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ed remains! The gentlemen report many wounded on the train, but not very severely. I fear it has been another bloody Sabbath. The host of wounded will pass tomor-row; we must be up early to prepare to administer to their comfort. The sound of cannon this evening was much more distant, and not constant enough for a regular fight. We are victorious again! Will they now go from our shores forever? We dread to hear of the casualties. Who may not be among the wounded to-morrow? December 15th, 1862. An exciting day. Trains have been constantly passing with the wounded for the Richmond hospitals. Every lady, every child, every servant in the village, has been engaged preparing and carrying food to the wounded as the cars stopped at the depot-coffee, tea, soup, milk, and every thing we could obtain. With eager eyes and beating hearts we watched for those most dear to us. Sometimes they were so slightly injured as to sit at the windows and answer our questions, which they were
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 35: visit to Tennessee.—Battle of Murfreesboro. (search)
Chapter 35: visit to Tennessee.—Battle of Murfreesboro. The President became anxious about affairs in the West, and was importuned to make a tour of observation there. As soon as he could leave the seat of government he went, accompanied by one of his aids, and subsequently wrote to me the following letter: From President to Mrs. Davis. Chattanooga, Tenn., December 15, 1862. We had a pleasant trip, and without an incident to relate, reached this place on the I ith, went to Murfreesboro on the 12th, and leave to-day for Mississippi. The troops at Murfreesboro were in fine spirits and well supplied. The enemy keep close in lines about Nashville, which place is too strongly fortified and garrisoned for attack by troops unprepared for regular approaches on fortifications. Much confidence was expressed in our ability to beat them if they advance. Last night, on my arrival here, a telegram announced the attack made at Fredericksburg. You can imagine my anxiety. No answ
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 10: the woman order, Mumford's execution, etc. (search)
y have the same or increased necessities for relief as then, and their calls must be heard; and it is both fit and proper that the parties responsible for the present state of affairs should have the burden of their support. Therefore, the parties named in Schedules A and B, of General Order No. 55, as hereunto annexed, are assessed in like sums, and for the same purpose, and will make payment to D. C. G. Field, financial clerk, at his office, at these headquarters, on or before Monday, December 15, 1862. I was relieved by General Banks six days after. As the time this assessment was to be paid was at the expiration of seven days, and I was relieved before that time, of course nobody paid the assessment according to the order. Within thirty days General Banks found himself under the necessity of renewing the order and did so. But nobody paid the slightest attention to it and nobody paid anything afterwards on that order, and it stands to-day unrepealed, uncancelled, and unexe
f the Army of the Gulf under my command. In none were we unsuccessful, in none did we lose any considerable number of men. We lost fewer men by disease than any other army in any field, although we were in the hotbed of poisonous malaria and death. In every exigency of the government of the people we met with no disaster; and the whole that was done, I cannot better sum up than I did in my farewell address to my comrades in arms:-- headquarters Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, Dec. 15, 1862. General Order No. 106. Soldiers of the Army of the Gulf:-- Relieved from further duties in this department by direction of the President, under the date of Nov. 9, 1862, I take leave of you by this final order, it being impossible to visit your scattered outposts, covering hundreds of miles of the frontier of a larger territory than some kingdoms of Europe. I greet you, my brave comrades, and say farewell! This word, endeared as you are by a community of privations, hardshi
s,3 Enlisted men,42 wounded. Commissioned officers,5 Enlisted men,140 Missing,8   Total aggregate,198 I remain your obedient servant, D. Kent, Major Commanding Nineteenth Regiment. To Col. Wm. W. Orme, Com'g Second Brigade Third Division Army of Frontier. General Herron's letter. The following letter from General Herron to a gentleman in Dubuque, Iowa, gives a detailed account of the battle: headquarters Third division army of the frontier, camp Prairie Grove, December 15, 1862. You have undoubtedly received ere this pretty full particulars of the fight at this place on Sunday last. I left Wilson's Creek to help Blunt as the rebels were pressing him hard, and had marched one hundred and ten miles in three days, with the entire baggage and commissary-train. This you will see at a glance was a tremendous matter; but I told the boys there was a fight on hand, and that we must get there, or break a wheel. On Sunday morning at three o'clock we reached Fayett
ore the supporting column arrived, and that after expending all their ammunition, they retired in good order. Major T. A. Smyth in command, is represented as having displayed much coolness and ability. The list of casualties will be reported by Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall, now in command. Very respectfully, your ob't servant, John W. Andrews, Colonel Commanding Third Brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel Birney's report. Post of Thirty-Eighth N. Y. Volunteers, on the battle-field, December 15, 1862. To Captain John. L Cooney, Assistant Adjutant-General: sir: I respectfully submit the following report of the part taken by the Thirty-eighth New-York volunteers in the action of the thirteenth instant: After crossing the Rappahannock in the forenoon with the brigade, I was ordered to support the batteries of the division, and was so employed until between two and three o'clock in the afternoon, when the Thirty-eighth and Fortieth New-York volunteers were ordered to advance in l
Doc. 74.-Gen. Butler's farewell address to the army of the Gulf. headquarters Department of the Gulf, New-Orleans, December 15, 1862. General orders, No. 103. soldiers of the army of the Gulf: Relieved from further duties in this department by direction of the President, under date of November ninth, 1862, I take leave of you by this final order, it being impossible to visit your scattered outposts covering hundreds of miles of the frontier of a larger territory than some of the kingdoms of Europe. I greet you my brave comrades, and say farewell! This word — endeared as you are by a community of privations, hardships, dangers, victories, successes, military and civil — is the only sorrowful thought I have. You have deserved well of your country. Without a murmur you sustained an encampment on a sand-bar so desolate that banishment to it with every care and comfort possible has been the most dreaded punishment inflicted upon your bitterest and most insulting ene
He was an unresisting and noncombatant captive, and there was no offense ever alleged to have been committed by him subsequent to the date of the capture of the city. He was charged with aiding and abetting certain persons in hauling down a United States flag hoisted on the mint, which was left there by a boat's crew on the morning of April 26th, and five days before the military occupation of the city. He was tried before a military commission, sentenced, and afterward hanged. On December 15, 1862, Major General N. P. Banks took command of the military forces, and Major General Butler retired. The military governor, early in August, had attempted to set on foot a judicial system for the city and state. For this purpose he appointed judges to two of the district courts, of which the judges were absent, and authorized a third, who held a commission dated anterior to 1861, to resume the sessions. This was an establishment of three new courts, with the jurisdiction and powers pe
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 4 (search)
orrow morning. Keep up your spirits, and don't believe any news but what comes in a reliable shape. Of course no man can go into action without running risks, but our heavenly Father has shown us so much mercy and loving kindness hitherto, that we may pray for its continuance and hope for the best. camp opposite Fredericksburg, Va., December 16, 1862. I hope you received my telegram sent on the evening of the 13th inst., announcing my safety. Battle of Fredericksburg, December 11-15, 1862. Federal loss, killed, wounded, and missing, 12,653 (O. R.). It was out of my power to write, and no mails were permitted to leave the camps, and the telegram I only smuggled through the kindness of Seth Williams. I almost forget when I wrote you last, but I think it was on the 10th inst. The next day we moved down to the river bank and commenced throwing over bridges at two points, one opposite the town, the other about two miles lower down. Franklin's grand division was assigned to the
rde, Major-Gen., I, 365. Foote, A. H., I, 245, 246. Forney, I, 374; II, 145, 161, 248. Fort Donelson, capture of, Feb. 16, 1862, I, 246. Fort Henry, surrender of, Feb. 6, 1862, I, 245. Foster, Senator, II, 264. Frailey, I, 354. Frailey, Capt., II, 234. Franklin, Wm. B., I, 253, 256, 258-260, 275, 277, 281, 282, 284, 285, 293, 297, 328, 329, 334-337, 340, 341, 344-346, 350, 353, 358-362, 364, 365, 367, 382; II, 144, 213, 214, 216. Fredericksburg, battle of, Dec. 11-15, 1862, I, 337, 340, 359-362, 365, 367; II, 314. Fremont, John Charles, I, 231, 246, 258, 262, 352. French, Wm. H., I, 196, 288; II, 9, 13, 34, 103, 105, 113, 114, 119, 123, 147, 182, 185, 320, 362, 363, 365, 366, 373, 375. 387. Fresnel, I, 203. Furness, Frank, I, 376. G Gaines, Gen., I, 115. Gaines's Mill, battle of, June 27, 1862, I, 281. Gamble, Wm., II, 32, 47, 49, 52, 53. Ganard, Col., II, 143. Garcia, Gen., I, 97. Garland, Col., I, 134. Garnett, Mrs. Dr.,
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