Browsing named entities in Judith White McGuire, Diary of a southern refugee during the war, by a lady of Virginia. You can also browse the collection for September 14th, 1862 AD or search for September 14th, 1862 AD in all documents.

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was nothing to remind us of war; all was peaceful loveliness; we talked of days long passed, and almost forgot that our land was the scene of bitter strife. Sometimes I almost fancy that we are taking one of our usual summer trips, with power to return when it terminates; and then I am aroused, as from a sweet dream, to find myself a homeless wanderer, surrounded by horrors of which my wildest fancy had never conceived a possibility, in this Christian land and enlightened day. Sunday, September 14, 1862. Just returned from church. Mr. K. gave us a delightful sermon on our dependence on God as a people. When Moses held up his hand, then Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, then Amalek-prevailed. Oh, that our hands may always be held up for our cause and armies! Next Thursday (18th) is the day appointed by our President as a day of thanksgiving for our successes. His proclamation is so beautiful that I will copy it: To the People of the Confederate States: O