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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Maryland troops in the Confederate service. (search)
rigadier-General. Second infantry--Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph R. Herbert. First cavalry--Lieutenant-Colonel Ridgeley Brown, killed; Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Dorsey. Second cavalry--Major Harry Gilmore. First battery--Captain R. Snowden Andrews, promoted Lieutenant-Colonel; Captain W. F. Dernent. Second battery--Captain J. B. Brockenborough, promoted Major; Captain W. H. Griffin. Third battery--Captain H. B. Latrobe, promoted March 1st, 1863; killed at Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 22d, 1863; Captain John B. Rowan, promoted June 30th, 1863; killed before Nashville, Tennessee, December 16th, 1864; Captain William L. Ritter, promoted December 16th, 1864, on the battle-field before Nashville, Tennessee. Fourth battery--Captain William Brown, killed; Captain W. S. Chew. First Maryland infantry--The First Maryland infantry was organized in June, 1861, and shortly after their organization were complimented by General J. E. Johnston, in the following special order: head
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
Maryland troops in the Confederate service, published in the March number of the Southern Historical Society Papers, states that Captain Latrobe, of the Third battery of Maryland artillery, was killed at Vicksburg, Mississippi. That is a mistake. His report of the Third Maryland artillery should read thus: Captain Henry B. Latrobe, commissioned September 9th, 1861; left the service March 1st, 1863. Captain Ferd. O. Claiborne, promoted March 1st, 1863; killed at Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 22d, 1863. Please make the above correction, and much oblige, yours truly, William L. Ritter. Baltimore, Maryland, April 5th, 1877. Contributions to our archives are always in order, and the kindness of our friends in this respect is most warmly appreciated. With no means of purchasing books or documents, the free will offerings of those interested in our work are filling our shelves with historic material which money could not buy. Since our last acknowledgement we have received among