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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 14 (search)
, Dec. 16, 1864. J. A. Trowbridge, Promotion, Aug. 11, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 29, 1864. A. W. Jackson, Promotion, Aug. 26, 1863; Captain, April 30, 1864. Chas. E. Parker, Promotion, Aug. 26, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 29, 1864. Chas. W. Hooper, Aug. 26, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 29, 1864. Chas. W. Hooper, Piomotion, Nov. 8, 1863; Captain, Sept., 1865. E. C. Merriam, Promotion, Nov. 19, 1863; Captain, Sept., 1865. Henry A. Beach, Promotion, April 30, 1864; Resigned, Sept. 28, 1864. E. W. Robbins, Promotion, April 30, 1864; Captain, Nov. 1, 18. MiERRlTAM, 8th Me., Nov. 17, 1862; First Lt., Nov. 19, 1863. Chas. E. Parker, 8th Me., Nov. 17, 1862; First Lt., Aug. 26, 1863. C. W. Hooper, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Feb. 17, 1863; First Lt., April 16, 1863. N. G. Parker, 1st Mass. Cavalry, MarTirrell, 1st Mass. Cav., March 6, 1863; Resigned, July 22, 1863. A. W. Jackson, 8th Me., March 6, 1863; First Lt., Aug. 26, 1863. Henry A. Beach, 48th N. Y., April 5, 1863; First Lt., April 30, 1864. E. W. Robbins, 8th Me., April 5, 1863; F
to invite Mr. Lincoln to attend a mass meeting composed of such men, and he simply took occasion to address his opponents through the medium of the letter. Yours truly, James C. Conkling. of Springfield, Ill., in reply to an invitation to attend a mass meeting of Unconditional Union men to be held at his old home, he not only disposed of the advocates of compromise, but he evinced the most admirable skill in dealing with the questions of the day; Executive mansion Washington, August 26, 1863. Hon. James C. Conkling. My Dear Sir: Your letter inviting me to attend a mass meeting of Unconditional Union men, to be held at the Capitol of Illinois, on the 3rd day of September, has been received. It would be very agreeable to me to thus meet my old friends at my own home; but I cannot, just now, be absent from here so long as a visit there would require. The meeting is to be of all those who maintain unconditional devotion to the Union; and I am sure my old politica
impregnable Wednesday, August 12, 1863. We are all pursuing the even tenor of our way, as if there were no war. An order from General Lee is in to-day's paper, exhorting officers and soldiers to a strict observance of fast-day, which is on Friday. In the mean time the enemy is storming Charleston with unprecedented fury. It is an object of peculiar vengeance. Sumter has literally fallen, but it has not yielded; its battered walls bid defiance to the whole power of the North. August 26, 1863. A week ago I was called to Camp Jackson to nurse---- , who has been very sick there. The hospital is very extensive, and in beautiful order. It is under the supervision of Surgeon Hancock, whose whole soul seems engaged in making it an attractive home to the sick and wounded. The beautiful shade-trees and bold spring are delightful to the convalescents during this warm weather. Fast-day was observed there with great solemnity. I heard a Methodist chaplain preach to several hund
Doc. 153.-destruction of the Alexander Cooper. Report of Lieutenant Cushing. United States steamer Shockokon, off Wilmington, N. C., August 26, 1863. sir: I have the honor to report that we have destroyed the blockade-running schooner Alexander Cooper, under the following circumstances: On the twelfth I made a reconnissance with boats in New-Topsail Inlet, and was driven out by four pieces of artillery stationed opposite the mouth, but not before I had discovered a schooner at a wharf some six miles up the sound. This schooner I determined to destroy, and as it was so well guarded, I concluded to use strategy. On the evening of the twenty-second the Shockokon anchored close into the sea-beach, about five miles from the inlet, and I sent ashore two boats' crews, who shouldered the dingui, and carried it across the neck of land that divides the sea from the sound. This was about half a mile in width, and covered with a dense thicket. The crossing placed my men some m
Doc. 156.-battle of Bayou Metea, Ark. Report of Colonel Glover. headquarters Second brigade, cavalry division, Camp near Brownsville, Ark., Aug. 28. Lieutenant: I have the honor to report that on the twenty-sixth August, 1863, two regiments of my brigade, the First Iowa and Third Missouri cavalry volunteers, and one section each of Lovejoy's and Clarkson's batteries, were ordered on a reconnoissance, and to push the enemy as far as possible toward the Bayou Metea without bringing on a general engagement. The First Iowa cavalry being in advance, a heavy line of skirmishers, in command of Captain Jenks, was thrown to the front. Some six miles from Brownsville struck his pickets and drove them about four miles back to their main body; some two miles east of the bayou, killing one rebel captain, (Powell, of Platte City, Mo.,) two privates, and capturing one prisoner. Here the enemy opened artillery upon us, to which ours soon replied. After a considerable artillery duel,
ndoned. Great efforts, up to noon, today, have been made by the combined forces of Imboden and Jackson to prevent our return, but without success. We have brought in over thirty prisoners, including a Major and two or three Lieutenants; also a large number of cattle, horses, etc. Your Aid-de-Camp, Lieutenant J. R. Meigs, who accompanied me, is safe. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Wm. W. Averill, Brigadier-General. Wheeling Intelligencer account. August 26, 1863. Expect to visit the White Sulphur Springs, and camp near Lewisburgh at night. The writer pushed on to the front of the regiment for time to view the celebrated place; but to our great discomfiture, at eleven o'clock A. M., two miles this side of the Springs, on Antee Creek, the enemy opened their artillery upon us, calling us to a sudden halt. Our forces moved up in great haste, and planted their artillery. The fight soon became general and terrific — balls, shells, grape, and sh
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
rd, on its western side, on a reconnoissance toward Brownsville, the capital of Prairie County, then held by Marmaduke. Meanwhile Steele sent his extra supplies, and over a thousand sick men, in boats, to Duvall's Bluff, See page 582, volume II. on the White River, which was considered the most healthful place in all that region. When Davidson, with a strong vanguard of skirmishers, approached Brownsville, driving Confederate skirmishers before him, Marmaduke evacuated the place August 26, 1863. and fell back to a line of intrenchments on the Bayou Metoe, when he was driven across the stream, after some fighting. August 27. He checked pursuit by burning the bridges behind him, and fled toward Little Rock. Four days afterward Steele was joined by True's brigade, sent from Memphis, and then concentrated his whole available force at Brownsville. A reconnoissance by Davidson showed that great difficulties lay in the way of a direct march upon Little Rock, across the Bayou Metoe
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
eth, and steady eye, and well-poised bayonet, they have helped mankind on to this great consummation; while I fear there will be some white men unable to forget. that, with malignant heart and deceitful speech, they have striven to hinder it. Still, let us not be over-sanguine of a speedy final triumph. Let us be quite sober. Let us diligently apply the means, never doubting that a just God, in his own good time, will give us the rightful result. Letter of President Lincoln, dated August 26, 1863, and addressed to James M. Conkling, in answer to an invitation to attend a mass meeting of unconditional Union men, to be held at Springfield, Illinois. Other encouraging signs soon appeared, and gave evidence of a determination of the loyal people to stand by the Government in its struggle with the assassin. That struggle had assumed, to the view of most thinking men, the grander features of a war for free institutions, rather than those of a strife for party supremacy, and thous
York Seymour's Tenth 49 97 29 175 62d Ohio Seymour's Tenth 26 87 38 151 6th Connecticut Seymour's Tenth 15 77 46 138 Wapping Heights, Va.             July 23, 1863.             70th New York Humphreys's Third 11 21 -- 32 Brandy Station, Va.             August 1, 1863.             6th Penn. Cavalry Buford's Cavalry 5 20 4 29 9th New York Cavalry Buford's Cavalry 4 21 4 29 2d U. S. Cavalry Buford's Cavalry 5 18 -- 23 White Sulphur Springs, Va.             August 26-27, 1863.             14th Penn. Cavalry ------------ ---------- 10 42 50 102 3d West Va., M. Inf. ------------ ---------- 5 29 5 39 2d West Va., M. Inf. ------------ ---------- 5 16 8 29 Chickamauga, Ga.             Sept. 19-20, 1863.             22d Michigan Steedman's Granger's 58 261 70 389 9th Ohio Brannan's Fourteenth 48 185 16 249 14th Ohio Brannan's Fourteenth 35 167 43 245 8th Kansas Davis's Twentieth McCook's
ed, or will be more universally mourned. He was, moreover, a young man of fine attainments and bright promise. J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General, commanding. Reply of Major-General Stuart to Major-General Trimble's statement of the capture of Manassas. headquarters cavalry division, A. N. Va., April 25, 1863. General R. H. Chilton, A. A. G.: General: My attention has been recently called to Brigadier-General J. R. Trimble's report of the capture of Manassas on the night of the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh of August, 1863. As affecting my own official report of the matter, it is proper I should state the following as addendum to my report, and request that it be so filed, together with the corroborating statements of Surgeon Eliason, with me at the time, and Colonel Wickham, who show wherein General Trimble is in error in his report. Human memory is frail, I know; and while, in what I have said or may say on this subject, my recollection is as vivid as upon any othe
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