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Browsing named entities in William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for January 1st, 1864 AD or search for January 1st, 1864 AD in all documents.
Your search returned 5 results in 3 document sections:
Chapter 10:
The military camps in Massachusetts-number of troops Jan. 1, 1864
where serving
letter of Governor to Lewis Hayden
from Miss Upham
soldier's scrap-book
letter to Samuel Hooper
sale of Heavy Ordnance
the condition of our defences
Colonel Ritchie in England
meeting of the Legislature
addresses of Mr. Field andColonel Bullock
address of the Governor
eloquent extract
Abstractof military laws
members of Congress
letter to John B. Alley
Thespringf tt
his promotion
earnest letter to Mr. Sumner
Troubles about recruiting
complaints made
a Convention held
Letterof the Adjutant-General
the recruiting of New regiments
Forwardedto the front
the advance of General Grant.
On the 1st of January, 1864, there were three camps of rendezvous for enlisted men in the Commonwealth,—one at Long Island, in Boston Harbor, under command of Brigadier-General Devens, to which drafted men were sent; Camp Meigs, at Readville, commanded by Brigadier-G