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nding and genial hospitality daily witnessed in the families of Virginia. May 18th, 1862. The 16th was the day appointed by the President for fasting and prayer. The churches here were filled, as I trust they were all over the land. May 27th, 1862. General Jackson's career going on gloriously. After defeating Millroy, and Fre mont's advance in the Valley, and driving them back in confusion, so that nothing was to be feared from his threatened union with Banks, he pursued the enemy and then made a reconnoissance of the Court House road. On their return they called here, boasting that they had killed one of our men; they advised M. to hang out a white flag to protect her house, which she, of course, declined doing. May 27th, 1862. Last night I could not sleep, in consequence of a threat made by one of the Yankee soldiers in our kitchen. He said that 30,000 soldiers had been ordered to the Court-House to-day, to wipe out our people. Were our people ignorant of thi
May 27th, 1862. Last night I could not sleep, in consequence of a threat made by one of the Yankee soldiers in our kitchen. He said that 30,000 soldiers had been ordered to the Court-House to-day, to wipe out our people. Were our people ignorant of this, and how should we let them know of it? These were questions that haunted me all night. Before day I formed my plan, and awakened S. to consult her on the subject. It was this: To send W. S. to the Court-House, as usual, for our letters and papers. If the Yankee pickets stopped him, he could return; if he could reach our pickets, he could give the alarm. She agreed to it, and as soon as it was day we aroused the child, communicated to him our plan, (for we dared not write;) he entered into the spirit of it, and by light he was off. I got up and went down to the yard, for I could not sit still; but what was my consternation, after a short time had elapsed, to see at the gate, and all along the road, the hated red streamers of
red to bridge over all these troubles by giving the regiment a commander who knew nothing about them. I presume that some one said to the Governor about this time, Why don't you get Sheridan? This, however, is only conjecture. I really do not know how my name was proposed to him, but I have often been told since that General Gordon Granger, whom I knew slightly then, and who had been the former colonel of the regiment, first suggested the appointment. At all events, on the morning of May 27, 1862, Captain Russell A. Algerrecently Governor of Michigan-accompanied by the quartermaster of the regiment, Lieutenant Frank Walbridge, arrived at General Halleck's headquarters and delivered to me this telegram: General orders no. 148.[By Telegraph.] Military Dept. of Michigan, Adjutant-General's Office, Detroit, May 25, 1862. Captain Philip H. Sheridan, U. S. Army, is hereby appointed Colonel of the Second Regiment Michigan Cavalry, to rank from this date. Captain Sheridan will i
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
neral headquarters at Baldwin for orders. By order of Brig. Gen. W. N. R. Beall: Beall Hempstead, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General. [inclosure B.] Memorandum of orders.headquarters Western Department, Corinth, Miss., May 27, 1862. The following memorandum is furnished to General Bragg for the intended movement of his army from this place to Baldwin at the time hereinafter indicated: 1st. Hardee's corps will move on the direct road from his position to Danville ood and water for the troops and horses of the different commands. G. T. Beauregard, General, Commanding. [inclosure C.] Memorandum of movements on Baldwin for General Van Dorn. headquarters Western Department, Corinth, Miss., May 27, 1862. 1st. The baggage trains of his army must leave their position at daybreak on the 28th instant by the road on the east of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, to stop temporarily at about 6 miles from his headquarters, but with secret orders to t
Indorsement.]Hdqrs. Second Brigade, First Division, First Corps, May 27, 1862. The Thirteenth retired from their posts as pickets on last F orders, no. 60.headquarters Western Department, Corinth, Miss., May 27, 1862. I. Picket firing is positively prohibited in all cases, excenumbered 52.headquarters Army of the West, Camp Churchill Clark, May 27, 1862. Preparatory to active offensive operations all baggage, campen. Earl Van Dorn: M. M. Kimmel. headquarters, Richmond, Va., May 27, 1862. Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, Commanding Department, Knoxville, TenGeneral. headquarters Department of East Tennessee, Knoxville, May 27, 1862. His Excellency Gov. Joseph E. Brown, Milledgeville, Ga.: sirmanding. headquarters Department of East Tennessee, Knoxville, May 27, 1862. Maj. Gen. J. C. Pemberton, Commanding, &c., Charleston, S. C.: manding. headquarters Department of East Tennessee, Knoxville, May 27, 1862. Brig. Gen. D. Leadbetter, Chattanooga, Tenn.: General: The c
y-ninth Indiana, Colonel Ray, in a deplorable condition, on account of sickness and want of supplies, and desires it to be ordered to Lexington; says you recommend it. Report on the state of the regiment, the cause of its unusual sickness and sufferings, and whether a change of location is necessary. James B. Fry, Chief of Staff. Louisville, June 6, 1862. Col. J. B. Fry: Brig. Gen. J. T. Boyle will to-day relieve me of this command by virtue of the following order: Washington, May 27, 1862. General J. T. Boyle, Danville: You are relieved from the command of your brigade before Corinth, and are directed to report to the Military Board of Kentucky to take command of the forces in Kentucky. You will also acknowledge the receipt of this order. The Department, in making this order, believes that your presence in Kentucky for the specified purpose will be of more advantage to the service than if you were to return to your command before Corinth, on account of your intimate
c. Banks' Corps had been officially designated as the Fifth Corps, in general orders No. 101, March 13, 1862, but the designation does not appear to have been used in connection with Banks' troops. The Fifth Corps of history is the one which wore the Maltese Cross. It was permanently organized, with General Fitz John Porter as the corps commander, and with Generals Morell and Sykes in command of the two divisions. The first battle of the corps occurred at Hanover Court House, Va., May 27, 1862, an engagement in which Morell's Division stood the brunt of the fighting, and won a creditable victory. On May 31st, the returns showed 17,546 present for duty. On June 14th its ranks were increased by the accession of McCall's Division of Pennsylvania Reserves, 9,500 strong, which served with the Fifth Corps during the Peninsular campaign, but left it upon the return to Washington, the Reserves rejoining McDowell's Corps, from which they had been detached. The battle of Gaines' Mill
0 Princeton, W. Va.             May 17, 1862.             37th Ohio Cox's ---------- 13 45 -- 58 Searcy Landing, Ark.             May 19, 1862.             17th Missouri ------------ ---------- 15 26 -- 41 Port Royal, Va.             May 23, 1862.             1st Maryland Williams's ---------- 14 43 535 592 Winchester, Va.             May 25, 1862.             2d Massachusetts Williams's ---------- 13 47 80 140 Hanover Court House, Va.             May 27, 1862.             25th New York Morell's Fifth 28 79 51 158 44th New York Morell's Fifth 27 59 -- 86 Fair Oaks, Va.             May 31--June 1, 1862.             61st Pennsylvania Couch's Fourth 68 152 43 263 5th New Hampshire Richardson's Second 26 147 7 180 64th New York Richardson's Second 30 143 -- 173 67th New York Couch's Fourth 27 135 8 170 3d Michigan Kearny's Third 30 124 15 169 105th Pennsy
Winchester, where he found Lieut. Taylor, of company B, who had been on detached service, and was to join his company the next morning. He assisted Quartermaster Lyeth in getting the horses from Winchester. Our little band of patriots only numbered a little over seven hundred, while the rebels had near eight thousand. Your obedient servant, George W. Thompson, Second Lieutenant Co. D, First Md. Regt. A rebel account. in camp, Jackson's division, valley of the Shenandoah, May 27, 1862. We got to Front Royal, where we met the First Maryland regiment, and after a fight and a charge we captured every man of them save fifteen. Our cavalry then dashed ahead and took two hundred more prisoners, at a little town between Front Royal and Strasburgh, on the railroad. In all we took nine hundred prisoners at Front Royal, including one colonel, one lieut.-colonel, one major, two pieces of cannon; horses, arms, etc., in abundance, and $300,000 worth of quartermaster and commis
all through this country, and the danger of capture was imminent, and it was only by shrewd dodging from point to point that the Lieutenant consummated his errand successfully. The distance was some fifteen miles, but the party were obliged to make some twenty-five miles before reaching their destination. The feat was accomplished with so much success that General McClellan returned his thanks in a letter to the Lieutenant and his command. It runs thus: headquarters army of Potomac, May 27, 1862. Lieut. Davis, Third Pennsylvania Cavalry: Sir: I am instructed by the Major-General Commanding, to express to you his thanks for the very discreet, prompt and satisfactory manner in which you and the small party under your command performed the important duty assigned to you by Colonel Averell, of communicating with the commander of the gunboats on the James River. (Signed) R. B. Marcy, Chief of Staff. Lieutenant Davis and Sergeant Vandergrift, with the command of ten picked m
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