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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Appendix B: the First black soldiers. (search)
rst officer detailed to recruit it. To sum up the above facts: my late regiment had unquestioned priority in muster over all but the Louisiana regiments. It had priority over those in the actual organization and term of service of one company. On the other hand, the Kansas regiment had the priority in average date of enlistment, according to the muster-rolls. The first detachment of the Second South Carolina Volunteers (Colonel Montgomery) went into camp at Port Royal Island, February 23, 1863, numbering one hundred and twenty men. I do not know the date of his muster; it was somewhat delayed, but was probably dated back to about that time. Recruiting for the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts (colored) began on February 9, 1863, and the first squad went into camp at Readville, Massachusetts, on February 21, 1863, numbering twenty-five men. Colonel Shaw's commission (and probably his muster) was dated April 17, 1863. (Roport of Adjutant-General of Massachusetts for 1863, pp. 89
y packed for a move forward or backward, as the results of the day may require, and the trains should be in position out of danger, teamsters all present, and quarter masters in charge. 11. Should we be compelled to retire, Polk's corps will move on Shelbyville, and Hardee's on the Manchester pike — trains in front, cavalry in rear. Braxton Bragg, General Commanding. George G. Garner. A. A. General. General Bragg's official report. headquarters army of Tennessee, Tullahoma, 23d Feb. 1863. sir: On the twenty-sixth of December last, the enemy advanced in force from Nashville to attack us at Murfreesboro. It had been well ascertained that his strength was over sixty thousand effective men. Before night on that day the object of the movement was developed by our dispositions in front, and orders were given for the necessary concentration of our forces there distributed as follows: Polk's corps and three brigades of Breckinridge's division, Hardee's corps at Murfreesbo
rning when the gunboats appeared. The letter then gives a dreadful account of outrages committed upon fences, shrubbery, etc., and says: You have had Mitchel and Turchin with you; compared to Cornyn (Colonel F. M. Cornyn, Tenth Missouri cavalry) and his set, they were angels. The letter proceeds: Here is a fac-simile of several writs that were served upon citizens of the town and neighborhood: headquarters First brigade, Major F. P. Blair's division, Tuscumbia, Ala., February 23, 1863. edict First.--The United States Government, having ordered assessments to be made upon the wealthy citizens of the States now in rebellion against said Government, I have ordered an assessment upon your property to the amount of — dollars, payable immediately. You are therefore commanded to pay over to Major W. H. Lusk, Paymaster of this brigade, the above sum, or the same will be collected from you at the sacrifice of your property. Florence M. Cornyn, Colonel Tenth Missouri C
ing the conclusions arrived at by the commanding General, on Clark's Mountain. Accompanying this report will also be found a map of the country traversed in the operations described, drawn by Captain Blackford, my topographical engineer. Most respectfully, your obedient servant, J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General, commanding Cavalry. Report of Major-General Stuart of operations from August 21, 1862, to expedition to Catlett's Station. headquarters cavalry division, A. N. V., February 23, 1863. Brigadier-General R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant and Inspector-General A. N. V.: General : I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command with the Army of Northern Virginia, continuing the series from the morning of the twenty-first August, when the army was near Brandy Station, with my command in front along the Rappahannock, until its return to the south side of that river from a successful expedition to the enemy's rear at Catlett's Station:
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Kentucky, 1863 (search)
1863 Jan. 26: Action, Powell CountyKENTUCKY--14th Cavalry (Detachment), capture of Guerilla Camp. Feb. 18-March 5: Operations in Central Kentucky against Cluke's ForcesKENTUCKY--5th and 10th Cavalry. OHIO--7th Cavalry (Battalion); 44th and 45th Mounted Infantry. Marsh's Improvised Howitzer Battery. Feb. 22: Skirmish, Coomb's FerryKENTUCKY--10th Cavalry. Feb. 23: Skirmish, Athens(No Reports.) Feb. 24: Skirmish, Stoner's BridgeKENTUCKY--10th Cavalry. OHIO--44th Mounted Infantry. March 2: Skirmish, Slate Creek near Mount SterlingKENTUCKY--10th Cavalry. OHIO--7th Cavalry. March 9: Skirmish, Hazel GreenOHIO--44th Mounted Infantry (Detachment). March 11: Affair, ParisWagon Guard. March 12: Skirmish, LouisaKENTUCKY--14th Infantry. March 19: Skirmish, Mount SterlingOHIO--2d Cavalry. March 19: Skirmish, Hazel GreenOHIO--44th Mounted Infantry. March 22: Action, Mount SterlingKENTUCKY--10th and 14th Cavalry (Detachments). Union loss, 4 killed, 10 wounded. Total, 14. March 22-April 1
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Mississippi, 1863 (search)
A--34th Infantry. IOWA--33d Infantry. Feb. 19: Skirmish, BurnsvilleILLINOIS--15th Cavalry. Feb. 19: Skirmish near Coldwater RiverINDIANA--1st Cavalry. Feb. 19: Skirmish near Yazoo PassINDIANA--1st Cavalry (Detachment). Union loss, 5 wounded. Feb. 23: Skirmish, Deer Creek, near GreenvilleMISSOURI--6th Cavalry (Detachment). OHIO--83d Infantry. Feb. 23: Action, Fish Lake Bridge near GreenvilleILLINOIS--2d Cavalry (Detachment). INDIANA--16th Infantry (Detachment). MISSOURI--6th Cavalry (DetachFeb. 23: Action, Fish Lake Bridge near GreenvilleILLINOIS--2d Cavalry (Detachment). INDIANA--16th Infantry (Detachment). MISSOURI--6th Cavalry (Detachment). Union loss, 1 killed, 2 missing. Total, 3. March 11: Engagement, Fort PembertonINDIANA--46th and 47th Infantry; U. S. Gunboats "Chillicothe" and "DeKalb." March 13-April 5: Operations against Fort Pemberton and GreenwoodILLINOIS--2d Cavalry (Co. "E"), 48th, 56th, 72d and 93d Infantry. INDIANA--43d, 46th and 47th and 59th Infantry. IOWA--3d Battery Light Arty.; 5th, 10th, 17th, 24th, 29th, 33d and 36th Infantry. MINNESOTA--4th Infantry. MISSOURI--5th Cavalry (Co. "C"); Batteries "A" and
A. A. Humphreys Brigadier GeneralFeb. 12, 1863, to May 25, 1863. 3d Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralSept. 12, 1862, to Jan. 27, 1863. 3d Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralFeb. 23, 1863, to Feb. 28, 1863. Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralFeb. 25, 1865, to Apr. 22, 1865. Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralJune 20, 1865, to June 28, 1865. Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralMay 23, 1863, to July 9, 1863. 2d Division, Third Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralMay 5, 1865, to June 9, 1865. Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralNov. 26, 1864, to Feb. 15, 1865. Second Army Corps, Army of the P
D. A. Russell Brigadier GeneralApr. 5, 1864, to May 9, 1864. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralAug. 6, 1864, to Sept. 19, 1864.Killed.1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, Department of the Shenandoah Brigadier GeneralDec. 10, 1862, to Feb. 23, 1863. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralDec. 16, 1863, to March 25, 1864. 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralDec. 5, 1863, to Dec. 16, 1863. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMarch 15, 1863, to Nov. 20, 1863. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMarch 25, 1864, to Apr. 7, 1864. 2d Brigade, 3d Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMay 9, 1864, to July 8, 1864. 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Po
George Sykes Brigadier General  Infantry Reserve, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralJan., 1863, to June 28, 1863. 2d Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMay 18, 1862, to Dec., 1862. 2d Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralFeb. 1, 1863, to Feb. 5, 1863. Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralFeb. 16, 1863, to Feb. 23, 1863. Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralJune 28, 1863, to Oct. 7, 1863. Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Major GeneralOct. 15, 1863, to March 23, 1864. Fifth Army Corps, Army of the
G. W. Town Col. 95th Penn. InfantryFeb. 23, 1863, to March 15, 1863. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 95th Penn. InfantryNov., 1862, to Dec. 10, 1862. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
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