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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 7: Atlantic coast defenses.-assigned to duty in Richmond as commander in chief under the direction of the Southern President. (search)
ring the war employed to secure their capture. Their safety for so long a period from impending dangers upon every side was due to the military skill of Lee, as well as to the efforts of the accomplished officers who were in immediate command-General Ripley at Charleston and General Lawton at Savannah. Well might a prophetic tongue utter at this period that the time would come when Lee's superior abilities would be vindicated, both to his own renown and the glory of his country. On February 8, 1862, he writes his wife from Savannah: I wrote you the day I left Coosawhatchie. I have been here ever since endeavoring to push forward the works for the defense of the city. Guns are scarce as well as ammunition. I shall have to bring up batteries from the coast, I fear, to provide for this city. Our enemies are trying to work their way through the creeks and soft marshes along the interior of the coast, which communicate with the sounds and sea, through which the Savannah flows, and
ich to deposit her goods and chattels; and yet she amuses herself at it, and seems never to regret her handsomely furnished chamber in Alexandria. February 7th, 1862. Walking all day, with no better success. No vacant room is the universal answer. I returned at dinner-time, wearied in mind and body. I have been cheered by suggestions that perhaps Mrs.--, with a large family and small income, may take boarders; or Mrs.--, with a large house and small family, may do the same. February 8th, 1862. I have called on the two ladies mentioned above. The lady with the small income has filled her rooms, and wishes she had more to fill. She of the large house and small family had never dreamed of taking boarders, was surprised that such a thing had been suggested, looked cold and lofty, and meant me to feel that she was far too rich for that. I bowed myself out, feeling not a little scornful of such airs, particularly as I remembered the time when she was not quite so grand I we
the fleet was all prepared, To sail upon the main, He all his comrades' feelings shared-- But fever scorched his brain! He told the general, he would ne'er From toil or danger shrink, But, though the waves he did not fear, It chilled his heart to think How drear the flowerless grave must be, Beneath the ocean's foam, And that he knew 'twould comfort me To have him die at home. They tell me that the general's eye With tears did overflow: God bless the brave man! with a sigh He gave him leave to go. Quick down the vessel's side came he; Joy seemed to kill his pain; “Comrades!” he cried, “I yet shall see My mother's face again!” The boat came bounding o'er the tide; He sprang upon the strand; God's will be done! my bright boy died, His furlough in his hand! “ Ye, who this artless story read, If Pity in your bosoms plead-- And “Heaven has blessed your store” -- If broken-hearted woman meek, Can win your sympathy-go, seek That childless widow's door! Philadelphia, February 8,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Ball's Bluff and the arrest of General Stone. (search)
the First Bull Run, Ball's Bluff, the Western Department of Missouri, and other subjects.--Editors. In a few days the missing link was supplied by a surprising occurrence. A refugee came into General W. W. Burns's lines from Leesburg, with a vague and utterly groundless story of mysterious flags of truce and of how much the Confederates thought of their friend Stone. General McClellan informed General Stone that he had last seen the written statement at the War Office on the 8th of February, 1862. I saw it at his headquarters in Washington in September, 1862, in a wardrobe full of papers turned over to me when I, as Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, was detached to prevent the tail of the army from being again cut off, and it was among a double handful which I delivered back to General Seth Williams after Antietam. I suggest that the name of this refugee, and all the facts regarding him, and all the statements made by him, will probably turn up in the archives of the Secre
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
y, when that officer showed him the above satisfactory vindication by the highest authority. This was unknown to the public. They were dissatisfied with the apparent desire on the part of the General-in-chief to stifle investigation, and more than ever he was held to be personally responsible for the disaster. For a time there were warm discussions in Congress on the subject. Finally a victim appeared to propitiate the public feeling, in the person of General Stone, who was arrested Feb. 8, 1862. by order of the War Department and sent to Fort Lafayette, at the entrance to New York Bay, and then used for the confinement of political prisoners. There he was detained until the following August, when, without trial, or any public proceedings whatever, he was released. That fortress being a place of durance for men charged with treasonable acts, this gallant and truly patriotic officer suffered patiently and silently, for a greater portion of the war, un er the imputations of dislo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
ansports now came up, and preparations were made for landing them on the Island at Ashby's Harbor, about two miles below Fort, Bartow. They were confronted by two thousand men, and a battery of three pieces in the neighboring woods; but these were soon dispersed by a, storm of shells from the gun-boats. Meanwhile the Confederate flotilla had returned to the attack, and, after an engagement for bout an hour. Had been compelled again to retire, considerably damaged. at midnight, Feb. 7-8, 1862. in the midst of a cold rain-storm, eleven thousand troops were safely put on shore. the water was so shallow that the launches and other small boats could not get very near the shore, and the soldiers were compelled to wade several hundred feet through the water, sometimes sinking deeply into the cold ooze. they were without shelter, and at an early hour the next morning they moved forward to attack the intrenchments in the interior of the Island, to which all of the Confederate forces
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 11: Goldsborough's expedition to the sounds of North Carolina. (search)
om Fort Cobb. Commander Rowan knew very little about the condition of affairs up the river, whether there were any batteries, torpedoes or obstructions, but he well knew that if there were any forts the Confederate gun-boats would naturally seek their protection and rely on their aid in any encounter that might follow with the Federal forces. The Attack on Roanoke Island by Commodore Goldsborough's gun-boats, and landing of troops under command of Generals Foster, Reno and Parks. February 8, 1862. enemy could select their point of attack or defence, and the Union commander was obliged to advance against them without having the slightest idea of the strength of their position. The little steamers under Rowan's command were certainly the frailest vessels that had ever been improvised for meeting the stern hazards of war. They carried heavy guns, however, and the gallant spirits who manned them were determined to win, no matter what the risks. Commander Rowan's plan was to a
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 15: capture of Fort Donelson and battle of Shiloh. (search)
te wounded. gallantry of Captain Walke. losses. General Grant's victory. results. gunboats repair to Cairo. Grant prepares to advance towards Shiloh. battle at Pittsburg Landing (Shiloh). services rendered by the gun-boats Lexington and Taylor. Captain Gwin's report. the Navy aids materially in saving the Army from destruction. a terrible battle and great loss of life. the Confederates as fighters. extracts from records of the times. congratulatory orders, &C. On the 8th of February, 1862, Gen. Grant telegraphed to Gen. Halleck: Fort Henry is ours; the gunboats silenced the batteries before the investment was completed. I shall take and destroy Fort Donelson on the 8th. and return to Fort Henry. The same reasons which had induced Grant to undertake the capture of Fort Henry still urged him to take Fort Donelson; that is, to get the control of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers and be able to penetrate into the heart of Tennessee with his troops and Foote's gun-bo
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
th New York Fredericksburg Second 252 17 97 13 50.3 1st Wisconsin Chaplin Hills Fourteenth 407 58 132 14 50.1 87th Indiana Chickamauga Fourteenth 380 40 142 8 50.0 69th Pennsylvania Gettysburg Second 258 40 80 9 50.0 73d New York Gettysburg Third 324 51 103 8 50.0 To the tables (pp. 426-461) showing regiments which sustained the greatest losses in each battle, add: Regiment. Division. Corps. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Aggregate. Roanoke Island, N. C.             Feb. 8, 1862.             10th Connecticut Burnside's Ninth 6 49   55 Bachelor's Creek, N. C.             Feb. 1, 1864.             132d New York ---------- --------- 5 6 80 91 Meridian Raid, Miss.             Feb. 3--March 5, 1864.             47th U. S. Colored (8th La.) ---------- --------- 11 66 2 79 11th Illinois ---------- --------- 10 40 16 66 7th Indiana Cavalry ---------- --------- 11 37 36 84 Cloyd's Mountain, W. Va.        
Doc. 29.-the affair at Harper's Ferry, Va. Sandy Hook, Md., February 8, 1862. About seven yesterday morning a flag of truce was displayed in a landing-arch in the railroad wall, just above the recent Harper's Ferry bridge, where an angular flight of steps led from the town side of the stone embankment under the railroad track, to the river. The person waving the flag and calling for a boat to come over, was the only one in sight, and he was colored. A boat, with the ferryman, and a gentleman named Geo. Rohr, (a loyal Virginian, whose property had been destroyed because of his Union sentiments,) went over to respond to the summons of humanity. As the boat neared the arch, Rohr remarked to the ferryman that the man with the flag of truce was not a negro, but a white man painted. Nevertheless, it was decided to land and see what was wanted. The boat was pushed stern foremost into the arch, Rohr being seated in the stern. By the dim light it was discovered that the stair
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