5, $2,265,407.
The selectmen in 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1865, were Charles C. Bearse, Ebenezollows: In 1861, $93.60; in 1862, $2,525.57; in 1863, $6,182.23; in 1864, $6,851.53; in 1865, 4,100s as follows: In 1861, 00; in 1862, $291.96; in 1863, $1,024.00; in 1864, $1,819.20; in 1865, $1,221d to the families of three-years volunteers.
1863. On the 3d of February a town-meeting was held,.
The selectmen during the years 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1865, were Zara Higgins, Prince S. H$1,375,661.
The selectmen in 1861, 1862, and 1863, were Thomas Lewis, Jr., Prince G. Moore, Silas$1,576,145.
The selectmen in 1861, 1862, and 1863, were Robert Soper, Abraham Chapman, Simeon S. row six thousand dollars for these purposes.
1863. At a legal town-meeting held on the 20th of Juows: In 1861, $1,852.71; in 1862, $5,018.31; in 1863, $5,742.63; in 1864, $4,874.91; in 1865, $2,450r, Thatcher Taylor, Zadock Crowell; in 1862 and 1863, the same; in 1864, Zadock Crowell, Elisha Tayl[31 more...]
reasurer in 1861 and 1862 was W. W. Freeman; in 1863, George A. Lapham; in 1864, C. H. Ingalls; in 1 S. Halett.
The town-treasurer in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864, was Ezra C. Ticknor; in 1865, James lls A. Laflin.
The town-clerk in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864, was Henry Ferre; in 1865, H. M. Park as follows: In 1861, $40; in 1862, $402.60; in 1863, $975; in 1864, $600.27; in 1865, $300.51. Totaliam H. Carson, Clark Prince, Ezra B. Tracy; in 1863, 1864, and 1865, William H. Carson, Lysander M.ows: In 1861, $1,367.71; in 1862, $4,905.59; in 1863, $6,253.61; in 1864, $5,149.55; in 1865, $3,100lerk in 1861 and 1862 was William S. Tucker; in 1863, Willis C. Cook; in 1864 and 1865, David E. BanThe town-clerk during the years 1861, 1862, and 1863, was S. B. Fench; in 1864 and 1865, S. S. Bowenained in section 9, chapter 218, of the Acts of 1863, and raise money as there provided.
1864. Maairchild, William Darbe, Reuben Lynch; in 1862, 1863, and 1864, Henry M. Burrell, William Darbe, Hen[119 more...]
, $656,500.
The selectmen in 1861, 1862, and 1863, were Cyrus E. Clark, Benjamin Wilson, BenjaminP. Simmons, George F. Garitt, Nathan Walker; in 1863, George E. Gooding, Weston Earle, Charles H. Golliam Wood.
The town-treasurer in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864, was Noah Chace: in 1865, Oliver P. SJohn Mason, Jr., James Ford, Job B. Ashbury; in 1863, Samuel Hathaway, Joseph Borden, Nathaniel B. Bws: In 1861, $7,262.25: in 1862, $29,771.67; in 1863, $36,476.10; in 1864, $34,000.00; in 1865, $20thew Howland, William H. Reymond, aldermen.
In 1863, George Howland, Jr., mayor; Warren Ladd, Georgs Lane, William D. Wetherill, Horatio Bates; in 1863, William D. Wetherill, Horatio Bates, Benjamin s to recruits to fill the quota of the town.
1863. A special meeting was held on the 1st of Augusllows: In 1861, $213.00; in 1862, $1,301.60; in 1863, $2,264.04; in 1864, $2,093.75; in 1865, $1,900well as by energetic and legitimate action.
1863. Nothing of special interest appears to have be[66 more...]
istram Mayhew, John W. Mayhew, Smith Mayhew; in 1863, Tristram Mayhew, Samuel T. Hancock, John Hammeclerk in 1861 and 1862 was Josiah W. Tilton; in 1863, 1864, and 1865, James N. Tilton.
The town-tre follows: In 1861, $25.71; in 1862, $132.00; in 1863, $104.00; in 1864, $232.72; in 1865, $90.44. ToDavis, John H. Pease, Cornelius B. Marchant; in 1863, William Bradley, Cornelius B. Marchant, Tristrn-treasurer in 1861 was Daniel Fisher; in 1862, 1863, and 1864, John A. Baylies; in 1865, Isaiah D. s as follows: In 1861, 00; in 1862, $390.10; in 1863, $944.06; in 1864, $1,088.82; in 1865, $700.00.amuel E. Skiff.
During the years 1861, 1862, 1863, and until the 17th of March, 1864, Gosnold was, David Smith, Bartlett Mayhew, 2d; in 1862 and 1863, Matthew P. Butler, Joseph S. Adams, Bartlett Mcer, his expenses shall be paid by the town.
1863. A special town-meeting was held on the 22d of follows: In 1861, $54.12; in 1862, $509.20; in 1863, $1,312.78; in 1864, $1,170.88; in 1865, $650.0[2 more...]
ows: In 1861, $1,151.20; in 1862, $4,822.96; in 1863, $8,518.57; in 1864, $7,827.07; in 1865, $4,500aid a bounty of one hundred and ten dollars.
1863. March 2d, Voted, that State aid be paid to solows: In 1861, $2,989.86; in 1862, $9,402.26; in 1863, $11,133.59; in 1864, $12,200.00; in 1865, $7,0nes, Edward Howe.
The town-clerk in 1861 and 1863 was William H. Wood; in 1862 and 1864, William ty-five) were enlisted in a very short time.
1863. January 12th, The selectmen were directed to pows: In 1861, $1,625.42; in 1862, $5,494.79; in 1863, $7,044.26; in 1864, $6,392.38; in 1865, $2,900N. Dodge, Moses P. Payson, Edward H. Potter; in 1863, Edward H. Potter, Joseph Hale, Luther Moody; iot, then by enlisting men from other places.
1863. No action appears to have been necessary by th, Dana Z. Smith, Daniel Stoddard, aldermen.
In 1863, Stephen G. Wheatland, mayor; George R. Chapmanvice of the country for nine months service.
1863. No action by the town, in its corporate capaci[110 more...]
llows: In 1861, $629.90; in 1862, $1,581.31; in 1863, $2,411.06; in 1864, $2,782.43; in 1865, $2,400R. Field, Hervey C. Newton, Aaron K. Warner; in 1863, Humphrey Stevens, Hervey C. Newton, Aaron K. W of State aid to the families of volunteers.
1863. January 20th, Voted, to raise two hundred doll, Silas Ball, Elihu Hemenway, Luther Dudley; in 1863, Timothy B. Pierce, Alden C. Field, William H. if two men are drafted to pay them the same.
1863. September 28th, Voted, to raise thirteen hundrrow the money upon the issue of town script.
1863. March 2d, Voted, to pay Miranda Hines one thou, $606,737.
The selectmen in 1861, 1862, and 1863, were R. M. Oakman, Richard Clapp, E. F. Gunn; easurer in 1861 and 1862 was Humphrey Gould; in 1863, 1864, and 1865, James M. Ford.
1861. No legitney, Pliny Fisk, Ira W. Barnard; in 1862 and 1863, Pliny Fisk, R. B. Bardwell, Ira W. Barnard; inty, in relation to the war during this year.
1863. November 3d, Voted, that a committee of twelve[84 more...]
Ingram, Eleazor Kellogg, H. Pomroy; in 1862 and 1863, Ezra Ingram, Eleazor Kellogg, Daniel Converse;ongley, Martin Sedgewick, Henry J. Chandler; in 1863, Leonard Barrett, Wright Barrett, Joshua G. Lon follows: In 1861, $36.30; in 1862, $644.30; in 1863, $1,689.21; in 1864, $1,477.70; in 1865, $1,165Nathan Orcutt, John C. Reed, Charles Harlow; in 1863 and 1864, N. F. Orcutt, Charles Harlow, John C.he sick and wounded in St. Louis, Missouri.
In 1863 contributions were taken up in the churches, anllows: In 1861, $188.45; in 1862, $1,012.13; in 1863, $1,466.80; in 1864, $1,335.83; in 1865, $561.White, William W. Ferry, Simeon C. Stebbins; in 1863, Simeon C. Stebbins, Francis E. Taylor, James M follows: In 1861, $49.32; in 1862, $901.82; in 1863, $868.60; in 1864, $973.96; in 1865, $512.64. Tn additional sum of fifteen hundred dollars.
1863. A town-meeting was held on the 16th of March, llows: In 1861, $364.74; in 1862, $1,737.13; in 1863, $2,861.26; in 1864, $3,333.00; in 1865, $2,000[65 more...]
e, and be credited to the quota of the town.
1863. No action appears to have been necessary by thfollows: In 1861, $157.46; in 1862, $300.00; in 1863, $255.85; in 1864, $637.00; in 1865, $450.00. T-treasurer in 1861 was George N. Pond; in 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1865, George B. Fiske.
1861. The d to the families of three-years volunteers.
1863. July 22d, Voted, unanimously, that the familiedollars bounty allowed by the United States.
1863. August 26th, The bounty was raised to one hundbert Wheeler, Jonathan P. Folsom, aldermen.
In 1863, Hocum Hosford, mayor; James B. Francis, Edwin ows: In 1861, $1,076.46; in 1862, $7,655.17; in 1863, $12,412.37; in 1864, $10,000.00; in 1865, $6,4ows: In 1861, $1,490.23; in 1862, $7,479.09; in 1863, $10,637.38; in 1864, $10,000.00; in 1865, $8,0llows: In 1861, $118.34; in 1862, $1,021.24; in 1863, $1,515.70; in 1864, $1,336.94; in 1865, $800.0nneson, Charles H. Guild, Thomas Cunningham; in 1863, Henry A. Snow, Thomas Cunningham, Levi Timson,[184 more...]