Browsing named entities in John James Geer, Beyond the lines: A Yankee prisoner loose in Dixie. You can also browse the collection for May 11th, 1863 AD or search for May 11th, 1863 AD in all documents.

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at he is a man of moral probity and Christian character. Some of us have known him for many years as a reputable, useful, pious man. We are all personally acquainted with him, and we have no hesitancy in recommending him to personal and public confidence. Rev. George Brown, D. D. Rev. A. H. Bassett, Agt. M. P. Book Concern. Rev. A. H. Trumbo, Assistant Ag't M. P. Book Concern. Rev. D. B. Dorsey, M. D. Editor Western Methodist Protestant. office of military commission, Memphis, Tenn, May 11, 1863. The large number of men he recruited for my regiment, and the hardships which he endured, to uphold the Flag of the Free, point out Captain Geer to the historian as a brave and true man. But two days before the memorable battle of Shiloh, he was captured while making a bold and vigorous dash at the enemy, within two miles of our encampment. The tears are now filling my eyes as I look back upon that bloody battle-field, and remember the havoc and slaughter of my heroic boys of the F