, to issue a licence to David Apt as a hawker and pedlar in said county.-- (Senate bill.) Leave to introduce bills. Mr. Collier, of Petersburg, asked leave to introduce a till as a substitute for the bill for raising Virginia's
Commercial. Richmond Markets, Jan. 20, 1862. The market continues very unsettled in most articles, though there are no important changes since our last. Stocks are very low, and sales only in limited lots.--Money is still abundant, and Stocks steady. The variety of shinplaster currency is still amazingly extensive. Shinplaster makers are so numerous that if they could combine they might be dangerous as a power in the State. If they could exert as much energy in intrigue as they do in uttering their notes, they could accomplish a great deal. The style of their small bills is not at all creditable to art, and they are easily counterfeited; but, as has been said, the man who takes the counterfeit may often console himself by the reflection, that the counterfeit is as good as the genuine. The day must soon come when these issues must disappear — either be redeemed or lost to the holders. Such a currency cannot long be maintained. Apples — Very high and scarce; we