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oss to one million eighty-five thousand eight hundred dollars. The whole number of drafted men, and substitutes for drafted men, who were sent to camp at Long Island, was 3,068. Of these, 2,720 were assigned and sent to regiments in the front, 224 were organized as a provost guard for duty at the camp. Of the whole number, 124 deserted. Of the drafted men or substitutes, 73 were colored, who were sent to the Fifty-fourth Regiment. These were all who were drafted in Massachusetts up to Jan. 1, 1864; and there was in reality no adequate cause why a draft should ever have been made in Massachusetts, because the State had more than filled her quotas upon previous calls by voluntary enlistments, and, as will be seen, filled all subsequent calls without resort to a draft, and came out of the war with a surplus of 13,083 men. The second colored regiment (Fifty-fifth) left the State July 21, embarking at Boston in transports for Morehead City, N. C., where it arrived July 25. On the 29
Chapter 10: The military camps in Massachusetts-number of troops Jan. 1, 1864 where serving letter of Governor to Lewis Hayden from Miss Upham soldier's scrap-book letter to Samuel Hooper sale of Heavy Ordnance the condition of our defences Colonel Ritchie in England meeting of the Legislature organization addresses of Mr. Field andColonel Bullock address of the Governor eloquent extract Abstractof military laws members of Congress letter to John B. Alley Thespringftt his promotion earnest letter to Mr. Sumner Troubles about recruiting complaints made a Convention held Letterof the Adjutant-General the recruiting of New regiments Forwardedto the front the advance of General Grant. On the 1st of January, 1864, there were three camps of rendezvous for enlisted men in the Commonwealth,—one at Long Island, in Boston Harbor, under command of Brigadier-General Devens, to which drafted men were sent; Camp Meigs, at Readville, commanded by Brigadier-G
achusetts Volunteers, as follows:— When I was in Washington a few days since, I obtained the passage of an order, that paymasters should pay the colored troops the full pay of soldiers, secured to them by the recent act of Congress, from Jan. 1, 1864. Thus six months of pay will, under the promised order, be made at one time. The question as to their pay previous to Jan. 1, 1864, is still unsettled; although, from a conversation I had with the Attorney-General, I think we shall have his Jan. 1, 1864, is still unsettled; although, from a conversation I had with the Attorney-General, I think we shall have his opinion before long. I requested him to give an opinion at that time. This he declined to do, on the ground that the request did not come from the President. The President has, however, called for his opinion, which is delayed by the fact that the assistant Attorney-General is sick, and by other pressing employment of the office. But the Attorney-General intimated that his decision in Chaplain Harrison's case, and his opinion given some time ago to the Secretary of the Treasury relating to t