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or any point on the river. The First New-York cavalry, a fine organization, charged upon the guns. Finally the infantry and cavalry succeeded in capturing two guns, which were turned upon the others and drove them back. As they could not be carried off, they were disabled. Our men rode up behind the cavalry through the open field, under the fire of the artillery, and then broke from the cover of the woods. We all thus became separated. Another account. bloody Run, Pa., June 22, 1863. Permit me, sir, if you please, to lay before your readers a true account of the recent battles around Winchester, Va. I have carefully watched the accounts written by different correspondents thus far, and am utterly surprised at the vagueness of some, the falsity of others, and the imperfection of all. The battles of Winchester were of no small moment, deciding as they did the fate of the Great Valley, as well as the fate of Western Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. Could Winch
Doc. 19.-capture of Brashear City. Private letters from a member of the one hundred and Seventy-Sixth New-York volunteers, (Ironsides.) Brashear, June 22, 1863. dear----: I write, as the Irishman would say, to tell you that you need not be surprised if you do not get this letter, as all communication is cut off. We, that is, the remnant still left of the once gallant One Hundred and Seventy-sixth, are in hourly expectation of being taken prisoners, yet strange to say the general tendency is to laugh and joke over our interesting situation, and to regard rather the comical than the lugubrious side of the question. I will, however, commence the history from the beginning, and proceed as far as the progress of events will allow me, leaving the still dubious conclusion for another edition. Yesterday morning at three o'clock, our men were waked up for an expedition; as I have already written to you, we have had an enormous number of false alarms and bogus expeditions of l
ven men. My colors did not fall into the hands of the enemy, but were destroyed when they could not be saved, the color-bearer being captured. I can praise no one more than another, but I desire to call. your attention to the gallant conduct of all the officers and men of the First Rhode Island cavalry. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. N. Duffie, Colonel Cavalry Regiment. Captain Allen's report. camp First Rhode Island cavalry, Alexandria, Va., June 22, 1863. Colonel A. N. Duffie: sir: I have the honor to report that about five o'clock P. M., on the evening of the seventeenth instant, I was sent from Middleburgh, where the regiment was then engaged with the enemy, to carry a despatch to General Kilpatrick at Aldie, accompanied by two men. I first attempted to proceed by the main road, but was halted and fired upon by a body of the enemy, who said they were the Fourth Virginia cavalry. I then returned toward Middleburgh, and leaving the r